The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, February 01, 1978, Page 4, Image 4

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• • •
by philfr;
The problem of whether or not to hire part-time
or full-time instructors is one the board will have
to deal with soon-especially since Ron Kaiser,
dean of instruction, was misquoted in the minutes
of a President's Council meeting and that quote
has disturbed many faculty members.
Kaiser is quoted as saying that "the practice
of hiring full-time, part-time instructors has been
shifted to hiring part-time instructors having less
than a full-time load. Beginning fall term, it will be
our policy to hire part-time instructors who work
less than 50 percent of full-time. We currently have
six or seven part-time instructors who work full
time. Each one represents a special situation; such
as coming off sabbatical leave."
What he actually said was that if a decision was
made concerning a policy it should be made soon
but not implemented until next fall. The policy
lhat he is quoted as having set is only one possible
solution to the problem.
What this type of policy, if implemented, would
mean, is that rather than hiring more full-time
instructors, the College would hire part-time faculty
who would teach six hours or less.
And, since faculty members who are teaching
six hours or less have no office hours, students
having difficulties would be virtually unable to.
contact an instructor outside of class time.
Part-time instructors are not a part of the
collective bargaining force either and therefore are
not bound by the same rules and regulations that
full-time instructors are.
One of the things they would not be required
to do is to present a course outline to division
chairpersons. They would, in essence, come on
campus, teach whatever they wanted, however they
wanted to, and be answerable to no one.
We are not in any way implying that the
part time faculty on this campus is not doing a
good job. In fact, many of the so-called part-time
instructors on this campus are carrying a full-time
work load. They are just not getting the salary or
security they deserve.
And, if this policy is adopted, chances are they
won't ever get it.
This policy would save the school and taxpayers
money. Part-time instructors are not paid nearly
as much as full-time instructors. With enrollments
declining in many areas it is possible that this
policy is the most economically feasible from the
administration's and board's points of view.
But then, if students and their chances of a
quality education are to be put in jeopardy for
purely economic considerations, perhaps the powers
that be should look for another solution.
Last week we began including guest commentaries
as part of our editorial page. These commentaries
will be written by representatives of the faculty,
administration, staff and students about topics of
concern to them or to the community.
We are printing other opinions in order to expose
our readers to the ideas and opinions of other
members of the College community.
The Print welcomes reader response to any
editorial page material in the form of letters to the
Letters must be neatly written in ink or type­
written, double spaced. They must also be signed
with the author's name, address and phone number.
Names will be withheld on request.
Q COLLEGE MEDIA SERVICES box4244 Berkeley. CA 941
Community involvement
By Dr. John Hakanson,
College President
For The Print
One of the unique features of
the community college is its flexi­
bility—its ability to approach old
problems with new solutions-its
refusal to say "It can't be done,"
merely because it hasn't been done.
Clackamas has taken this flexi­
bility a step further, and with its
Board of Education leading the way,
has become involved in community
development in a manner rarely
equalled in education.
The in­
volvement has not been so much
doing something for the community,
as stimulating the community to do
something for itself and helping
that process where possible.
Consider the Confidence Clinic,
now firmly established on the cam­
pus' northeast edge. The Clinic,
maintained and managed by and
for women who are successfully
working their way toward a health­
ier self-image and toward economic
stability, is the result of an idea.
The college took the first steps in
exploring the possibility of bring­
ing the idea into fruition, sparked
the interest of other individuals and
agencies, made facilities and re­
sources available, and then adopted
a supportive posture. The Clinic
operated independently of, but in
close cooperation with, the college.
The college employs four Com­
munity Development Coordinators
some of whom are partly funded by
other agencies such as city councils
and Senior Citizen Councils. These
Coordinators are expected to find
people in their communities who
need educational and other social
services, and then get them in
touch with the right sources of
help. This is a direct interface be­
tween the college and the commun­
ity since so many people don't
know where to turn for help which
is already available.
Clackamas has carefully drawn
working agreements with the major
school systems in the college district
through which an extensive com­
munity school program has been
Where most colleges
pay rent to use the localI
in effect asking people to |
the use of buildings they!
own, Clackamas helps the
districts pay the salaries^
community school cool
thus providing additionalM
the people instead of rent!
own school buildings. I
These kinds of activitl
with making college facil
vailable for use for hull
community organization im
are what led the National'
munity Education Associa
name Clackamas, in 1979
college which best exempli
"Community Education phi»
in the field of Adult Educati
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 I
Offices: Trailer B - Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259 or 278
editor Happie Thacker * news editor Cyndi Bacon * arts eft
Marlene Clark * sports editor Ann Breyne * copy editor Soj
Starnes * photo editor Brian Snook * assistant photo editor I
raine Stratton * staff reporters Hallie Brown, Randy Frank I
photographer Sam Baer * production staff Mary Cuddy, Jack Till
er * business manager Paul Byers * professional adviser Rani
Clark * office personnel Tommi Davidson, Crystal Tompkl
Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect thoi
of the CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student!
vernment. Editorials, columns and signed letters reflect only fl
opinions of the editors and the persons signing them. Corresp®
ence should be addressed to the above address.
Wednesday, FebnriB