The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 01, 1977, Page 2, Image 2

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    ASG reprimands college señal
"I feel that he is rude and inconsiderate."
A formal reprimand for Associated Stu-
dent Government Senator Phil Boitnoft has said Senator Denise Klein. "We originally
been made in lieu of filing a recall petition. talked about disciplinary action and I don't
according to Don Bixler, ASG vice president. know if recall is the answer but something
needs to be done. His actions give everyone
Boitnott, who was elected by unanimous a low opinion of student government."
vote of the senate on Nov. 3, has been
Boitnott feels that too much is being
accused of behavior unbecoming a senator by made of the whole incident.
several members of student government and
"If it's just my profanity, well, others
a recall petition was discussed after the have used profanity at the meetings," he said.
"I don't think anyone likes me much but I
Nov. 17 meeting.
"They (the concerned senators) are fed don't really care."
up with his actions, his attitudes and his
Boitnott has worked up a formal apology
language," said Don Bixler, ASG vice pres­ for those offended by his actions in order
to "keep student government working as a
Bixler is the one who pointed out the pos­ unit rather than as factions."
sibility of a recall petition according to
"They say I'm not representing the views
Article 8, Section 4 of the Student Govern­ of the students," he said, "but how do they
ment Constitution, after several senators know what those views are when no one has
spoken up and said what they think."
came to him with their complaints.
"He's radical, his profanity has been
"Mostly the problem is his attitude," said
really offensive,and he disrupts ASG meet­ Senator Dale Holland. "I like him personally
ings by starting pointless arguments," said but if he can't control himself then we'll
Senator Mardi Ann Sayles, one of the orig­ have to recall him. First, though, he should
be set down and talked to and given another
inators of the complaints against Boitnott.
"This whole thing might prove to be a
According to the ASG constitution if a
personality conflict but it's odd that all the
recall is decided on, the petition will need
senators feel the same way," said Sayles.
100 signatures and then them
voted on by the entire studen
21 days after the petition is fill
Phil Boitnott
... reprimanded
Recycling project succeeds at high schà
buildings, upkeep of nine trucks, payroll of bags, corrugated cardboard, sc®
approximately 35 regular staff employes, and fice paper and motor oil are colli
educational equipment' for the recycling
"Catalogs, magazines andegga
The second Saturday of every month is a
library which is open to the public.
definitely recyclable," said Ker®
busy day for many of Oregon City Senior
People, including students, need to learn ministrative assistant and
High School's students.
to save and have things recycled.
the Portland Recycling Team J
On this day the students run a recycling
The first step is to separate the materi­
"We get a lot of calls from pe®
als at home. This can be done by using if they are."
collection program on the school's campus.
The recycling idea started when Leon
plastic bags or small trash cans to put tin,
Mayer, Science department head, took a
glass, and paper in. All vegetables and bio­
degradable items can be used to make a com­
class entitled "Physical Environment of Port­
land" this summer at Portland State Univer­ post pile for gardens and flower beds.
On their last recycling day they collected
A workshop on time managemen®
Wayne Shindiedecker, general science
10,700 pounds of recyclable material. This designed for College support stafj
included three tons of newspaper, 2,800 Dec. 6 in the Community Center, rot®
teacher, was put in charge because of Mayer's
busy schedule.
pounds of glass, 400 pounds of tin cans and The workshop will be held ¡njffl
"We have to make people aware of the
one ton of scrap paper according to Shin- 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 to4:
Arnie Heuchertof thePersonnelDe^B
program, of recycling and that it does work,"
Shindiedecker said.
Center, Portland, will conductthew®
Not only is the project helping the envir­
Seven Oregon City High School students
The following topics will be d®
onment, but it also saves energy. Recycling
analyzing time, solving time was^B
were trained by the Portland Recycling newspapers saves 90 percent of the energy
Team, a non-profit Portland based organiza­ used to make newspaper, aluminum saves
goals and priorities, managing teanj®
creating time. For more informal
95 percent and glass saves 60 percent, accord­
tact Kate Adams, ext. 213.
Connie Maxson, Laura Cisso, Karen Foley,
ing to Shindiedecker.
Julie Mauk, Dawn Weber, Gerry Crawford,
Everyone is welcome
to bring their
and Eugene Miles were taught material
recyclables up to the school mall area the
separation, material acceptability and super­ second Saturday of each month. The high
vision of other students.
school is located on 12th and Jackson.
The Portland Recycling Team, whose em­ Recycling time is 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tin
phasis is to educate the public on energy cans, glass, aluminum, newspapers, paper
saving recycling, picks up the material and
sells it. The school then receives 50 per­
cent of the money, which goes in to special
science programs.
Proceeds from sales of the recyclable
items at the Portland Recycling Team office,
go to upkeep of the seven sites and rented
By Marlene Clark
Of The Print
Time manageme
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