The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, December 01, 1977, Page 10, Image 10

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Sewing offered
Two college transfer courses in home sew­
ing, Beginning Clothing and Clothing Con­
struction, will be offered winter term.
The classes were canceled last term be­
cause only six people signed up but student
Cathlene Brown is hoping to get enough
students interested so they can be taught
this term.
Brown feels that even for those who al­
ready sew, the lecture value of the class is
"In order to get a garment that doesn't
look like you sewed it yourself,you have to
know things you can only learn from an ex­
pert seamstress and Eleanor Stubbs (instruc­
tor for the classes) really knows what she is
talking about," said Brown.
Students in the class will be sewing with
fabric containing wool fiber because, accord­
ing to Stubbs, you can get a better fit with
wool, it drapes better and it's the new "in"
Lined or unlined skirts, sleeveless vests
will be featured in beginning sewing with
collared jackets and pants taught in clothing
New media classes
Larry Sturholm, Portland broadcaster,
journalist and novelist, will be teaching a class
within the journalism curriculum winter
term at the College. Introduction to Broad­
cast Journalism (J131) will be taught by Stur­
holm on Thursday evenings from 7 to 10 p.m.
Another journalism class new to the cur­
riculum winter term will be Introduction to
Mass Communications (J211). A professional
in the newspaper field,Cheryl Beshears, editor
of the Tigard Times, teaches this course at 8
a.m. MWF.
"Both these classes are good for students
interested in journalism and broadcasting
(television and radio)," said Randy Clark,
journalism instructor. "All of our journalism
classes at the College are transferable to four-
year institutions and some could satisfy
humanities requirements."
tional Coordinating Council, Oil
of Education, the Governor's Off
Oregon Community College Ass!
available. Also, the CCC E’.oard.oj
Other journalism classes offered winter
term are Journalism Projects (J199), Report­
ing II (J217), Publications Lab (J215) and
Offset Newspaper Productions (J199V).
minutes, agendas and related mai
policy manual, college regulatif
budget documents are there, j
Crafts fair returns
The College will feature another Arts
and Orafts Fair due to popular demand.
The fair has been a big success this year,
according to Barbara St. Mary, Associated
Student Government publicity director.
A Christmas-time fair was requested by
the students so they could purchase hand­
made gifts for family and friends.
The College's art department will also be
involved in the fair. Many of the students
will be selling their paintings and drawings.
The fair, will be in the CC mall Dec. 7,
10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Library services
For people who are unaware of the com­
plete facilities the library has to offer, there
is a section located behind the front desk
that contains all the information about
events, meetings and laws that pertain to
the College, and are available to the public.
Papers and publications, including Ore­
gon law concerning community colleges in
general, and other materials from the Educa-
Hilltop Rocks and Gifts
Jewelry and Silver supplies
Custom made jewelry and repair
Do it yourself supplies
Lapidary equipment and supplies
Oregon City, Oregon 97045 655-3225
Now for a limited tiro
you can save 10%'onltl
new 1977-78 yearbol
During registration, yj
can buy the yearbook 0
$3.75 before the prl
goes up in January I
$4.2 5 .You save more th|
10%. This offer is limit
to winter term regisl
tion only, so do it toda
P O BOX 29 2
for sale
NEED RIDE to Phoenix or Tuscon, will share ex­
penses over Christmas break, ext. 234, Cresta Beall.
'68 CHRYSLER Newport, V-8, PS, PB, AC, mech­
anically sound, $375. Call Jan at 231-6675 or
help wanted
FOR SALE: Neat, clean 1953 Ford 2-door sedan,
6 cylinder, 3-speed, good tires. Needs motor work.
$200. 656-4954.
ADDRESSERS WANTED: Immediately! Work at
home, no experience necessary, excellent pay. Write
American Service, 8350 Park Lane, suite 269, Dal­
las, Texas 75231.
FOR SALE: 12-string guitar, steel strings, in mint
condition, only slightly used. Must see to appreci­
ate, $265. Call Randy on campus at ext. 259 or
evenings, 638-6I9I.
Page 10
DEAR APOLLO: Sorry you lost your froi
but don't despair - I still love you, and
you cute when you poutl! The Italian^
DEAR CAESAR: Sorry I missed you, bril
speeding ticket on the way to the races. I
giving a violin concert Saturday. It shouldl
party. See you then. Love, Cleopatra. J
Thursday, December I