Clackamas Community College Thursday. side f recreation for xplored through skiing, with in­ bout lift prices, i rates, and an with a local ski ; who gwes tips ¡country versus ? skiing, where guipment and jkes to become rnctor on page I uPo would rath- [p by the fire [warm will be d in our recipes ^hunger away, j get rid of that ¡¡I and perhaps a ok to while away ts with on pages 5 on gold pan- age 18) and Big- lihglpagc 12) wiil ¡¡he r;-r adven- nr tips n how at i.fp uhermia id being the ob ¡iearch and rescue «II worth read- [io>. ¡1, both local and isinvestigntedvyfth son whyt several (¡on's res., rts have [and also tips on hours to Europe tbewintei holidays W 12 id page math instructor torn teacher ex- Jrogram in Britain ine new ideas and ) opinions about ^educational sys- «nioeKe, a youth­ ant with great 1 is profiled oh 3WiH Stratton 111 llp/l ’ll 16 (M) 49.25 I I I I I I 2^7 0.01 17 38.62 -0.18 -0.04 18(B) 28.86 0.54- 0.75 0.98 1.24 I I I |3 111111 19 -0Æ5 0.73 1'67 14II I 20 I 21 8.29 3.44 -0.81 -0.23 0.19 0.49 2.04 2.42 centimeters !• H ll|5 I I I I 1 1 1 1 ]ßH iUUjIWJU ”|8I I I I I I I |91 ' 11 • 111 10 22 31.41 23 72.46 24 72.95 -19.43 55.93 68’80 ■ 25 29.37 -49*49 26 54.91 -38.91 30.77 27 43.96 52.00 30.01 28 82.74 81.29 29 52.79 50.88 -12.72 50.87 I L* -27.17 a* -29.46 b* Colors by Muriseli Color Services Lab J