opinion FRANKLY SPEAKING Take advantage “Hey, man,4 just got an off-campus part-time job.” “Oh really? What are you doing?” “Answering phones, typing and greeting people. It pays about $3.25 an hour. I really needed some extra cash, so I had to find something.” “I thought you wanted to be a salesperson some day.” “Do you know how hard it is to find a job, let alone in the field you want? It took trie a week to find this one and it’s located about 10 miles from where I live as it is.” “It’s too bad you didn’t know about College Work Study. You might have found a good job'in your field right here on campus.” ’ - “Oh, I have a work study award, but it didn’t pay as much as this job does.” “Beginning Nov. 11 work study minumum wage will go to $3.00 an hour with the possibility of ear­ ning about $300 more than before. Besides, don’t you think you spend that extra amount in transpor­ tation and time? You don’t have to go anywhere else with an on-campus job, you know. Beside’s that, off-campus payroll deductions are outrageous!” “Boy that makes my $3.25 an hour look like what my father made during the depression . Too bad he didn’t qualify for College Work.Study.” ; : ;• :( ; : : : : • • * • zvrornûN feuow âparimeajt /r HA5 ONCE AGAIN CÛWE W ID CUEAN OUT THE REFRIGERATOR. W r 0P6N ItîS POOR, INSIDE PUU-S IT CL05ED' • •: •; 5 • :• Honest Bob vs. Tricky Vic Editor’s Note: This article was printed as an editorial in the Oct. 27 issue of the Vanguard, the bi-weekly student newspaper at Portland State University. Is it 1978 or 1968? Many Oregon citizens, basking in progressive state traditions going back almost 20 years, seem blind to the threat posed by the coming election. What happened at the national level some ten years ago has suddenly hatched in a state famous for its enlightened and humane laws. Then, as now, the hue and cry was reactionary; issues like law and order have been reborn here as measures seeking to cripple land use planning, restore the death penalty, and abolish state funding for abortions. In addition, Measure 6 threatens to wipe out Oregon’s far-sighted homeowner and renter relief program with a near-sighted solution. And as happened a decade earlier, the reactionary movement has spawned a candidate to match its mood. Tricky Dick has been replaced by Tricky Vic. Like the Nixon campaign, Atiyeh’s run is heavily financed by wealthy right-wing business and special­ interest industries (like timber). Atiyeh’s legislative record reveals a man .of vacillating postures and opportune changes of opinion. His campaign, like Nixon’s is all rhetorical fluff and obfuscation. Slogans like “It’s time for Atiyeh” are as vapid as Nixon’s “Four more years.” Straub, on the other hand, is a leader of unquestioned integrity. His support of Oregon’s progressive laws has been consistent and effective. His record as governor is outstanding. Em­ ployment has dropped from 12 to five percent since he took office. With his help, some 54 new in­ dustries have been recruited to the state, and 79 existing industries expanded — all without undue cost to the environment. Straub has helped the elderly, and hired women and minorities in government. He has been stronger in his support for human rights than any previous Oregon governor. Atiyeh’s slogans, his slick style, pale in com­ parison to the concrete achievements of the Straub administration. The choice is clear: honest Bob or tricky Vic. Commentary Favors 11 If Ballot measure 6 passes, it will cut back so sharply on the money available for schools that something will obviously have to give. At Clackamas Community College, the first thing to go will most probably be the new science building. Although the voters agreed last year that the new building should be built, there are strong indications that it will not be funded if Measure 6 passes. If you don’t know why we need this building, a visit to Orchard Center should help you to un- detstand. Another direct effect on students will most likely be -a raise in tuition and/or the establishment of “user” fees# fees for use of labs., fees for breakage, etc. While not large individually, these costs can add up to a noticeable increase in what you pay for your education. Many of you are veterans. Somewhere between 6,000 and 7,000 veterans every month receive loans for homes or farms through the state’s veterans loan program. Oregon’s attorney general has stated that this program would be severely damaged by the passage of Ballot Measure 6. If you rent your home or apartment, Measure 6 will cut your landlord’s property tax bill. But there is absolutely no requirement that your rent be lowered and no refund to.™ for the portion of yourl which helps pay pro] taxes. If you own property ana that you need proper# relief , look into Ballot Mel 11. It will give you more M with much less severe efl on the services, (police! lit and schools) which are ft™ from property taxes. Shirley Cressler Biology and Zoology instructor gprint 19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 11 Offices: Trailer B; telephone: 656-2631, ext. 309or310 II editor Cyndi Bacon ’ news editor Scott Starnes arts editor Leanne Lally ‘ sports editor Mark McNeary I photo editor Kelly Laughlin ‘ staff writers Happie Thacker, ■ Gene Lawson. Mike Koller, Elena Vancil, Brenda Nolan, I re-elect Don Ives, Joy Feigum, Steve McPherson staff photographers John Bosserman, Greg Kienzle, Charlie WaB Chuck Quimby * cartoonist Mary Cuddy’Graphic designer BevBefl copy editor James Rhoades * production manager Janet VockroB professional adviser Suzie Boss * business manager Mark BarnhB COMMISSIONER qualified The Print, a member of the' Oregon Newspaper Publish® Association; aims to be fair and impartial Journalistic me