The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, January 11, 1978, Image 1

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    I A
offers solutions
Irate-based serial levy has been
Idnced by the Long Range
■rice Study Committee in an ef-
| to replace the annual income
[which the College has been
lin previous years, said Dr.
i Hakanson, president of the
■he rate-based serial levy would
k $1.60 for every $1,000worth
property owned in Clackamas
mty, Hakanson said.
the proposed levy will collect
Lent operating and building
is over a period of three years
Bead of every year as has been
|gein preceding years, Hakanson
■.The serial levy will grant more
»in the long run for the Col-
I each year because property
Hue will increase from year to
|, he said.
[Hakanson said that if the pro-
■iserial levy does pass, it will
Be the College thousands of dol-
K annually by eliminating costly
net elections. The serial levy
II only require one budget elec-
n every three years, Hakanson
[The proposed levy of $1.60 per
thousand dollars of property has
been carefully realized by con­
tractors and board members and
virtually all possible inflationary
actions in the near future have been
taken under consideration, Hakan­
son said.
"So, at this time, we feel the
$1.60 will be a sufficient amount
to ask' for," he said.
As the tax base stands right now
for the College, $1.25 for every
$1,000 of property is needed to
meet operational costs, Hakanson
said. The extra 35 cents has been
designated for proposed building
costs of the science wing, welding
and auto body facilities.
If the proposed serial levy does
pass the board tonight, it will be
up for public election some time
this spring -- probably in March or.
April, Hakanson said.
If thè rate-base serial levy should
pass the public election in the
spring, construction of the science
building and other proposed build­
ingsites should begin some time in
1979, according to Don Fisher,
facilities development and plan­
ning officer at the College.
While a sudden ice storm hit Clackamas and
surrounding counties and forced closure of the
schools, the local denizens of the ecology pond
By Happie Thacker
Of The Print
While many students were , still a-
sleep in their warm beds, blissfully un­
aware of the freezing rains and icy
roads that delayed the opening of the
College by a day Jan. 3, Dr. Ronald
Kaiser, dean of instruction, was trying
to decide whether or not to start
"Although I consult with Marv
Weiss, (dean of community services and
community education) I have the pri­
mary responsibility," Kaiser said. "The
paramount concern is for the safety of
students and staff members — not only
for them to get here safely but to get
them home safely also."
Since the Clackamas Community
College district encompasses all of
Clackamas County, except Lake Os­
wego and Sandy, Kaiser must be con­
cerned about the road
throughout the county, not just those
close to the college.
"I have people spotted throughout
the county," Kaiser said, "in Molalla
Lake Oswego Heights, Gladstone and
Estacada' These people are early risers
and generally start calling me with re­
ports about 4:30 or 5 a.m."
Kaiser's weather-watch actually be­
gins the night before when he listens to
weather reports and tries to decide if
there is a possibility of bad weather.
held their own school and were caught running
around learning the names of the local fauna.
If there appears to be any cause for
worry he calls the county sheriff's off­
ice, the North Clackamas Early Bird
School Bus Dispatch and the weather
service the next morning at about 5
a.m. to check on road conditions. He
then has time to make a decision be­
fore people in outlying areas start
leaving for school.
"I try to gather all the information
I can about weather conditions," Kai­
ser said, "but the acid test comes when
I step out my front door. I have con­
crete steps and if I can't get down them
I know it's bad."
Kaiser, who lives in Beavercreek,
then tries to drive around the area
and down to the college to check on
road conditions there.
"Once the determination is made
to close the school, we make a call to
the Portland services that contact about
10 other radio stations," Kaiser said.
"We usually make the decision by
5:40 a.m. and it takes -awhile to get it
on the radio, but by 6:30 it's on the
Then Kaiser or Weiss comes to the
school and puts the message on the
code-a-phone by 6:30 for those who
call in seeking information.
Kaiser will also close the college in
the middle of the day if weather con­
ditions deteriorate after students arrive.
Students in the buildings will be noti­
fied, notices placed on the entrances to
the buildings, arid again announce­
ments will be called into radio sta­
tions in the area.
These unplanned holidays have only
happened two or three times in the
three years this program has been in
Before the decision was made to
close school completely they tried such
things as telling the students to stay
home (while faculty and administra­
tion were supposed to report in for
work) or delaying classes an hour or
Neither of these plans was very
successful, according to Kaiser, since
weather conditions didn't generally
improve enough during thé day to war­
rant starting classes and it wasn't fair
to require the staff to risk driving on
dangerous roads.
"The staff still gets paid if they
can't get here because of the weather,"
Kaiser said. "It wouldn't be fair to
punish them for something they have
no control over.
"The main thing is that we keep it
so that people don't get injured try­
ing to get here, it's just not that im­
portant and regardless of whether or
hot the college is closed, students and
faculty are urged to use their own good
judgment about coming in and not to
take risks."