The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 08, 1978, Image 1

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    Game room
potential site
for culture
I Starnes
posed cultural center to
[place of the game
[become a controver­
to both the College
md admit istration. The
[argument seems to be
ability of space.
¡me room which has
rious controversy over
•ality to the College, is
several depart­
ed is not being utilized
stive way. One, such
!e, the Art Advisory
which consists of
people in the College
nity, voiced their
ithe game room
into a
Bursheim. College art
ent chairperson, said
that he would like to transfer
the game room to some other
location than the Community
Center for two reasons. “The
game room is a bad, bad
scene. It is a poor reflection of
the College’s social at­
mosphere,” Bursheim said.
“Secondly, it is nearly im­
possible to arrange for art,
music, literary or lecture
sessions at the College because
of the tight bookings reserved
for various other functions in
the Fireside Lounge.”
Students gather in game room for games of pool and foosball.
“Many major artists are
afraid to exhibit their art works
for safety reasons,” Bursheim
said. “Vandalism has been sur­
prisingly high in the Com­
munity Center building which
tends to stray professional ar-
Photos by Chuck Quimby
tists from showing their work at
the College.”
The situation is a degrading
one to visiting artists and
musicians in the Fireside
Lounge, Bursheim said.
“When, for instance, a
professional pianist comes to
perform at the College he is
received by a mixture of en­
thusiasts as well as apathetics
when performing in the
Fireside Lounge. Much of the
audience feel that their in­
dividual freedom to privacy is
being violated by this performer
and therefore will react by
talking, sleeping shouting or
making it unpleasant for the
relocation of the game room
would be in two of the health
rooms downstairs in Randall
Hall or room 101 on the first
floor. Since one room has been
renovated into a dance room,
the other is required to be used
as a health room. The
possibility of establishing 101 as
the game room would not work
because it is in constant use for
classroom purposes and was
not designed to accomodate
the activity as which occurs in
the game room,” Fisher said.
further,” he said. “The GED
student figures into a substan­
tial part in game room activity.”
Mike McCarty, College ASG
president, said that the game
room would be an ideal
location for a cultural center ■
and he would like to see it in­
stituted but doing so could
possibly cause a decrease in
game room revenues which
finance the ASG fund.
.“Since the game room is a
consistant form of revenue, it
would not be beneficial to
move the game room
elsewhere. I agree that the
game room does not reflect the
College’s image in a positive
way but for monetary and con­
fusion purposes to move it
elsewhere would only com­
plicate matters more,” he said.
Fisher said that a cultural
center has been allocated in the
new proposed structures but is
so far down the line on the
priority list that it will be some
By instituting a cultural cen­ time before a cultural center
ter in place of the game room, couldeven take place.
a performer would be joined by
Dave Simpkins, Chairper­
only the people who wish to sit
in on his performance, the son,
Jim Roberts, director of
' safety factor would increase ABE/GED, said thatl)e “didn’t student activities, said that if
considerably with the limited really care where they the game. room were to be
access to the room and it would positioned the game room. “As relocated it would become “dif­
ultimately become a positive far as I’m concerned, they can ficult to control and manage.
image of the College itself, move the thing right off the
“Each day we have to send
campus. True, the revenues
Bufsheim said.
created by the game room con­ someone from our office to the
To relocate the game room tribute a considerable amount game room four or five times to
to another part of the campus is to the College’s fund, but why pick up the money,” he said.
not completely void of other not allot those monies out of “If the game room were to
problems, Don Fisher, College the budget which would move to Randall Hall it would
facilities development and therefore eliminate many of the cost us more time to run over
planning officer said. The problems associated with the there plus the possibility of a
availability of space to satisfy existence of the game room,” decrease in revenues.
each department’s interests Simpkins said.
When the Community Cen­
seems to be the major problem,
Last year, Simpkins said that ter was designed, the students
he said.
he was encountering problems opted for a game room in that
“Since the beginning of this with his students skipping their building, Fisher said. To tran­
school year, every inch of classes and spending their time sfer the game room to another
available space is being used up in the game room. “Moving the area would require student in­
to this point in time, Fisher game room to Randall would put as well as tedious meetings
promote an increase in GED with the various administrative
“Right now, the only participation which would committees of the College he
possible open space for the complicate the problem even said.
one favorite past time' of
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