re-elect Suggestions considered by ASG fckBrust Hie Print Eferal weeks ago the Associated Student Government at the L initiated a program of suggestion boxes to aid in the bfor student input. suggestion boxes, placed in the community center and L|| Hall received student input encompassing a wide range of ktsconcerning the campus. fee following suggestions have been given to ASG to evaluate Live. Some of the problems presented by the suggestions [already been solved by ASG. Why don't you get Pat Hacket to come play with his friends [airguitars? The band would know how to get in touch with [He is good. ■Why don't you get one of the disc jockeys from one of the I stations to play some good music for a dance? I think ¡le really would have fun. You would need more advertising ie dance. Lots of people don't know about the Big Band [and other dances. What you ng people would want to go to a Sand Ball, it's not of their time? [Do not play "bubble gum rock" on the radio in the Com- iityCenter. Turn the stereo to KGON, KVAN, or KINK. ¡Why don't you get the swing choir or chorus to sing in the during lunch? They were good last time. Is there some other Way that the cafeteria could display the s of food? Strange signs and odd posters make it hard to out the prices. Trying to find the price or a selection while ling along the counter blocks traffic. The Rex Putnam Kingsman Choralaires, a vocal jazz able, recently placed second in the Reno International Jazz val. I would like to have them invited to sing at lunch time ¡community center. Their director is Karl Moltman of Rex m. Why doesn't the book store display the prices in the candy m so you don't have to ask? The bookstore consistently acts as a self-serving enterprize, can't we have a student book exchange and recycle more Text books-one half price to all students or three-quarters of each term. Rest defrayed by the budget. Allowance for so I off on certain textbooks. Example-drafting, (machinist |machine handbook, $28, student cost $20. Why can't there be chairs near the front door, near the bus for people who need to wait for a bus? Isuggest that they get more parking in the Community Cen- arking lot. I feel that it is the main parking lot and there is dequate parking. Put a phone inside McLoughlin, upstairs. Also soft drink lines. WoiHd it be possible to have the Today sheet relabled mow and state what will happen the day before it happens? I think you should have the game room open longer and often. This place is very boring. No girls and no game room. Could all paper towel containers in the restrooms be lowered eheight of the containers for the handicapped so that, when ash our hands, the water doesn't run down to our elbows be- we get them dried? The type of fold-up seats in the choir room makes it impos- to sing in an upright position necessary for proper voice E Enforce pass/no pass grading in foreign language depart- s. I am going to PSU for my Spanish due to this policy at , All first and second year courses are P/NP at PSU. I know others that have been messed up by this. Why should CCC lize a student's GPA for a course not in his/her major? As is evident, student apathy is at an aH time high. If more le government officers and senators would mingle with the ent body, and not within themselves, part of the problem itbe solved. I realize that, in order to make government work, pust donate much of your time to your government duties responsibilities and this means spending a lot of your time ¡your counterparts. But this viewing gives the student body lileaof a clique" or "group". In order to inform students of ftudent government it is necessary to be on a personal level anyofthe student body. Then you can tell them, personally, wite them, personally, to involve themselves with the activi- This produces a sort of a "Domino Effect" in that the stu- Will inform others, and so on and so on. [the recent plant sale over at Clairmont wasn't worth the gas pt over there. I'd suggest a bigger selection and more plants Petter organization of cash handling. A little less token communication and a bit more action. EARD’S COPY SHOP 908 MAIN STREET OREGON CITY, OREGON Phone: (503) 655-9227 The Xerox 9200 Duplicating System Mick Job Turnaround Exceptional Copy Quality Automatic Sorting and Collating pee Reduction Sizes [for Special Duplicating Needs plladds up to better, faster printing services—by us, for you! Community College For example, two year wait for a no-smoking area (in the cafe­ teria). It finally arrives as ineffective five-table area four-feet from smokers, which is readily encroached upon. Reason given, administration not sympathetic. If the administration were al­ ways sympathetic there would be no need for "student Govern­ ment." You are our link-you are in that position to push student rights, you are our organized legislative force. The suggestion boxes are meant to aid the students of the College. The boxes will assist ASG in determining problems in the school that must be solved and provide a model for ASG next year. ASG greatly appreciates the suggestions presented thus far. Anyone wishing to comment further on these topics, or new ones, is urged to use the suggestion boxes, or contact ASG President Mike McCarty. Applications available Applications are now being taken for the Associated Student Government offices of publicity director, student activities , dir­ ector and assistant to the pres­ ident. Contact ASG at 656-2631, ext. 257, for more information. SKOKO COMMISSIONER qualified Pd by Re-Elect Stan Skoko Comm., G. Tuor, Treas 2410 S.E. 5th Avenue, West Linn, Ore. 97068 SUMMER WORK Earn $2500.00 Interviews held Saturday, at Portland State. 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