The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 08, 1977, Page 17, Image 17

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Curl up
and read
the cold
Hays away
People wanting a good book to
Lover the holidays may want
Indulge in books covering self-
ropy, family sagas, entertain-
| and some new books by
Erica's best authors.
[Self-therapy books these days
| simply taken the literary
Idby storm. Two of the most
pilar publications are "Passages:
■ Predictable Crisis of Adult
J'by Gail Sheehy and "Your
jooeous Zones" by Dr. Wayne
[“Passages: The Predictable
k of Adult Life" takes the
p through the problems of
nit in his forties and beyond
■tries to provide some helpful
Kiers. The book was a number
■bestseller in hardback and is
pur Erroneous Zones" is also
nique book. Like 'Passages,"
Ma place on both the hard­
er and paperback best seller
[at the same time.
■You can control your own
find you are the sum total of
I own choices" according to
I self-help pep talk book also
pat among students.
Number one hardcover best­
seller "Roots" and author Alex
Haley are finally ready to enter
the softcover field.
A literary classic, "Roots" tells
of Haley's attempt to trace his
ancestry back to a small village in
Africa then follows them through
seven generations of slavery, the
.civil war and eventually freedom.
Tending to capitalize on the
success of "Roots." is Colleen
McCullough's "The Thorn Birds."
It is the story of three generations
of an early Australian family and
is second on the hardcover best
seller list.
The entertainment business has
entered two books that have be­
come very popular among paper­
back buyers and students.
- "Star Wars" by George Lucas
is a novelization of America's
number one film written by the
film's director.
"Elvis.: What Happened" is an
attempt by Elvis Presley's body­
guards, Sonny West and Steve
Dunleavy, to explain the last years
of America's number one singing
idol. This book is popular among
students and in many cases pro­
vides a contradictory side to the
public life of Presley.
Besides the current trends, some
very popular authors have come
out with excellent new books.
Leon Uris, the author of such
gigantic best sellers as "Battle
Cry," "Exodus," and 'QBVII,"
has added another smash seller,
In the giant, scope that marks
Uris tradition, "Trinity" is an
attempt to trace the history of
Ireland and bring in to focus the
problems of- recent years. It is a
very popular fiction tale and a
bestseller in hardback, paperback
and student lists.
Perhaps no other author in
recent years has reached the suc-
cess of J. R. Toklien and his be­
loved hobbits.
Having written "The Lord of
The Rings," which loomed as one
of the truly great works of human
spirit, Tolkein followed with "The
Hobbit" and now his new book
entitled "The Silmarillion."
The power and beauty of
Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings"
guarantees in advance the impor­
tance and interest of "The Sil­
marillion," his account of all that
happened earlier in his imaginery
kingdoms of towers, dwarfs, elves,
and men. The longer we look at
it, the more impressive "The Lord
of the Rings" becomes; and the
more we see of Tolkein's other
work, the more miraculous it seems
that the powers should have grant­
ed him that great triology," said
John Gardner, New York Times
Book Review.
A measure of Tolkien's success
is that "The Hobbit" is being made
into an animated special for tele­
vision and "The Silmarillion" has
been the best selling hardback for
several weeks.
Following his "All Creatures
Great and Small" and two subse­
quent sequels, James Herriot has
written some of America's best­
loved stories as he tells of a
Yorkshire veterinary and his ad­
ventures around the turn of the
In his latest book, the number
one best seller "All Things Wise
and Wonderful," Harriot tells of
more special animal friends that
he and his wife meet.
For those who love humor,
humor, Erma Bombeck has come
out with another outrageous best­
seller entitled "The Grass is Always
Greener Over the Septic Tank."
In this book, as well as in her
two previous bestsellers "At Wit's
End" and "I Lost Everything in
Post Nasal Depression," Bombeck
ersonalize gifts/make vour own
succeeds in finding humor—with
all aspects of being a suburban
wife choosing a college to worry-
about her figure and cooking.
One of America's genuine hum­
orists, Bombeck has a syndicated
newspaper column called "At Wit's
End" and has a segment on the
television program Good Morning
For those people who enjoy
sports of any kind or good stories
about old fashioned heroes, read
"Bruce Jenner: The Decathalon
Challenge" by Bruce Jenner.
