The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 01, 1977, Page 4, Image 4

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Gag attempt
Student government should be a little wary of situa­
tions like the ones it has gotten itself into in the past two
Beginning with the ban on foreign political posters
and .continuing to a premature discussion of a senator re­
call petition, they are courting disaster by succumbing
to mob rule and not thinking before acting.
The proposed ban on foreign political posters is a clear
violation of First Amendment rights and an invitation
to lawsuits from many areas.
To begin with, censorship of any sort should be dis­
couraged. Once it rears its ugly head it is very difficult to
kill it. By preventing one group of students from present-
ings its views, ASG is but a short step from denying this
right to anyone else.
There is no excuse for censorship on a college campus.
This is the place where we should all expect to be ex­
posed to different points of view and different ideas and
Another problem with this whole question is whether
or not student government even has a right to vote on the
matter. We think not. The right of freedom of speech is
granted to all citizens and foreigners with valid visas in
this country.
In fact, contrary to the beliefs of some senators, all
of our constitution, except the Fifth Amendment, ap­
plies to everyone, citizen or visitor.
According to Ed Baker, professor of law at the Uni­
versity of Oregon, the whole idea is improper and clear­
ly unconstitutional. "They can't bar political posters on
js just b
campus just because they are foreign political posters.
They could probably bar all posters, but not some just on
the basis of content."
We are extremely grateful that there are a few level
heads in student government who are willing to stand up
and force others to wait before voting on things that
could cause a lot of trouble.
Judging from the atmosphere at the last student gov­
ernment meeting, a vote on the poster censoring might
possibly have passed, causing embarassment for many,
and perhaps expensive lawsuits for the school.
Those who are concerned about foreign students in­
citing riots by involving us in their political turmoil should
consider that many riots are caused by those who have
been denied their rights and this matter would clearly
have denied foreign students their right to freedom of
The proposed recall petition of a senator is another
instance of senators getting carried away by their own
importance. Several senators, during discussion of the
faults of Senator Phil Boitnott, immediately fell upon
the idea of recall and were prepared to carry out the fil­
ing of a petition. Rumors flew and several people, in­
cluding Boitnott, were justifiably upset. It was only after
a few days had elapsed that things cooled down and Boit­
nott is being given another chance.
Student government should slow down and take it
easy for a while. It is commendable that they are trying
to accomplish something but they need to think about
what it is they are trying to accomplish before doing any­
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Offices: Trailer B — Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259 and 278
Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those of the
CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student Government.
Editorials, columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of the
editors and the persons signing them. Correspondence should be add­
ressed to the above address.
Page 4
Undesirable rewards
To the Editor:
I have wrestled with my conscience ever since thefirs®
ment of the staff victory party, and have reached the con®
I cannot in good conscience participate tonight (Nov.E®
I love champagne - and I am glad that our effortstop®
were successful and are appreciated. However, as a tax®
taxpayers, I cringe to think what this party will do tool®
pass the next levy -- as we must to survive.
The reason I went door-to-door day after day, often u®
p.m. in that 100-plus-degree heat: telephoned, sent rcrri®
telephone, and talked to people about the levy at the grS
beauty shop and everywhere else I went is first arid forem®
I believe in the College and its service to our community®
because I've never been so happy working anywhere and®
I can continue to work here and serve the community! I
The people I talked to voted for the levy because th®
lieve in the College and appreciate its service to our commu®
rejoiced when the levy passed and passed so resoundingly®
word gets around, however, as it is sure to, that we "threw®
celebrate with the money collected in good faith to kee®
open, it will make it very difficult to again go to these®
we must.
Let me again emphasize my complete support of the®
my joy at working here. I do not mean to be a "killjoy®
love champagne. I simply cannot condone or participate^®
the money collected to keep the College open.
As I mentioned in my earlier note to Dr. Fryett,®®
thank you is necessary, but if you want tosay thank you,®
impress and reward me and the other taxpayers far more®
pagne would be to use the money to improve our sei®
Rosy Foster
Library, ext. 246
To the Editor:
Since the ASG meeting of Nov. 17 there has beenlgro®
within the ASG for the express purpose of my removatra®
Their reasoning is somewhat confusing.
For example, Don Bixler (the ASG vice presidentlwh®
told me that my use of profanity and my conduct offehd^R
that has, and still is, trying to remove me from the senate.®
senator not more than a month and have attendeal bfl
ASG meetings. In those meetings I've witnessed, asdilothfl
senators and officers using profanity, and conducting them®
an non-professional manner.
I'm not saying that two or more wrongs make me right®
want to start pointing and name calling. What I do want is toa
I would like to apologize to those that were offended attfl
meeting that have not confronted me thai
people that did confront me personally.
This matter, and other matters of this nature, I believe«
should be settled in this manner.
I have not apologized to save myself from being remove®
contrary, I have apologized because I have offended someor®
My wanting to stay in the student government isobvii
student government has proven to be concerned, and are ■
with the best interest of the student, and the community,ini
I am proud to be associated with such a fine group of P®
Phillip J. Boitnott
20251 S. Beavercreek Rd.
Oregon City 97045