The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 22, 1978, Image 1

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L College has finally
|the go-ahead for the
Bogging trail, system,
¡is hoped that, the trails
|be completediby the
| of June this year,
fere will it be? Why did
¡take so long? for the
fl, see page 3. 1
¡Fred Heard, candidate
IState Superintendent^
'Public Instruction, was
[campus last Thursday.
[ views on schools and;
Ments, and his plans if
|js elected are in the
|yonpage2. z
The biology classes' re-.
fi field trip to the Wa-
Engton Park; Zoo to oth'
|e the primates left
toy with a feeling of
[enchantment with the
witions of the mon}
I habitat. Story and
Ires on page 1
[The College spends a-
|ut$2,000 each year to
| student government
ps to CCOSAC meet-
J What is CCOSAC and
Btdothey do? See page’
I Every term .students get
lor two days off while
gulty and staff partici-
ie in staff development
B What is staff devel-
Bient?See pageB. vf.
■Modern dance classes
■Preparing for their pro­
lotion of "Peter, Peter,
Fipkin Eater" which
fy will be performing
■ch 8. For pictures, see
Photo by Brian Snook