IA commercialized Christmas
■tends upon the public as they
I getting ready tor Halloween
»continues through the Christ­
is holidays and even after. In
■fiance to the commercializa-
I», more and more people are
faforan old-fashioned Christ-
■returning to the old-fashion-
■ Christmas many people are
fc gifts rather than buying
■till, even though the manufac-
jws are busily coming up with
pile ideas such as a doll that
p jet a suntan and a cow that
Dldren can actually milk.
■People are sidatif ied with the
■ prices of these gifts and the
[tin inferior quality of merchan-
p. Because of this, imagina­
is are being used to come up
pith original gifts or at least home­
ink gifts that cost less and have
■personal touch.
■trame is a popular gift. A
piety of things can be created
B as plant pot holders and
pl hangings which sometimes
■over $50 in the stores, but can
• made for about half price or
I Some other gifts to make are
Wetitems and knit items, dried
Rr arrangements, quilts and
| Another idea is to make kahlua
[dark bottles, with your own
Barnas Community College
labels decorated with Christmas
ornaments. The recipe is as fol­
Two fifths vodka
6 c. of water
6 c. of sugar
3 oz. of Yuban instant
1 vanilla bean
Heat water in a large kettle, add
sugar and coffee.
Heat until
sugar dissolves, then let it cool.
Next add liquor, pour into a crock
and the vanillia bean. Let it stand
for a week then bottle the liquid
in brown bottles. Finally, let the
ingredients age for three to four
Unique place mats can be made
by cutting out a piece of crinoline
the size the place mat is to be.
Cut out old Christmas cards ori
other kinds of cards and place them
in a design on the material with a
paste of Elmer's glue and water.
Christmas ornaments for the
tree can be created with Christ­
mas cards, tinfoil, ribbon, or any­
thing else your imagination can
come up with. The ornaments
will be something personal that can
be used from year to year.
Candle-making is fun for the
whole family and economical. Dip
candles are the easist. The follow­
ing explanation tells how to make
dip candles.
Melt wax in a three-pound cof­
fee can. Take a wick (or make
your own with a string dipped in
borax solution), dip in the wax
then into cold water. Continue
to dip into wax and then water
until the candle reaches the desired
size. The candle can be molded
as it is dipped as it will be soft
and pliable. Another idea is to
paint wax on a balloon until
several layers have been applied.
Then it can be dipped into the
wax without fear of the balloon
breaking. Place a small candle
inside and it will create a nice
It is a good book, but has not
quite received as popular acclaim
as the aforementioned books as
it is limited, for the most part,
to sport enthusiasts.
Great gifts
for student budgets
By Hallie Brown
Of The Print
[Joy Williams
The Print
Jenner does a good job bringing
the reader in to a better under­
standing of what the decathalon
entails. He takes his reader through
early decathalon days, some of
his more famous decathalons and
the days leading to the Montreal
Olympics where his world record
attempt took place.
Christmas is almost here, and
along with that is the decision of
what to get as presents. Many gifts
are too expensive for a student
who is on a very light budget. Here
are some gift ideas that might be
within the budget.
Homemade gifts are a hit with
everyone. Parents and grandparents
are especially prone to like the gift
you made yourself.
Depending on age, there are
many gifts to buy for that brother
or sister of yours. Posters for room
decorations are
popular with
youngsters. Gar, boat and plane
models are usually appreciated by
by the younger ones.
For the intellectual siblings
there are many good books and
puzzles. Albums and tapes are
good gifts provided one has the
equipment to use the gifts. A
lasting, growing reminder of Christ­
mas could be a plant.
For Mom, you could put a
favorite perfume or candy in her
stocking. Jewelery like necklaces,
rings and watches always seem to
appeal to mothers. Sometimes
small papliances are both useful
and welcome. Abig hit with every
mother, are flowers. Half a dozen
roses are a great way to say "Merry
Christmas, Mom."
Dad might need new slippers
for Christmas. Or perhaps a new
A pooling of money
between brothers and sisters could
buy Dad a new digital watch. Thus,
you could get him a special pre­
sent without a lot of money. Desk
thermometers and
make a nice addition to a busines­
sman's desk at work.
A favorite gift for parents is a
group picture of the children.
By again combing everyone's
By again combining everyone's
money, you can give a nice present
that will be appreciated for many
years to come.
For the relatives who live in
distant cities, a Hickory Farms
gift pack can be sent. Another
idea is to send a bouquet of nice
So buying the right present is
really not that hard. The import­
ant thing is to shop early in order
to get the best selection.