The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 25, 1978, Page 2, Image 2

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Vote: honor
the priviledge
Registered Oregon voters will be faced with
some very important issues on the Nov. 7 ballot.
If you are not registered to vote, then do it
today. There are measures on this year’s ballot
that will affect each and every one of us.
If you don’t think you know enough about the
issues, and the candidates on the ballot, there is
no time like the present to learn about them.
Speeches, candidate fairs and posters are
available to you for information. The voters’ pam­
phlet is an excellent source to get to know the
People are not exercising their right. In
Clackamas County during the May Primary elec­
tion there was a very poor turnout of registered
Of 1,003 registered 18-year-old voters, only 462
voted and only 414 19-year-olds out of 1,570
voted. The numbers don’t get better with age.
There were 2,792 registered 26-year-olds with
only 589 voting. Of 40-year-olds, 966 voted and
1,297 did not; and 889 50-year-old registered
voters voted with 891 not exercising their right to
Have people forgotten they have a right to vote?
Or are the issues not important enough to vote
It seems to us that measures concerning the
death penalty, state funded abortions, limitations
on public utility rate base, property taxes,
regulation practice of dental technology and
vehicle registration and fee increases are of im­
portance to everyone.
Students should know what’s going on
politically before the election date. Informed
voters make better decisions about candidates
and issues.
Still don’t get the picture? Pick up a voters’
pamphlet and start reading. Contact the local
county election board and find out what you have
to do to register to vote. But, most importantly,
vote in the Nov. 7 election.
by phil frani
© COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box 4244 • Berkeley, CA. 94704
To The Editor:
the case where having a child a literal bloody mess than to feel that our voice does make a all,
was I
would cause death. Abortion, take the responsibility for our difference. We must remem­ Democrat/Republican /Tol
I’m not exactly an Eric to me, is the direct result of a own actions.
ber, and take the firm attitude, Whig/what-have-you). The i
Sevareid or Howard K. Smith;
too general tendency in our
Third on my list is voting and that these legislators are elected st words of the Constitution!
nevertheless, I’d like to com­ society-wanting to have all the political elections. I think that
by us to represent us. It is our the United States are, “We ths
ment on a few social issues of priviledges (fun and games) the main reason for the ex­
own fault if we allow apathy people . . .” And we.lthi
today that deeply interest and without any of the respon­ tremes of corruption in gover­
and indifference to take away people, also need to be united
disturb me.
sibilities. We want our sexual nment and business is that we our rights. We are to blame if in seeing that “government!
First is the use of artificial freedom, but if we happen to have forgotten, or are no
we vote—or put into office the people, for the people f
stimulants to achieve a tem­ get pregnant through our own longer interested in, a “gover­
through not voting-the most of the people, shall not perT
porary state of happiness. 1 am carelessness or licentiousness, nment by the people, of the
popular candidate, or the one from the earth.”
reminded of a quote from a or if we happen to get someone people and for the people.”
of our party affiliation. (After Eugene Lawson
good friend, “happiness else pregnant, to heck with We are willing to gripe and
depends on happenings, but having children. Get an abor­ complain about bureaucracy
joy endures through any cir­ tion; destroy the evidence. I and federal spending, but
cumstance.” The use of drugs, mean, after all, how will we either we think (copping out)
alcohol, and other con- find the time to be footloose-or we can’t do anything or else we
ciousness altering stimulants is- is that just loose?-and fancy develop the philosophy of “let
-in my opinion -a stupid and free if we’re tied down with a George do it”. Well, I don’t
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
degrading risk. Why use child? Nor do I believe in birth know who George is, but I’ll
Offices: Trailer B; telephone: 656*2631, ext. 309 or 310 |
something artifical to achieve a .. control. The reason for this vote for him the next election.
editor Cyndi Bacon * news editor Scott Starnes .
arts editor Leanne Lally * sports editor Mark McNeary
state that one should be able to comes from a movie, “Forever Speaking of voting, as well as
editor Kelly Laughlin * staff writers Happie Thacker, I
reach naturally? I do not Free,” in which a tribal leader “doing something about it,” I
Gene Lawson, Mike Koller, Elena Vancil, Brenda Nolan,
question the use of such things, tells the social worker—who is
Don Ives, Joy Feigum, Steve McPherson
but the way in which they are frustratedly trying to pass out
staff photographers John Bosserman, Greg Kienzle, Charlie Wagg
Chuck Quimby * cartoonist Mary Cuddy’Graphic designer Bev Bosto
abused. We must not make the the pill—the women of the
copy editor James Rhoades 'production manager Janet Vockrodt
mistake of confusing one word,
village have their own form of
professional adviser Suzie Boss * business manager Mark Barnhill
or application, with the other.
birth control. In plain, simple
Next, I am angry at the issue words, the best form of birth
COMMISSIONER The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publish«
of abortion. That this issue control is se//-control-the sim­
aims to be fair and impartial journalistic mediui
qualified Association,
covering the campus community as thoroughly as possible. Opinioj
should even be considered is ple ablity to say no. However,
Pd by Re-Elect Ston Skoko Comm , G. Tuor, Tceos.
expressed in The Print do not necessarity reflect those the CCC ai
2410 S.E. 5th Avenue, West Linn, Ore. 97066
an outrage—except perhaps in it seems we would rather make
ministration, faculty or the Associated Student Governmej
Wednesday, October 25,
Page 2
D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer