Maynard and Patnode achieve National berths The College men's tennis team reached the pinnacle of success in their four year history last week as Mike Maynard and Bud­ dy Patnode combined to take both the singles and doubles Regional crowns. .The wins qualify them for the National Junior College tennis tournament at Waco, Texas, May 23-27. Head coach Rich Taylor hopes to get Maynard seeded in the tournament if possible. This would mean that he would have to play the 33rd place finisher instead of a Regional champ in his first round. "Admittedly their chances of winning the whole thing is an outside one at best, but, if they play up to their potential they should be competitive and win a few matches," Taylor said. "I, feel that I have just as good a chance of winning as any­ body there and I expect to win the national crown," Maynard said. Maynard began the tourna­ ment seeded third. The drop came as a result of his loss to John Delaney in the finals of the State tournament. The first match at State was close until Maynard received a break point with the score 4-3. He went on to defeat John Collins of Treasure Valley, 6-3, 6-2. Maynard turned in one of the finest matches of the season in his second match as he took on Mark Morton. Morton is known to have one of the hardest serves in the Region. Maynard attacked the net well and continually countered Morton's serve with passing shots down the lines. He went on to win the match, 6-1,6-4. In the finals, Maynard's sheer intensity and desire, along with superior conditioning enabled him to gain revenge on Delaney, 6-3, 6-4. "When the score was tied 4-4 in the second set, Delaney hit a Singles tournament hosts rivalries of experienced players Dave Lemons won the open 19-29 division of the singles tournament held at the college on Saturday. Vivian Holman was the winner in the women's division. "We had some really good competition in the open divi­ sion," Paul Fiskum, College community recreation director said. "The numbers were disap­ pointing though, only about 30 people came out. I think it could be because of the weather. A lot or people just haven't had a chance to get their games in shape yet." Fiskum plans two tourna­ ments this summer. One will be held in conjunction with Oregon City's Territorial Days festival on June 30, July 1 and 2. The other will be August 17, 8, 19 and 20. Buddy Patnode, a men's ten­ nis team member, took second to Lemons with Jerry Crimins, Clackamas men's high school tennis coach third. Bonnie Schroeder finished second in the playoffs while Sue Schakel and Linda Pottratz were in at third and fourth. Steve Bletscher of Clackamas won the high school play and West Linn's Jeff Carlson and Mike O'Connell were the run­ ners-up. GLADSTONE third behind Northern IdaM (100), Chemeketa, (65), and I Clackamas in at 59 points. Also competing in the tourna-l ment for Clackamas were Rich Bobzein and Sam Picken. How­ ever, both drew Regional champs] from their brackets and although] both players played as well as] they could, it was simply tol much to ask. Tom Myrie, the number two singles champion from Norther! Idaho defeated Bobzein 6-1,7-5, Picken lost to the number foil singles champion, Mark Bastog 6-1, 6-4. STABLE Unique Haircare Center for Guys & Gals ' 334 Second Street Lake Oswego. Oregon 97034 635-5578 © REDKEN* ■ Try Me E Open Mon. — Sat., Appts. Preferred Evenings by appt, only Delta Law requires you to read this message before you leave town. O.K., this is goodbye! Go out and get drunk! Live it up! Have fun! The summer is yours! But some time this summer, like around August 4th, you’d better be ready to see the funniest college movie ever created. Don’t blow it! This summer the movie to see will be -H. EDUCATIONAL CENTER TEST PREPARATION­ SPECIALISTS SINCE 1938 Call Days, Eves & Weekends 420 Portland Ave., Gladstone singles play after losing to Clay] Loins in the semi-finals, 6-2,6-4« As a team, Clackamas finished] THERE A DIFFERENCE! Visit Our Centers And See For Yourself Why We Make The Difference CARD ROOM SNACKS AND POOL Patnode also took third hi Northern Idaho, 7-6, 4-6, 7-6. In the first set, Clackamas dominated the tie breaker 7-1 to win the set. In the second set, with the score 4-5 Patnode double-faulted three times to give Northern Idaho the victory. The final set, with the score even at 6-6 found Clackamas trailing 5-6. They were helped along with Patnode's overhead which tied the score. Maynard then used a different kind of serve and the ball floated Wide on the return to give Clackamas the point, the set, and the Regional crown. The win marked the highest finish by a Clackamas doubles team and raised their record to 19-1. . Novice division found R. Tra­ bacca first with college faculty members Paul Fiskum and Dan Connell second and third. Chet Taylor was fourth. "Crimins really played a lot." Fiskum said. "He is actually in the over-30 bracket, which he won handily. He wanted to play though, so I let him." Crimins won the over-30 age group. Chuck Geldecker was second, Walt Ostergeard third, and Richard Pottratz fourth. Fourth in the 19-29 division was former Cougar, Steve Wil­ liams, and in consolation was a tennis team member from this year, Phil Rider. passing shot to he line. May nard lobbed but Delaney hit the shot into the net," Taylor said. Maynard went on to win the set and the Regional crown." The wins bring Maynard's record at Clackamas to 44-4. Maynard is also the closest Cou­ gar before this year to capture a Regional crown as he took fourth last year. In doubles, the team of May­ nard and Patnode were seeded second because it was felt that North Idaho's team was tougher despite the Cougars state crown. Maynard and Patnode started off the tournament with a rela­ tively easy victory over Lane's team of Knudson and Lott, 6-0, 6-2. They had their hands full in the second match as Central Ore­ gon's team of Delaney and May- all were out to revenge their state finals loss to Maynard and Patnode, but the Cougars won 2-6, 6-2, 7-5. "Ths kev in that match is that our guys were more intense during service. In fact, the de­ ciding game of the final set was decided when Mayall double­ faulted three times," Taylor said. The finals match turned out to be one of the classics of the season, as Maynard and Patnode (lefpatprl Mnrtnn and Mvria from NATIONAL LAMPeBNV ANIMAL iraunt A comedy from Universal Pictures THE MATTY SIMMONS - IVAN REITMAN PRODUCTION "NATIONAL LAMPOON'S ANIMAL HOUSE" sromng JOHN BELUSHI TIM MATHESON JOHN VERNON • VERNA BLOOM • THOMAS HULCE and DONALD SUTHERLAND os JENNINGS • Produced by MATTY SIMMONS and IVAN REITMAN - Music by ELMER BERNSTEIN • Written by HAROLD RAMIS, DOUGLAS KENNEYS CHRIS MILLER Directed by JOHN LANDIS Classes are now form Ing I The Galleria 6 00 SW 10th, Suite 4 02 Portland, Oregon 97205 222-5556 I Origino! sound frocks on MCA Records 6 Topes | A UNIVERSAL PICTURE TECHNICOLOR* Rj RESTRICTED^ Undtf 17 requires accompanying Parent or Mult Guardian You’ll be talking about it all winter! ____________ 656-9143__________ Page 10 Clackamas Community Colli