The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, November 17, 1977, Page 12, Image 12

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    Women harriers grab National tit
Clackamas womens'cross country team
captured the National Junior College Athle­
tic Association title last Saturday in
Arizona led with Lira Nickel's third place
finish in 15:35.4.
Nickel finished behind Terri Wegner of
Golden Valley, Minnesota, and Brenda
Cardin of Central Oregon Community
College. They clocked times of 15:18.6
and 15:32.6, respectively.
Sally Arthur was eighth for Clackamas
with Vickey Paddock, 10th;Sherly Thomas
11th; Angel la Cotton, 14th; Jean Sand wick,
18th; Barbara Young, 28th; and Mary Ras­
mussen, 36th.
"We talked about competing at nationals
day each girl came here. Our first
step was state, then regionals, and ulti­
mately nationals," Smith said. "We peaked
at nationals; it was really no surprise."
The field at the nationals was strong
with Allegeheny favored to win. The com­
petition wasn't really known though until
the team actually competed.
"I think our performance is beneficial
to CCC and will help our recruiting,"
Smith said. "All of our team is coming
back though, except Mary Rasmussen.
We'll be recruiting mostly a speed crew for
next year. We have a good distance crew,"
he said.
"In the seven years I've been coaching
football and track I've never had such an
exciting experience. It's really exhilirating
to win a national championship," Smith
Kelly Britz finished a disappointing
55th, over two minutes behind the leader,
in the national championships also held in
Arizona last Saturday.
"Kelly didn't run like he w
of," Coach Buck Monroe said.]'
that Lane's Martin and Kelly w
the top 10 and fight it outbutthj
"Our region just didn't dowe
placed one man in the all-Ame!
gory though," Monroe said. ■
Britz is preparing for an intel
meet to be held in Australia on
According to Monroe, Britz ha!
training for thpt meet and there!
performance in cross country I
Allegeheny took the men's title in a
strong showing. Lane, the regional champ­
ions, placed 24th, and premier runner Ken
Martin finished a dismal 108th.
Clackamas holds all sports trophy
Clackamas Community College is the
holder of the Oregon Community College
Athletic Association All Sports Trophy
and has been for the last four years. The
award is displayed in the trophy case in
Randall Hall.
The award is presented on the basis of
points earned by cross country, basket­
ball, wrestling, track, baseball, golf, and
tennis teams. Each school receives twice as
many points as there are teams.
For instance, if there are 10 golf teams
and Clackamas takes state they receive 20
points. Points are split in the case of ties.
"Right now there isn't a women's
trophy but they're discussing it," said
Chuck Hudson, athletic director. "It will
depend on whether or not the women want
Lane has finished second behind CCC
three years in a row. Their chances for
first are lowered because they don't have
teams competing in each of the seven
The womens volleyball team!
the regional title and qualified!
national tourney before a hand!
fans last Saturday.
Even though the team played!
College, few supporters showel
The football team played a gam
1:30 p.m. and the stands were!
Granted, people work on Sara
but that doesn't explain the a
This was a drastic contrast!
AAA State Volleyball tournal
Saturday night. Excitement rei;
as St. Mary's took the team™
Tammy Hinds, a nomineefol
American, received polite am
from a crowd of approximate
people at the College. Anna!
Lopez, St. Mary's All State pickj
ceived a five minute standing oral
from a crowd of approximately fl
The crowd made the whole«
much more exciting and CCC I
could benefit by this kind ofeni
The College's bowlers capture
first game of the best of four wit
game going for total pins.
The men's team featured som
scores with Jim West's 203gameai
545 series. Paul Byers had a high]
of 181 and a 487 series.
However, the team was unable
counter the scores of 269 and23|
led out by some of the Portlands
University men.
The next match is against Port!
Community College today at the]
City Bowl, in Oregon City. !
Elks battle
The Wheelblazers and the Oregoi
Elks will battle it out on Nov. 18at;
p.m. in the College's Randall Gym. I
The Wheelblazers are a Portland!
group of handicapped basketball played
play in intramural style in local, did
state and national games. Last year the
qualified for the wheelchair national
placed in the finals.
Thursday, November 17,1