The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, May 31, 1978, Page 2, Image 2

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    New editors chosen for newspaper r magaziq
Experience and involvement
are the greatest attributes of
the two women chosen for key
on student publica-
tions at the College for the
1978-79 academic year.
Cyndi Bacon will take over
the reins as editor of The Print,
the weekly campus newspaper,
this, fall. Bacon has coordinated
news coverage and the repor-
torial staff of the newspaper as
news editor this past year.
A veteran of newspaper work
with the Molalla Pioneer the
Molalla Bulletin and the Oregon
Daily Emerald (student news-
paper at the University of Ore-
gon), Bacon is shooting for a
career in journalism and sees the
editorship of The Print as an
opportunity to gain additional
experience in reporting
news management.
"I would like to strive for
better news coverage of this
campus as a community by util­
izing neVvs beats and personal
contacts with
various depart­
ments,". Bacon said. "And I
want to encourage the depart­
ments to contact us if some­
thing is going on that they feel
merits coverage,"
Bacon anticipates adding a
few new staff persons next fall
"walk-ons" with good
journalism ideas. There will also
be five new staff members from
local high schools who received
production for next year.
"I would like to add a layout
editor in charge of the news­
paper's design and I am toying
with the idea of adding an edi­
torial page editor in charge of
the content
of the editorial
page," she said.
Bacon is already seeking staff
members for next year and will
be announcing
her editorial
staff at the beginning of fall
meetings for the newspaper staff
during the summer months and
perhaps an intense organizational
session just before school begins
Cyndi Bacon
. . . takes over The Print reins
scholarships from the journalism
department on the
basis of
their interest and participation
in journalism at the high school
"I hope to get new reporters
recommended by the English
department," Bacon said. "We
could use students that have
basic writing skills and who en­
joy writing."
The new editor hopes to uti­
lize several organizational chan­
ges in the newspaper staff and
in the fall.
"We will
be preparing an
orientation issue to be ready
for new and returning students
during registration fall term,"
Bacon said. "I want to get as
many new students interested
in journalism and what the Col­
lege has to offer as possible."
Happie Thacker, current edi­
tor of The Print, will be editor
of Feature, the campus maga­
zine, during the 1978-79 aca­
demic year.
The magazine is a revamping
of the former literary magazine
at the College which was called
Dawn. This year's editor Joe
McFeron,. recently published the
first issue which is on sale at the
College bookstore.
"I plan to put out a profess­
ional news feature-type maga-
with fiction and art in-
career which she hopes
someday evolve into an adminis­
trative position.
She was the state represen­
tative .for the community col­
leges to the Advisory Commit­
tee of the Educational Coordin­
ation Commission, Chairperson
and grantwriter for the tri-coun-
High School Handicapped
Tournament and has
actively involved in all
phases of student government
this past year.
St. Mary plans to continue
her education at Reed College
next fall and will spend the
working at Malhuer
Field Station in Eastern Oregon.
Cranswick is a graduate of
Milwaukie High School in Mil­
waukie and is planning a career
in child development, counsel­
ing and elementary instruction
/guidance and children's advo­
cacy. He will be graduating from
the College with a General Stu­
dies degree with an occupation­
al minor in early childhood edu­
Cranswick has been instru­
mental in establishing the stu-
'Hecklers’ debate lowering drinking age
Audience participation and
verbal communications are the
keys to a successful Heckler's
Debate, according to Frank Har­
low, speech instructor at the
Harlow's students and the
general College community will
have a chance to "heckle it out"
at Heckler's Debate to be held
Thursday, June 1 at 2 p.m. in
Students from Sp 270, Pro­
jects in Public Speaking, will
present the pros and cons of
lowering the legal drinking age
from 21 to 18 years of age to
the general public attending the
afternoon debate.
Representing the affirmative
side of the issue will be Denise
Kline, Cathy Pelley, Caroline
Gaupo and Julia Chitty. Dave
Jensen, Hallie Brown, Lisa Tho­
mas and Sherrie Montgomery
will present the negative side of
the issue to the audience.
The two teams will present
prepared speeches and then de-
All-school picnic slated June 2
The annual Associated Stu­
dent Government sponsored all­
school picnic will be held June 2
at McIver Park from 2 p.m. to
ASG will provide hamburgers,
potato salad, sausages, sourkraut,
potato chips and punch. There
will also be a stereo system,
professionally run by
Brooks from
For What It's
Worth Records, for musical en­
from there follow the signs ro
the park.
For more information call
Student Activities,
ext. 259.
Traditional picnic games such
as volleyball, softball and frisbee
will be organized for the more
actively ihclined.
To get to McIver Park, follow
the Estacada signs from 1205 and
"Ideally, I would liketq
the magazine with an assis
editor and at least two!
writers," Thacker said.I
news feature story pel
The staff writers woufl
work on a major
each issue."
Thacker is also
someone interested in
and design for the rB
Happie Thacker
... to edit Feature magazine
eluded," Thacker said. "It is
my belief that a professional
looking product with something
to sell will be eagerly greeted
by the student body and staff."
Thacker plans the content
of the magazine to include at
least four major news features
dent support service on campus
and has been actively involved
with the College's Child Devel­
opment Center this year.
He is a nine-year veteran of
the Air Force and plans to con­
tinue his education at Oregon
State University.
to help with the me
Both editors encoul
tential writers to get ill
with them this year so the
begin planning for fall
positions may in
tuition waivers depending^
writers experience and en
¡asm. Thacker and Bac|
be contacted at StudeT
lications in Trailer B, 1
phoning ext. 259.
molalla B
P 0 BOX 111
“We wanted Bible
that’s why we ca
to Multnomah
bate moderator, Mitch Newton,
will divide the audience accord­
ing to their beliefs in the issue.
The affirmative and negative
teams will then vie with each
other to win audience members
to their way of thinking. The
team with the most audience
members at the end of the de­
bate will be declared the winner.
"The purpose of the debate
is to give debaters for next year
an idea of what debate is like,"
said Hallie Brown, negative team
member who is helping to co­
ordinate the event. "But basi­
cally, the debate is just for fun."
Harlow encourages as much
audience participation as possi­
ble. "The audience is encour­
aged to yell back at the debaters
with their own opinions -- to
heckle the teams about their
arguments," he said.
You come too, if it’s Bible you w
You choose from four courses of study. Dij0,|
Degree course. 1-yr. Grad. Two Master's pro
Each majors in Bible. Accredited AABC. See Cata|
615 7th St.
Oregon City
Multnomah School of the BW
Hrs. 9-5
Closed Thursday
Phone 655-2060
local sporting events and
haps interesting people or pl
in the community, she!
assistant editor would help
coordinate the magazine'
also work on at least one’
Graduation speakers tapped by committee
Two student speakers have
been chosen for the graduation
ceremonies to be held June 9.
Barbara St. Mary, Associated
Government senator
and former ASG Publicity Dir­
ector and Richard Cranswick,
a graduating sophomore, were
chosen by a 12 person com­
mittee composed
of students
and administrators and faculty
St. Mary, 29, is a graduate
of Sacred Heart Convent Aca­
demy in Lisle, III. and is pur­
suing a college level teaching
on subjects of interest id
college students and thl
ounding community. These
tures would cover topics 1
as skiing, art in the commiil
Wednesday, May 31, 1978
D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer
8435 N.E Glisan, Portland, Oregon, 97|