The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, March 01, 1978, Page 5, Image 5

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    Support still needed to fight ERA battle
L note: The following
[appeared in the Feb.23
the Bridge, the student
Cat Portland Commun-
Len complacently pat-
jrbacks and congratulat-
[other on a battle well
Ihile the Equal Rights
Lent slips quietly away?
|ny states where ERA
[approved, it seems that
pel the fight is won and
[back to their commun-
t and homes to take up
the disrupted rhythm of their
lives, now secure that equality
has been won.
While glorying in our own
state's decision, three more states
are needed for ratification and
there is little more than a year
left. Negotiations for a deadline
extension may or may not ma­
terialize. Meanwhile are we going
to let the guarantee of equal
rights under the law, so tantaliz-
ingly near,
elude our grasp?
Granted, there are still those in
Oregon working full-tilt for com­
plete ratification, but how many
of us, now that Oregon has
planted itself firmly on the side
of women, feel we have done
our share and withdraw from the
campaign still being waged in
other states?
Department has ruled that un­
constitutional or we would be
facing a more ominous battle.
All people who believe in the
ERA and want to see it passed
must continue to work and fight
And is our state really se-
cure? Is any state? Anti-ERA
forces have not slackened their
efforts to in fact, gained great
Four states have tried to
rescind approval of the ERA
because of pressure from these
forces. Fortunately, the Justice
mentar y
Indents like segregated smoking
loon in the cafeteria at
pare just about ready
tour first bite of that
[sandwich that you have
the back room as a non-smoking
area was great."
responses, it
would seem that the designated
no-smoking areas are a good
If everyone will respect
Eking about all morning
■of a sudden it hits you.
■tyou think that it is
leyes getting blurry
If that midnight cram-
|tyou did last night for
[morning exam.
[finally realize that it
Ling towards you in a
Ifloating cloud and it
tot puts a dent in-your
jsit? It is the smoke in
»¡a that comes from
lioking cigarettes during
line. "But, you say,
L we do about it?"
L has already been
lhave noticed, for the
keeks tables have been
[d for non-smokers, and
[inthe back of the cafe-
[ also been posted as a
Lrs area.
Now, you
Lr if this is. a good
It, Let's find out what
I the students around
■good idea," Jill Wright
■don't want to eat and
ke at the same time,
■ant to smoke, they can
»here else. They
jeto spoil it for every-
Haatia said, "It's all
[people don't want to
ke while they're eat-
l shouldn't have to.
[doing it in restaurants
|sowhy not here."
iAlbeke said, "I like
»stand it when I have
Ixt to someone' who
Pile I'm eating.
Id if they smoke, but I
hid be polite if they
link it's a good idea."
psaid. 'Sjdon't smoke
Iking can bother some
I There's no conflict be-
ftsentence seems to be
III response from the
R I talked to. Even
pdo smoke feel that
Ring area is a good
|i though they don't
I the present plan,
Ito enjoy having a
pre they can smoke
fit's great," said Steve
[“One improvement,
f aren't
Rid be to make the
|or non-smokers."
rthink they're very
hwy they have them
feda Nolan said.
Idlright to have a non­
fee, The idea about
Community College
each others rights, there should
be no real problems at all in the
future. Then everyone can real­
ly enjoy their lunch and be able
to taste what they are eating at
the same time.
for ratification. But, just as im­
portant, we must stay constantly
alert to forces in our own state
trying to undermine the ground
work that has been so laboriously
laid towards human equality.
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