The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 01, 1978, Image 1

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    ¡venue chief predicts
Some will lose if *6’ wins
elfy Laughlin
property will pay no more than
$15. per $1,000 dollars In
property taxes.
“The legislature has to
of the Legislative Revenue Of­ decide how much each coded
fice, cited what the Oregon area, or taxing district, paying
legislature ’’would be likely to the same property tax would
do” with each of the possible receive,” he said.
Munn said that equitably
laws’ provisions.
allocating the tax rate would
Between the two measures, “cause horrendous political
noted that Ballot problems.
Measure 6 would create the
Every district in Oregon, you
most difficulty for the Oregon can almost be certain, will be at
legislature to deal with. One is the legislature, trying to get a
assurance that the different slice of the pie.”
legislature would have in
In the past, according to
making sure each piece of Munn, the legislature used to
be confronted with by the
passage of property tax relief
Measures 6 or 11.
Munn, chief executive officer
arly every registered
in voter has voiced con­
fer the personal and
economic effects of
I tax relief Measure 6
.. But what of the
shop, sponsored by the
|e for Clackamas County
School Superintendents
loard Members, on Oct.
pest speaker Richard
discussed what problems
)regon legislature would
let everybody be winners, "in a
little way, if not a big way. “In
my own judgment, under
Measure 6, there are going to
be some absolute losers,” he
While discussion remains of
making a constitutional amend­
ment by the legislature to
revise measure 6, Munn said,
“Traditionally, it is unlikely that
they will even touch it, the
politics aren’t there.”
¿“Generally, when you have
a constitutional law, the
legislature is reluctant to take
any action on it. It’s more likely
that they would let it .be im­
plemented as it stands, see
how it works, and let the
people inform them what’s
wrong with it,” he said.,
problems that a constitutional
amendment would have con­
cerning “budgetary assurance.”
ommunity Center Mall was converted into a giant pumpkin patch Friday at lun-
contest sponsored by Associated Student Gover-
the top prize of $10, Mary Cuddy carved her way to a $5
d place prize and Joanne McCaully took third place to win a free ticket to the
lay night ASG Halloween Party and Dance.
Photo by Kelly Laughlin
e during a
L Chris Johnson earned
“If they can come to an
agreement, whafs every taxing
district going to do about their
budgetary process-with the im­
plementation of an amen­
dment? Will each district know
how much money they’ll
receive in revenue sharing from
the state? Will they know what
rate they’ll be allocated, and by
the beginning of the fiscal year,
have a budget plan approved?”
Munn askecL.
If the legislature can get
political concensus by way of
an amendment, and it’s voted
down in the middle of the
session, < then
“they’re that much farther
behind the entire process. Until
a constitutional amendment is
approved taxing districts can
not be assured how much
money they’ll have, and as a
result, how much to levy for
to the
legislature,” he said.
In Munn’s opinion, the
legislature is not likely to put
out an amendment in the mid­
dle of the session, if 6 goes
Without an amendment,
however, the legislature would,
have to deal with the rate
allocation process. In his
estimation, it causes some big
political problems.
Munn said there are no con­
stitutional or political problems
with Measure 11 and presents
no legal difficulties.
The basic reason is that the
legislature was involved closely
with the intent of the measure
during its construction.
Munn did cite “items the
legislature would have to
wrestle with pending passage
of the measure”.
“Under the first section,
there will be a question as to
how the legislature will deal
with the separation of the tax.
Will the entire tax be paid, and
then half refunded? It’s likely
though, that the separation will
be made at the asessor’s office.
The tax bill would be mailed to
the property owner, and be
made liable to pay one half,”
he said.
Another factor that will
receive probably the most at­
tention at the next legislative
session, “ would be the review
of the present appraisal
process. Under 11 there’s
definitely been signs of
recognition in the measure that
there’s something wrong with
the current system,” Munn
FTE decline prompts investigation
3 enrollment among
l colleges over the
years has been the
isome concern among
fen officials.
s year marks the lowest
equivalancy,' (FTE)
the 1975-76 school year,
fag to Chuck Adams,
fa of admissions and
[decline, which is typical
Junior Colleges, shows
.of leveling off, as this
lull time enrollment just
matches that of a year
le 1975-76 school year
*d the
tant,” Adams said. “The
®c equivelancy has been
dropping a few every year sin­
ce then.”
The declining enrollment
statistics account for alot of
study, for Gary Haroldsen,
enrollment coordinator.
Haroldson scopes community
interest and needs in an effort
to determine how the college
can best serve them.
“‘Many factors affect college
enrollment,” Haroldsen said.
“The economic state of the
county is a pretty consistent
rule to go by. In years of in­
flation, when jobs aren’t too
people don’t feel
education is so important. In
times of recession, people want
to feel more secure in their
jobs, and increase their
knowledge of marketable skills.
enrollment increases. ”
Over the past seven or eight
years, college students have
undergone a change of interest
as far as educational goals are
according to
“Students used to be pretty
consistent in having the general
goals of getting a degree,” he
said. “At the present time, this
has changed, with more and
college for general self enrich­
ment, or to achieve a short
term goal, and leaving after
only a term or two. There has
been a high growth factor in
Clackamas County over the
past seven or eight years, this
also accounts for many of the
varying interests.”
Because of the need for
higher awareness of com­
munity interests, three surveys
have been taken since 1974.
Other methods of determining
the needs of the community
are follow-ups done on the
students who chose to “drop
out” "or quit after registration.
Also a long look is being taken
at the current students on cam­
pus, considering the average
sex, age, financial and social
“It is a very complex
situation,” saidHaroldsen.“We
want to find out all the things
we can do to speed up the
realization of student goals.”
“This includes looking ahead
to future student’s needs, wat­
ching trends in business, and
making guesses on what the
occupational needs of the
future will be,” he said.
enrollments are even con­
sidered to get a hint of the
future enrollments.”
“There is less output from
the high school’s than there
was a few years ago, so in or­
der to keep our enrollment up,
we are looking into the com­
munity. We also hope to im­
prove the facilities on campus,
which should account for an
increase in enrollment,” said
John Hakanson, College