The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, April 12, 1978, Page 5, Image 5

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    ¡ers say
nt-an-office promises profs instant occupancy
L'snote: This is a reprint
Ktorial that appeared in a
[issue of Oregon State
tty's newspaper, the Bar-
Besman approaches. His
{¡simple. "You need an
■ he asks, "in a quiet
Ictype atmosphere?"
■sign right here, it's iron-
|eboasts. This guy, from
■Rent-an-Off ice describes
In as follows: the renter
Lets signed on as an in-
latOSU. We get them
fired in a questionable manner
and take the University to court
over the dismissal. With a mini­
mum of legal effort the court
battle lasts six,, seven, maybe
eight years. "After that, we find
a new office."
He is very convincing and re­
"Nothing to worry
about. They pay all the bills,
including the phone, and they
even pay to move youYbooks
and pencils at the end of the
court case." The clincher in the
soft sell is "the University falls
for it every time," brags the
"I'll come back tomorrow,"
offers the eager solicitor. Then
his eyes catch a fleeting glimpse
of weakness in the victim's face.
He swoops in for the kill with
"just think of all of the facilities
availableto you, and the experts
surrounding you, and the atmos­
phere. Just sign this form and
you can have. the office to­
Another client just
left, so we have a vacancy for
Does this sound far-fetched?
A little? You bet it is! But what
unding puts cooperation to test
|ce President
I Print
lever happened to the
lolspirit? Administrators
binplain that there is little
I involvement
in this
should look to their own
kdsbefore they start com-
| about others who lack
Id involvement.
April 6, Richard Taylor,
Ig coach at this college,
■fore the Associated Stu-
{Government asking for
to send two Clackamas
Irsto compete in the Pan
In Games in Caracas,
Hain June.
It two wrestlers,
[and Tom Gilbo, were cho-
Itof 435,000 to represent
■tedStates as members of
■forWrestling Team.
Being curious, as I am, I asked
Mr. Taylor if he had approached
the administration with the pro­
posal. Mr. Taylor said that he
had but was quickly shuffled
over to ASG to see if funding
could come from students, rat­
her than administration.
To me it seems that the col­
lege administration is hoping to
pass the buck to the students,
until the two young men return
with international recognition,
they they will take most or all of
the glory.
I feel that for $700, the stu­
dents and administration can
kick a few bucks out of a line
item in their budgets.
This trip is a great chance to
show what
Clackamas Com­
munity College can do when we
act as a community, rather than
two separate entities. This is a
good timefor the administration
to put into practice their words
and ideas about cooperation and
support of the student body and
to set an example by getting
is worse is that such an event
(not the rental of offices, but
the procedure outlined) has oc­
curred here.
The University released Mich­
ael Papadopoulos, former mathe­
matics professor,eightyears ago.
He was just moved from his of­
fice on March 15.
It seems ironic.
Of course the University had
its hands tied. The legal issue
provided grounds enough to not
evict Papadopoulos.
Yet the
equipment and the space was
tied up for eight years.
It another situation pointing
at odd office distribution tactics,
when Gordon Gilkey stepped
down from Dean of the College
of Liberal Arts he was sent to a
cubbyhold hardly fit for a gradu­
ate student, let alone a professor
of lengthy tenure.
Both instances point to a need
for closer supervision of office
420 Portland Ave., Gladstone
'Friday, April 14th, is the final day for 100%
refunds on books purchased for Spring term. You
must present the cash register receipt in order to
- a receive the refund.
New texts must be unmarked!
Do it before 5:00 P.M. Friday. April 14th.
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Offices: Trailer B - Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259 or 278
assignment. The administrator
in charge of allotting offices
should reexamine the policies
and include logical clauses that
would eliminate the possibility
of having an office occupied by
someone no longer actively as­
sociated with the University.
Neither problem is worth wor­
rying about singly, especially
since both individuals are gone.
reMons are now available at the Student Activities Office
for the following Student Government positions :
Business Manager
Deadline for filing petitions is April 21,1978
Election will be held May 3 ,4,and 5
Mi Community College
Page 5