opinion | FRANKLY SPEAKING Science complex, please! g Completion of a new science complex at the College relies directly on a state legislative decision to appropriate ap­ proximately 65 percent of total costs. But $ ultimately, completion relies on student voice. The College Board of Education can approach the legislature with the facts regarding the practicality of a science wing. But it lies on the students’ shoulders to promote the incentive for the building’s worthiness. Without the new complex, the College will suffer financially in terms of declining FTE (full time equivalency) and increasing utility and maintenance costs. But the students will suffer more. The extreme is that continual use of the modular buildings, which are already outdated, has already caused apathy towards the science curriculum, resulting g in negative response to the field of scien­ ce. The reality is, without state support, the College can only afford to build half g the needed facility. g $ g g g S g ft*:-x ... by phil fran. Po ni Resize mat “Excuse me. Could you please direct me to Science, room 191? I have'a class scheduled therefor this term. ” g ‘Tm sorry, that portion of the science wing has not been built due to lack of g funding." g ♦ ♦ ♦' * ♦ ♦ ■ ♦ * ♦ ♦ * . ♦ - Seriously, is that the kind of science building you want on your campus? © COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box 4244 Berkeley. CA 94704 guest shot This article was reprinted from the Jan. 18 issue of the Daily Barometer, the student newspaper at Oregon State University. By Bruce Whitefield It was a late and dreary Saturday night. Sick of homework, deserted by my girlfriend, and too young for bars,' I prowled the campus restlessly. Pacing the empty halls of the MU, I wORntrprited by ah’ unusual sight. A doorway ringed by flashing lights and a sign proclaiming: THE university : improved ODDS THROUGH EDUCATION. Curious, I en­ tered. The room was crowded. People jammed around tables, shouting and waving books in the air. I proceeded to the nearest group for a closer look. “Place your books, ladies and gentlemen. Lay down sprint 19600 S. Mollalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Offices: Trailer B; telephone: 656-2631, ext. 309 or 310 editor Cyndi Bacon * news editor Scott Stames arts editor Leanne Lally * sports editor Mark McNeary photo editor Kelly Laughlin ‘staff writers Happie Thacker, Mike Koller, Elena Vancil, Brenda Nolan, Don Ives, Steve McPherson, Tommy Clark, Ramona Isackson, James Rhoades, Brian Rood staff photographersGreg Klenzle, Charlie Wagg, Pat Carlson * cartoonist Mary Cuddy * graphic designer Bev Boston production manager Janet Vockrodt business manager Mark Barnhill * professional adviser Suzie Boss The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association, aims to be fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those the CCC ad- ministration, faculty or the Associated Student Government. Page 2 your tuition,” an official­ looking person was saying. “The spinning ; dice = of the Biochemistry Table are about to roll. Will the young lady at the end care to make the toss?” There was a flurry of last minùfe< bets, then a hushed silence as the white cubes dan­ ced. Jd . “I did it! I did it!” A mousy looking character shouted. “1 graduated! Look everyone, I graduated!” “Very good, miss,” the dealer said »suavely. “Would . you care to try for a higher degree?” At this point my attention was caught by screams from across the room. I watched as two burly men in white jackets dragged a raving guest out. “Poor guy,” said a voice at my elbow, “Dropped out on the math matrix,” I turned to look down at a withered, gray­ haired bld man. “You’re new,” he said. “How can you tell?” “Oh, after ten years as a graduate student here, I can tell,” he said - .“It’s my rright off. I’ll show you around, if you like.” “Gee, thanks. If it doesn’t take too much of your time.” >I “Not at all,” he said, leading me through the crowd. RS0 nice to have someone to talk to. So many people take these games tbo seriously.” “We’ve got everything here,” my guide said as we* wandered around the room. “Games of skill, like Business.”-! I-glanced at what appeared to , me a giant Monopoly^ board. “Or gamestof chance, like Nuclear Physics. Care to try one?”' “Sure,” F said. We winded our way to the bookstore. “These tablés aren’t rigged,” I was informed as the clerk changed my hard-earned cash into textbooks. “But there is a percentage factor. The Bookstore is the only sure wih- ner. ” i hefted, my books and headed towards the nearest tablé. “Not there!” My guide steered me away. “That’s Pre­ Med. All you win there is a chance1'at thé Med School Wheel. Try-Engineering.”^? “Pièce yoür bet's,” thé Engineering dealer said as we stepped up, “What are a few texts’ compared to the chance of a secure future?” I tossed a book out at random. ’ “Sir,” the dealer said ' through his nose, “This table does have a minimum bet ' limit.” “Oh. How much do I need?’ The dealer transferred i wTiol