The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 26, 1978, Image 6

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    Stop the presses
College newspaper provides learning experien
Staff members of the College
weekly student newspaper, The
Print, have a tough row to plow.
Turning story ideas into con­
crete material and visual inci­
dents into eye-catching photo-
By Cyndi Bacon
Of The Print
graphy, isn't an
easy job for
any newspaper staff -- student or
The nucleus of The Print,
located in Trailer B, is the people
working behind it to develop it
into an objective, timely and
interesting end-product.
A newspaper must start with
the objective of bringing current
news of interesttothecommunity
it serves.
The Print staff is nodifferent.
It is dedicated to getting the
College news out to its con­
sumer — students and staff —
and relies heavily on the editorial
board for its objective organiza­
Wednesday is the beginning
of a work week for the staff. The
editorial board, comprised of
Randy Clark, advisor; Happie
Thacker, editor; Cyndi Bacon,
news editor; Scott Starnes, copy
editor; Lisa Chitty, arts editor.
Ann Breyne, sports editor; and
Brian Snook, photo editor., meet
at noon to plan for the next
weeks issue.
Story ideas, editorial subjects,
newspaper policy and criticism,
photo ideas, and staff problems
are discussed during this hour-
long meeting. The main product
that comes from this meeting is
in the form of four "run-sheets",
or assignment sheets. Each run­
sheet, one each for sports, news,
arts and photography, consists
of a list of stories and photos to
be finished for the next issue.
These stories and photos are
then assigned to staff reporters
and photographers who are Jim
Shawn Parkhurst,
Randy Frank and Mary Mad­
reporters, and Lorraine
Stratton, Sam Baer and Ted
McKenna, photographers.
though the editorial board is
for brainstorming
and planning issues, the Print
staff is so small that it is also
put in the capacity of report­
Deadline for stories and pho­
tos is Friday at 3 p.m. and Mon­
day at noon for late-breaking
items and activities that have
happened over the weekend.
copyread for
grammer, spelling, libel, journal­
istic style, readability and good
content and
Leads may be re-written or the
story may be sent back to the re­
porter for a re-write, for more
information, to change awkward
writing, or leads, etc.
When copyedited, stories are
measured for length and then
sent to Clairmont hall to staff
Gladys Epp and
Mary Cuddy. Type is set on an
IBM Composer in justified col­
Simultaneously, editors are
planning for page space and all­
ocating pages to each section­
arts, news, sports-depending on
inches of copy and importance
of story.
Each editor is in charge of
page layout of the sections on
Tuesday. This is dope on pap­
er, called a dummy sheet, which
is a scaled down version of the
layout sheets used later in pro­
are also
written at this time and photo­
graphs chosen and sized.
On Tuesday evening the staff
paste up the newspaper, justified
copy, headlines and photographs
are waxed (acts as an adhesive)
and pasted up on layout sheets
according to the page dummy
sheets. Copy is proofread for
spelling and grammar mistakes
and the typesetters correct them.
When paste-up is complete,
the layout sheets are sent to
BME Web Press, Salem, Wed­
nesday morning to be printed
print paper,®
stacked and tied into pun
The finished Print is on r
stands at the College, Or
City, and other outlying
by Wednesday at 1 p.rrfl
is about the time the ■
board has finished the p®
stages of the following®
An improtant aspect®
besides the ed|
board, reporters, photo®
and typesetters, are the ■
manager, Paul Byers, of®
sonnel, Tommi Davids®
Crystal Tompkins, and ®
duction manager, Cudt®
a typesetter).
The business manage!
is ad sales and reven®
money-maki ng aspect of fl
er. He/she is also in ch®
the design of each ad, afl
eating page space to adv®
before the editors lay oin
page dummies in their sec®
The production man®
charge of paste-up of
according to the busine®
ger's ad dummies and ha®
layouts ready - ads onl
page numbers in place fl
the staff is involved wit®
up on Tuesday evenings.®
Office personnel hail
mailing of the newspaper!
They also®
phones, take messages ®
staff, file and do general
Taking journalism at fl
ege and working on Th]
is a very creative and re®
experience for students.
Print staff members hl
opportunity to receive®
job training in writing, edi
photography, ad sales, mi
ment, page layout and™
On a professional
paper these on-the-job skill
The student newspaper
pathway to learning the®
that will be needed whe®
ing in the professional®
Woodward and Bernstein,]
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