Jack the knife ‘Oh the shark has pretty teetl By Kelly Laughlin Of The Print Since he was knee high to a pool cue, Jack White has been polishing his skills as a pool shark. White will display his talents through Friday in the Community Center Mall. Photo by Kelly Laughlin After touring more' than 127 countries, playing against presidents, and even sparring with the likes of Muhammed Ali, most pool enthusiasts might be too tired to even pick up a stick. But Jack White is more than an enthusiast. The game of pool, since the ripe age of eight, when he began playing, “Is probably what I’ll be doing when I die,” he said. “It’s a great way to meet people, and a lot of fun.” At nine, White began his pool hustling career, working 4 HUNDREDS OF I THOUSANDS OF WOMEN USE ENCARE OVAL. of cases, however, burning or irritation has been experienced by either or both partners. If this occurs, use should be discontinued. Encare Oval™ was introduced to Ameri­ can doctors in November 1977. Almost immediately, it attracted widespread phy­ sician and patient attention. EASIER TO INSERT THAN A TAMPON. The x’neare Oval™ is smooth and small, so it insY^' quickly and easily—without an applicator. There’s none of the bother of aerosol foams and diaphragms. No device inside you. No pill to remember every day. Simply use as directed when you need protection. Today, Encare Oval is being used by hundreds of thousands of women, and users surveyed report overwhelming sat­ isfaction. Women using Encare Oval say they find it an answer to their problems with the pill, IUD’s, diaphragms, and aero­ sol foams. You can buy Encare Oval whenever you need it...it’s available without a prescrip­ tion. And each Encare Oval is individ­ ually wrapped to fit discreetly into your pocket or purse. EFFECTIVENESS ESTABLISHED IN CLINICAL TESTS. Encare Oval™ was subjected to one of the most rigorous tests ever conducted for a vaginal contraceptive. Results were excellent—showing that Encare Oval provides consistent and extremely high sperm-killing protection. This recent U.S. report supports earlier studies in Euro­ pean laboratories and clinics. BECAUSE ENCARE OVAL IS INSERTED IN ADVANCE, IT WON’T INTERRUPT LOVEMAKING. Since there’s no mess or bother Encare Oval gives you a measure of freedom many contraceptives can’t match. Each Encare Oval insert contains a pre­ cise, premeasured dose of the potent, sperm-killing agent nonoxynol 9. Once properly inserted, Encare Oval melts and gently effervesces, dispersing the sperm­ killing agent within the vagina. If pregnancy poses a special risk for you, your contraceptive method should be se- __ lected after consultation with your doctor. The hormone-free Encare Oval. Safer for your system than the pill or IUD. Neater and simpler than traditional vaginal con­ traceptives. So effective and easy to use that hundreds of thousands have already found it—quite simply—the preferred contraceptive. ©1978 Eaton-Merz Laboratories, Inc. Norwich, New York 13815 JErTMO-airaG* Ova tournament today and! sday, as well as perform] shot exhibition from 10 a] noon in the Community! Mall on Friday. experience. At times be i timidate you. “In a fewil you’ll be seeing ml Howard Cosell and Mil mad Ali on Wide Woa Sports. There, I helped! some trick shots and tin he said. “You have to act like! tieman when you plan White said. “If you’re a guy anywhere you play, be pecked to death, wouldn’t have it any othi I have too much respectf! game to do that.” Just taking a look at la stick will tell you that 1 respects the game. Maj mother-of-pearl inlay ebony wood, with a si Canadian maple, it cost to manufacture. One might think that publicity, talk shows national appearances give White a lofty a toward other people. Co though, “How many have you met a celebrity plastic?” White said. White is genuine. Relax stress A “time to cool out”] offered in a Comm Education course, ” Relaxation Meditation.”] coni Reliable VNO HORMONAL SIDE EFFECTS. Encare Oval™ is free of hormones, so it cannot create hormone-related health problems—like strokes and heart attacks—that have been linked to the pill. And, there is no hormonal disruption of your menstrual cycle. Today, however, WB prompting a pool town! in the Community I game room from 8 a.m| p.m. White will continue If you plan to play 1 this man be prepared! strenuous, though enjo] THE FACTS The success of any contraceptive method depends on consistent and accurate use. Encare Oval™ is so conve­ nient you won’t be tempted to forget it. And so simple to insert, it’s hard to make a mistake. for 15 cents per game, years later he boosted hj nings, gaining $27,0001 tie over 4.5 hours, wJ won thePennsylvania championship. The mod se part of his career was he practiced for three! eight hours a day, seven! week. Vaginal contraceptive for prevention of pregnancy 12 INSERTS Most people find Encare Oval completely satisfac­ tory. In a limited number The most talked about contraceptive since the pill. Taught by Robert the course will meet Sa from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30j McLoughlin Hall, room Cost is $6. The day is designed, participants develop an . standing of how ma may be used as a tool I] with stress. Participants are ad« dress comfortably and a light lunch. Participants may prei| at the Registrar’s Ofc Community Center, ai pre-registration is noW For more informaffl the Community Educai fice, ext. 230. Clackamas Community^ inches D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer