Lazy Clackamas Community College's standing as one of the forerunners in removing architectural barriers to the handicapped student is one we should all take great pride in. For too long, the handicapped person with an active mind but limited physical capacity has been denied a place in our society. Termed "freaks," "misfits" or "stupid" simply because their bodies don't function properly, they have not been allowed to share their minds and other talents with the rest of the world. The College is taking the first step in making it possible for these people to enter the mainstream, but in doing this are perhaps doing the rest of the students a disservice. If the doors in the Community Center mall are any indication of what is to follow, students on this campus will forget how to open doors if automatic ones are in­ stalled in all the buildings. Students line up four and five deep just to go through the one automatic door. Handicapped students have even been seen waiting to use the door designed for them while other, non­ handicapped students, take advantage of the facility. The College planning department and Associated Student Government has decided to install lockers in every building with some of them designated for handi­ capped use only. This system will initially be run on the honor system. We are anxious to see if there are enough honorable students around to allow the system to work. After all, if people are too lazy to open a door, they are probably going to be too lazy to carry their books around in their two good arms. feedback Money back To the Editor: I would like to take this time (or energy) to voice my opinion a- bout the monies in ASG and how they are spent, then stick my head in the ground and not get involved. I would like a refund of my share of the $34,405 Student Government has control of. If those few playing at capitalistic oligarchy (under the guise of Student Govern­ ment) let go of my money, I promise to continue not to participate in any programs funded by the ASG. If as I suspect this proves impossible, I would like my share spent on funding a special election consisting of a sole measure. This measure would read: Associated Student Government? Yes — No — If this measure seems oversimplified, how about: I would like to be governed by: (choose one) A. B. C. D. Anarchy Autocracy Feudalism Oligarcy E. F. G. Other None of the above All of the above. If a special election is out of the question, I would like my money to be shared between Don Bixler and Hallie Brown for the purpose of funding their tuition into special classes, respectively; "Intro, to Logic" and "What Employers Look for." $ The Print welcomes all letters to the editor in its new Feedback coin j fact, we encourage them. Consider this a place not only for feedback on newspaper, but also to air views on school policy, instructors, class administration or any other topic pertaining to Clackamas Community ft We ask only that letters be typewritten, double-spaced or carefull® in ink, and signed by the person submitting the letter. The editorial« requires that at the bottom of the letter the person or persons writinffl ter attach his or her full name, address and phone number where thatM can be reached for verification. Names will, be witheld on request. 1 PUBLICATIONS STAFF 19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 Offices: Trailer B — Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259 and 278 I editor Happie Thacker * news editor Cyndi Bacon * arts editor Marlenes * sports editor Ann Breyne * copy editor Lynda Roberson ‘photos# Brian Snook * staff reporters Hallie Brown, Dian Coleman, Randy Fra Scott Starnes, Joy Williams, Joan Springer * photographers John Schrffl Joan Springer, Kelly Mannix, Lorraine Stratton, Peggy Webb ‘ product« manager Sharon Flavell * printer Jack Tucker * business manager Paul Byffl advertising sales Tommi Davidson, Mike Larson, Kevin Condra * profess« adviser Randy Clark Quite sincerely. King Apathy Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those of ths i CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student Government! Editorials, columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of till editors and the persons signing them. Correspondence should be a#| ressed to the above address. Editor's note: It is our policy to print only those letters that are signed and give the address of the writer. Names will be withheld on request. Because we felt that perhaps this policy had not been made clear we have made this one exception. However, please note that in the future, policy will be strictly adhered to. The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Assoc, iation, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium coveringthra campus community as thoroughly as possible. We encourage partici­ pation through letters, freelance articles and story ideas and suggestions.) Deadlines are the Friday of the week prior to the Thursday publics-1 tion date. Page 4 Thursday, November 17, 191