The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 25, 1978, Page 2, Image 2

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    Cultural center offers aid
By Happie Thacker
Of The Print
For persons, both Indian and
non-lndian, who are seeking a
greater cultural awareness, Anpo
(Dawn) offers some help.
Anpo is a Native American cul­
tural awareness center located on
the Clackamas River near Carver.
"It's mainly for the purpose of
giving our people self identity
and a good self-image," said De-
Vere East Man, director of Anpo.
"The white man doesn't have
a culture," he said, "but a so­
ciety or self-destructive system be­
cause there is no culture.
According to East Man, this
lack of culture is one of the
main causes of problems such as
alcoholism, unemployment and
drug abuse among both Indians
and non-lndians.
"These people have problems
because they are not aware they
are a culture and that' they are
not whole," said East Man. "The
spiritual side of a man needs
food to survive.
People come
here because they need something
--they're searching for something."
Through practices such as the
sweat-lodge, ceremony, dancing,dis-
cussion groups and instruction in
Indian culture, Anpo helps in­
dividuals in the treatment of their
particular problem.
After becoming involved with
Anpo, individuals "have a better
understanding of changes out there
(in white society).
When they
run into a problem they can call
upon their creator and ask for
wisdom or power to deal with
problems," East Man said.
Through an affiliation with such
groups as the Urban Indian Cen­
ter, Anpo is also able to pro­
vide employment, medical refer­
rals and temporary housing, and
the center itself is available for
community activities.
East Man, who was raised on a
Bird skull perched atop flagpole at ' reservation in South Dakota, is
concerned about the problems
white society causes for Indian
He feels that boarding schools
are indoctrination centers and on­
ly teach a child to hate his own
"Indianess" thus hating himself.
East Man is involved with the
Chemawa Indian school near Salem
and goes there periodically to
talk to the students and "tell
them they're different."
Counselors at the school also
bring students out to participate
in sweat-lodge ceremonies and oth­
er aspects of Anpo life.
The Sweat-lodge is perhaps the
focal point of the cultural center.
Also called a purification lodge,
it is used to purify the bodies and
souls of those who use it.
There are two lodges, one for
men and one for women.
side everyone sits in a circle and
"communicates with the creator,"
according to East Man.
This circle of people creates
a living example of the Indian
circle philosophy that the past
is the future, the future is the
past and the past is coming, said
East Man.
The sweat-lodge ceremonies are
open to anyone who is sincerely
interested, East Man said. They
are generally held every Friday,
weather permitting and are fol­
lowed by singing, drum music and
Counseling center offers mental health aid
Mental health counseling is a
new service available to students
and faculty at the College.
Rick Weiss, an employee of
Clackamas County Mental
Health Clinic, is available for coun­
seling on the
first and third
Thursdays of the month from
12:30 to 2:30 p.m. in the Col­
lege counseling center.
"I'm available to talk with
people about concerns and issues
they would like to talk about to
a person from the Mental Health
Clinic," Weiss said.
Weiss, a graduate student in the
School of Social Work at Portland
State University,(PSU), is finishing
his masters degree practicum at
the clinic.
"I'm a resource person," Weiss
said. "I stretch the boundaries of
the clinic by going into the com­
munity rather than having them
come to me."
"Social workers are different
than psychiatrists. There is a dif­
Rick Weiss
. . . . Mental Health Counselor
ferent focus on what we do," he
said.'T it interested in the linkages
people and people;
people and the environment; and
people and the community."
Weiss is available to talk about
personal counseling issues, mental
health, community resources and
also faculty consultation on an
Mental health, parenting. Trans­
actional Analysis for teenagers,
and consultation are just some of
the classes Weiss has taught as well
as running training workshops.
Besides Weiss' job at the Men­
tal Health Clinic, he is currently
on the staff of Lutheran Family
Services. Previously, he was assist­
ant director for Parrott Creek
Boys Ranch.
"I've been a resource person,
working in lots of different set­
tings for 14 years," Weiss said.
Appointments to see Weiss may
be made by contacting the Collège
counseling center.
I k
Brian Sn«l
The sweat-lodge ceremony is an important part of the cull
teachings at Anpo, the Native American Cultural Center on 1
Clackamas River near Carver.
Vocational talks
plagued by jargon
Jargon and vagueness domina­
ted the Vocational Education Plan­
ning Workshop held Jan. I7 in
Salem, according to Don Bixler,
associated Student Government vice
president and a student represent­
ative from the College at the
"It was very interesting and
very confusing," said Bixler,"It
was like being a patient with a
terminal illness with I0 doctors
around your bed talking in jargon
with you trying to understand
what they're saying.."
