Wednesday, January 18,1978 fi secretary ieved of duties ■Schwab, Associated Stu- ■rnment secretary, was ■of office at last Thur- ■ting for failure to com- ■ constitutional require- ■¡s removed from office ■dent Government Con- ■tion three," said Mike KG president. ■three states that all of- ■ibecurrently enrolled at ■Community College and ■ on campus,, and main- Hiimum grade point aver- ■0. All officials must be ininimum of six credits oiled in at least two Com- tation classes. If an of- sto meet these require- ilshe shall be removed from office by a majority vote of ASGCCC. The position of ASG secretary is currently being filled on a temp­ orary basis by Barbara St. Mary, ASG publicity director. March Sayles, ASG senator, is filling in for St. Mary. Anyone wishing to apply for the position on a permanent basis should put in an application at the Student Activities office. The position carries a full tuition waiv­ er and requires some secretarial background or interest. - In other business, Don Bixler, ASG vice president, and Dale Hol­ land, ASG senator, were appointed to the State Vocational Education committee to write goals and ob­ jectives for vocational education in Oregon. tropolitan schools veyed for handicap le compliance spost-secondary institu­ temetropolitan area have laconsortium to comply ntional and federal or- concerning handicapped k, said Dr. John Hakan- Bentof the College, »natives from various «the metropolitan area West Linn Inn late last discuss their schools' com- Wh the needs of handi- individuals and what ac- Wbetaken for all schools (ordinance requirements, «»id. Wtiumwas one idea de- w would survey each in- •itto the degree of their «»with section 504, a ®de which lists projects M must have completed ^»ated time in order to '»¡th non-discriminatory Hakanson said. •*y by all presidents of Wary institutions will pro­ vient information as to Mschool is adapted to ïe® of education and fac- •i1 terms of handicap us- *ftonsaid. Wortium would notify ^on as to their com­ mit the code, circulate in- ®out interpretation of information about equipment required for the com­ pliance and give out information as to which schools are best suited for certain handicapped individuals needs. A proposed testing center, which wouldfacilitate handicapped individuals, might possibly be con­ structed in the near future, said Hakanson. "The center could pro­ vide nurses, technicians necessary for the construction of special equipment and specially trained individuals who can relate with the problems encountered by handi­ capped individuals," he said. The center could then test each individual as to what equipment they might need to perform their course of study, Hakanson said. The testing center would spare each individual institution the ex­ penses necessary for the develop­ ment of a personal testing center,, Hakanson said. "As of now, the College is in total compliance with section 504," and according to Hakanson, "leads the nation in terms of non-dis­ criminatory compliance." Such measures, as braille-coded room numbers, electric doors, and elevators in Barlow, Randall and McLoughlin halls are only just a part of the College's compliance with section 504, Hakanson said. Mark Nugen, a video technology student, checks the controls in the color control booth before f ilming begins. The video students work on audio Photo by Lorraine Stratton visual aids for instructors as part of their learn- ¡ng process. See related story on page 2. Quick thinking saves students life Quick thinking and prompt emergency care saved the life of a college student who suffered a heart attack in the library last Friday. Barbara Frantz, a graduate of the Licensed Practical Nursing (LPN) program at the College, and a student currently seeking a degree in counseling, was rushed to Holiday Park Hospital in Port- land, after receiving emergency first aid treatment from Bonnie Hartley, campus nurse; Chuck Adams, registrar and Coordinator of the Emergency Medical Train­ ing (EMT) courses in this area; and an unidentified student who had taken EMT courses. Within five minutes after cam­ pus personnel arrived at the scene the Paramedic squad from the Oregon City fire department ar­ rived with the Willamette Falls ambulance squad coming in right behind them. Hartley said. "You are basically five to six minutes away from medical help here," Adams said. Margaret Charters, head librar­ ian, has also been cited for quick thinking. She called the switchboard immediately who then handled all the calls for emergency help. According to Adams, students who find themselves in the posi­ tion of being the first or only one on the scene of such an emergency should take some important steps immediately. If possible they should send someone for help. However, he emphasized that the victim should never be left alone. "They have only four minutes before brain damage becomes a possibility. First aid must be rend­ ered immediately," he said. After ascertaining that the victim has had a heart attack by checking for symptoms which include; severe crushing pain in the chest, possible numbness in the left arm, nausea and fainting, CPR must be initiated at once. If the victim is unconscious, they should open an airway by lifting up the neck, pushing the forehead back and clearing out the mouth if necessary. If breathing has stopped, arti­ ficial respiration should be started at a rate of 12 inflations per minute. The pulse in the neck should be checked. If there is no pulse .artificial circulation should be started. After locating the pressure point,the sternum should be de­ pressed 60 to 80 times per minute while artificial respiration is con­ tinued. "The critical thing is to act immediately,* Adams said. "Every­ one should have some CPR train­ ing." Frantz has been released from the hospital and is now staying with her son.