stration reforms »to eliminate e of the waiting things have been ¡gistration proce- College this term in they will help do me of the long lines. ¡this term, students I,Welding, Machine onics/Video, Draft- ingwill pre-register time prior to March they are scheduled nes. tration information d in ahead of time cards pulled, these only have to got to ay their fees and be ie new program) try to expand it ups of students," gives counselors a a pre-registration what classes are loads," said Ber- "That way, if all the electron­ ics students, want a 1 p.m. math class, we can either make a time adjustment or add another sec­ tion," said Nolan. This new plan will affect transfer students only in that most of the vocational students will have been through the line and it will reduce that many people from going through lines when registration opens, said Hames. Also,- if vocational students fill certain sections, there will be time to open new ones, he said. Another innovation in the registration procedure is the in­ stallation of pre-registration in­ formation booths. These booths will provide new and returning students with the forms and information they used to have to stand in long lines to receive. The registrar's office hopes that this will eliminate the need for students to stand in long lines only to be told that they don't have the proper form, need a signature or have to go fill out some other form, only to return and go through the same line again. r———————————-—K I artists highlight s day activities f •men artist's works t a full schedule of the College's Corn­ ier Fireside Lounge, to celebrate Inter- len's Day. weaving, paintings > by local women Travers, College ctor, and Mary ,Art department sec- be on display that March 17. ¡Women will sponsor the 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. information on their ¡activities including tees and a special suggestion box for topics; and tee-shirt is (sample shirt avail­ able), according to Pam Lewis, community service assistant. Also available will be a list of College library books of interest to women and a calendar of International Women's Day events taking, place in Portland that day. There will be counselors lo­ cated at the booth with College curriculum information, Lewis said. A slide presentation titled "What If?", dealing with women and their success stories at the College, will also be shown. "We've mailed flyers to some 700 women and men," Lewis said. "We're hoping for a big success." I recovers at home ij stabbing incident Fine, a 26-year-old 'County deputy sher- p convalescing after Win the back while Wic stop in Glad- Wnesday night, ac- |lt. Lloyd Ryan, Mment. Wl-time student at ?»nd has been en- •te law enforcement W1974. M did penetrate p*ity," Ryan said, '»young man in good .Wition and that Larry Darwin Skaggs, 20, of 2111 S.E. Powell in Portland and Randall Corey Tacker, 20, of Rt. 1, Box 280 in Mulino were apprehended on 82nd Ave­ nue and Southeast Clackamas Road Thursday morning. They were arrested in connection with the stabbing. Both suspects Were charged with attempted murder, first- degree robbery and first-degree theft, according to Ryan. Bail is set for $150,000 each. Fine .is recovering rapidly, but it is unknown when he will be able to return to light duty, Ryan said. Photo by Ted McKenna From top to bottom, Paula Rahders-Johnson, Terry Stoner and Marie Winkler in SPIRA (A Comp­ any of Dancers) production of "Complacency Corrupted." This farce emphasized facial expres­ sions and was highlighted with colorful pastel jumpsuits and gloves. It was presented as part of SPIRA's performance last Wednesday, Feb. 22, in the Community Center. For more pictures and a review of the performance, turn to page 3. CLACKAMA— COLLEGE ARCHIVES _ ____ J