Bixler attended the conference
along with Dale Holland, ASG
senator, and two members of the
College's administration, Pat Lantz
division chairperson for health,
P.E. and human services and Judy
Thomas, coordinator of occupa­
tional therapy1.
As student representatives how­
ever, Bixler felt that he and Hol­
land didn't have as much voice as
they should have had.
"I thought it would be more
open discussion to really sit down
and hash the rough spots over
in the vocational education field
and come up with ideas to change
it and set new goals," said Bix­
Instead, we discussed a work­
sheet consisting of 17 different
ideas and had to write down whet­
her we agreed, disagreed or were
unsure about the ideas, he said.
Student exhibits chess prowess
By Scott Starnes
Of The Print
Richard Becker, an engineering
student here at the College, is also
a championship chess player who
competes in various tournaments
and chess opens playing on the
expert level.
Becker, who has played chess
since he was four .or five, began
playing seriously when he was a
freshman at Benson High School.
"I was involved in a chess club at
Benson," said Becker, "but I was
really inspired with the game after
playing in the
OMSI (Oregon
Museum of Science and Industry)
tournament," he said,
"The next year, our family
moved to Oregon City where I
finished my high school educa­
Becker said. "While at
Oregon City I found that they
were pro-chess and ranked as one
of the best chess teams in the
state. My experiences from playing
at Oregon City led to my competi­
tion seriousness ' Becker added.
Becker has played approximate­
ly 60 rated chess games in his
career. "A rated game." according
to Becker, "is a game where each
player is designated a rating pre­
scribed by the chess, federation.
The rating was a mathematical
formula devised by a Harvard
professor some 20 years ago. The
rating, in effect, signifies how
good you really are in terms of
your ability to play chess."
Anywhere from a 2000 to
2200 rating separates the amateur
from the expert, he added. Becker
sports a rating somewhere in be­
tween these figures.
Becker said that the average
length of time for a single chess
match is usually around four-
and-one-half hours or 45 to 50
moves. Some matches last much«
longer, but they appear less fre­
quently, Becker said.
Becker’s plans for the immed-
¡ate future are to accept the invi­
tation to the Oregon Chess Champ­
ionship which is being held at
Portland State University rather
Richard Becker
Junior Tourney Chess Champ
than fly to Montana and attend
the ACU-I regionals.
"Another player, including my­
self, were accepted to the tourna­
ment in Montana, but I declined
because I'd rather play with the
bigwigs who will be attending
the Oregon Chess Championship,"
Becker said.
Becker's greatest excitement
occurred when he captured first
place in the Oregon Junior Cham­
pionship. "The victory enabled me
to be a participant in either the
ACU-I tournament or the Oregon
Chess Championship," he said.
"Other than playing chess, I
enjoy athletics " Becker said. "I
like to jog a lot when I can find
some spare time from school."
Becker resides In Oregon City
and is currently taking 19 credit
hours at the College.
"Deciding what they wan]
was really hard because thewoij
ing was so vague," he said,
were divided into groups of]
people to discuss these ideal'll
representative from the State to
ot Education, who was iM
group, already had his mind m|
Don Bixler
.... Student representati^H
up and didn't give the rest««
chance to say anything.” i H
The participants in thelifl
shop, approximately I25
of various school boards, insflB
tors and about IO students] al«
reworded proposals in order »1
make them more specific, j I
"We changed some of the wot»
ing that was too vague and H
rowed it down to certain leal«
gories," said Bixler.
"All in all, to me this was®
part of the process of thaw
eaucratic system that has to ■
gone through so that whenlthM
go to the legislature for fundB
they can say we spent one dafl
going over proposals and makinB
"I'm not sure how it will affeci
the College by itself or how SB
affect vocational education! but!
there were
some good reconi
mendations," he said.
One of these recommend^™
was to use existing facilities wM
school districts and bus studen®
to them rather than building new!
facilities that the individual schooB
might not be able to afford. ■ I
One of the changes that need»
to be made, according to Bixlerl
is a re-structuring of the availabil-1
ity to any interested student of via
cational education facilities.I
"This is where the College
started climbing the ladder ba
cause we had a program for blind]
students in machine shop before!
anyone else, I believe," he said«
Clackamas Community CollaH
D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer