briefs Board votes Cont. from page 11 person Anne Nickel read a letter ment chairpersons urging defeat Benefit basketball The United States Marine Corps basket­ ball team will be playing a benefit hoop game with the KYTE radio "Good Guys" at the College next Wednesday night at 8 p.m. If the service team wins, $150 will go to benefit their Youth Physical Fitness Program. If the Radio team wins, the money will go to a charity of their choice. Admission to the basketball game will be contribution or donation. The game will be held in Randall Gym. Competition will be held in Tae Kwon Do, Karate and Kung Fu, with demonstra­ tions of these forms of fighting and self de­ fense to be presented after competition. The tournamentwill consist of one-on-one, one-on-two and one-on-four fighting. Competition will begin at noon and the tournament will last until 7 p.m. in the Port­ land YWCA's downtown gym. Admission will be $2. ation, expressed concerns ofth Business seminar would not be hired. Assassination slides Address changes Cressler cited the example of ing teacher applicant who was p! N.E. PORTLAND: Remodeling private home, hours flexible at $3.50 per hour or will negotiate depending on qualifications. Contact Placement Center. SiE. PORTLAND: Inspecting plastic containers for flaws, etc. Work hours between 6 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. daily at $3.00 per hour. Contact Placement Center. OREGON CITY: Custodial - MTThF: 5-8 a.m. and Sat. 6-3 p.m. and Sundays 8-5, $2.45 per hour for the first two weeks and .15 raise per hour every thirty days. See Placement Center for more details. '69 Ford Mustang front fenders and scoop. 654-3739. S.W. PORTLAND: Child Care Aide - 6:15-9:15 p.m., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evening, $2.30 per hour. Contact Placement Center. Wanted to Buy: Used Book Case. Approx 3' wide X 12" Deep X 5' High; 771-7435 over is low. He said the propose not set any procedures for imple] A ,d was accepted from the pany for $107,540 for six copj Alf Lair, director of planning and] reported that the machines wills® over the next seven years. I Lair also said the College hadu its contract with Meadowland Da unsatisfactory performance,and! ing with Carnation, next lowest bld Hakanson intends to bring a req tion to the December or January! ing that the architects proceed® ing construction drawings ffltn building and the proposed Barlow! in order that the College may prepa federal funding. and look into these Marine Corps Career Opportunities. We offer some of the best job trj programs in or out of the miH Food Services, Welding, Aircraft^ Electronics Maintenance, Data Systems, Telecommunicate You name it, we've got it. I Sgt. Kathy Curtin 13750 SE McLoughlin Blvd. Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Phone: 653-9012 personal Dear Cleopatra: Sorrv I missed you butl outside the coiliseum when they picked if for being double parked. They wereib' throw me to the lions then thejudjedsl was too harsh a punishment. See you at Bee Memorial Stadium for the races. J Ceasar. for sale OREGON CITY: Office Clerk needed to do routine clerical work, 1:30-5:30, Monday through Friday at $3.00 per hour/contact. Placement Center. not be offered very often as co Hr Self-defense tourney help wanted ed that these combination posit Stop««« Persons receiving Veterans Administration checks and moving at the end of the term should leave their forwarding address and notify the VA office to insure receiving their final checks. VA checks for GI Bill students' final month of training, or partial month, will be issued on the first day of the following month. Unless the VA and the postal service have received a change of address, the check will be mailed to the address provided by the student during school term. The Veterans Education and Employment Assistance Act of 1976 eliminated pre­ payment of monthly VA allowances for VA trainees, effective June 1, 1977. The last The College's karate club will be partici­ prepayment checks were mailed in May. pating in the Northwest Championship Tour­ Changes of address can be reported to nament of the Oriental Arts of Self Defense the veterans representative on campus or to local VA offices. Saturday, Nov. 26. Page if the policy were put into ef demic quality of the instruction suffer in order to obtain good’ Dr. John Hakanson, collegepr Art reception OREGON CITY: Buffing out bronze buckles, between the hours of 7 and 5 at $3.25 per hour. Contact Placement Center. I at a later date. Shirley Cressler, presidentofl mas Community College Edu! ly athletic and said that that peri Preventing losses due to fraudulent checks and false identification is the topic of a semi­ nar to be presented at the College for retail businesses Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 7 p.m. in Mc­ The visual effects of a kaleidoscope com­ Loughlin, room 119. John Heidtke, crime resistance agent for pare with Norm Bursheim's art works, which the Federal Bureau of Investigation, will pre­ will be exhibited in the Fireside Lounge, Community Center, Nov. 28 through Dec. sent the program sponsored by the college 3. Community Services office and the Clacka­ Bursheim, chairperson of the art depart­ mas and the County Sheriff's Department. ment at the College, said that his works ex­ Manufacture and use of false identification hibit the universal rhythms of energy and cards, recognition and preservation of evi­ movement. dence, investigation of bad checks and stolen The exhibition is being sponsored by the credit cards, laws regarding fraudulent checks College's art advisory committee and Assoc­ and the district attorney's prosecution poli­ iated Student Government. Food and drinks cy will be discussed. A check alert system will be served on opening night, at 7 p.m. used in other business communities will be covered. Formore information call 656-2631, ext. 232. A slide presentation on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy will be present­ ed Monday, Nov. 21 in the Community Center, room to be announced. The slides will include the actual motion picture taken in Dallas, Tex., that takes each frame and turns it in to slides, and actual photographs of persons being arrested at the assassination who were allegedly arrested at the Watergate break-in. The presentation is being sponsored by the Northwest Assassination Research Com­ mittee, based in San Francisco. Persons are welcome to bring their cameras and tape re­ corders. Admission is a $1 donation. posed policy, and asking that the in shaping a proposed policy ml Italian Stallion: Hey, I'd love to fljffl however, my hands are registered with tW and Police as lethal weapons, along With beautiful blue eyes. Apollo Creed. hood To the fox named Terri in the G.E.D.l Dear Toots: A good day and a happy Fa is all that's needed for a really primolw you. A Dear Admirer. Thursday, November 17,| 12 inches ¡4'1'1' II 1 39.12 13.24 15.07 D50 2 65.43 18.11 18.72 3 49.87 -4.34 -22.29 ■ 4 44.26. -13.80 22.85 |3 ' 5 55.56 9.82 -24.49 I ' I 6 I 7 70.82 63.51 -33.43 34.26 -0.35 59.60 12 1 I ' I ' ! ' J ' * H 1 1 ■ 8 I 9 39.92 52.24 11.81 I 48.55 -46.07 18.51 10 97.06 -0.40 1.13 11(A) 92.02 -0.60 0.23 12 87.34 -0.75 0.21 13 82.14 -1.06 0.43 14 72.06 -1.19 0.28 0 04 0.09 0.15 0.22 0.36 J 15 62.15 -1.07 0.19 I