Manned Lee of the 1930's and 1940's wed Saturday evening, Nov. 19 ■and dancing at the annual Big ■ and 40's music will be pro- fce Rhythm Section" under the IfLeRoy Anderson, chairman of ■ music department. Three trum- Itrombones, four saxophones, a ■sand drums make up this pro­ Lan group. ■g Band Ball is a community Jiderson said. "We are trying to ■and do things for people besides Ipeople seem to enjoy coming to I and we have such nice facili- lejinsat 8 p.m. in the community Jteria, The menu is tossed green ■garnish, country style green beans, [baked chicken, beef Stroganoff, butter and carrot cake. Dancing m9 p.m. to midnight in the com- Itermall. ■rations call 656-263I, ext. 340. B7per person for dinner and danc- I for the dance only is $4 per ite well-liked White, world's billiard champion, ■for the third year to the College ■ his fantastic wizardry at billiards [warmth and sharp wit, as he hosted Ms annual billiards tournament. was felt as the students com- [the play-offs and White would talk ■with as many people as he could in [jetstudents to relax. mg to White, he has been described la personality somewhere between Kies and Santa Claus. ■most important thing to remember Eying billiards is to relax and learning litrate on the game," White said. Ke's father, with the same name, was [and his uncle. Bill Clearwater was | Champion from 1895 to 1907. stage eight became interested in the [ndby the age of nine he was already showing signs of a pro as he recalls playing a professional at the time for 15 cents a game and winning $1.35. White has a host of honors to his credit. He played at a command performance for the Queen of England in 1962 and has per­ formed for four presidents in the White House. His favorite president was Johnson, recalling that he was a "real person." In 1960, White was selected by the Department of Defense as the best enter­ tainer to tour all combat zones. He has done 18 shows for troops in Vietnam and performed for returning POW's. Today White manages to visit 300 schools a year and covers up to 2,000 miles a year. White became world champion in 1962 when he beat Willie Mosconi and in 1970 received an Honorary Degree in Doctor of Poolology, at the University of Notre Dame. On all the campuses that White visits he has been known for his ability to bring students together and get people to partici­ pate. It was no different this year as over 200 people signed up for the tournament. "Jack is very involved with students and in getting them involved," said Hallie Brown, activities director for ASG. "He does not cost much in comparison for what he does for the students." "He seems really interested in the students and that helped make the tournament a success." said Gene Machul, a CCC student. When all the play-offs were over first place in men's division went to Neil Sparga and Janis Bever won first place in women's division. Pierson to sing Leading bass-baritone singer of the New York Opera, Edward Pierson will be singing Thursday, Nov. 10 at 1:30 p.m. in the Fire­ side Lounge. He will also be visiting the college's music department classes during his stay in the Portland area. Pierson has performed with the Chicago Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic and the Cleveland Orchestra. He also sings with the New York City Opera Company at the Lincoln Center. Pierson specializes in sacred music and is in Portland to perform with the Port­ land Symphonic Choir in its performance of "Elijah" Saturday, Nov. 5. The Keystone Kops will be the stars of ASG's Monday Flicks on Nov. 14 in CC 117. The movie times are 11 a.m., I, 6 and 8 p.m. Focus on Women's Reel Life pro­ gram is scheduled to present the film "Women in Management: Threat or Opportunity?" on Nov. 15, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. in CC 117. The College's music department is scheduled to perform-in the CCC Mall at noon Nov. 15. Community. Services is sponsoring a seminar on home security Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. in CC 117. "Stop the World—I Want To Get Off" is the title of the Brown Bag Movie to be shown on Nov. 17 at 11:30 and 7 p.m. Focus on Women's seminar on Nov. 17 will be about "Your Body: Path to Awareness and Change." The discussion will include learning to re­ lax, so bring a towel and wear com­ fortable clothes. It's at the AWPPW Hall, 7th and Jefferson, Oregon City, 8:30 to 2:30 p.m. Bob James and Earl Klugh will be performing at the Paramount Theatre Nov. 11 and 8 p.m. The play "Auntie Marne" will be opening at the Portland Civic Theatre Nov. 11 at 8:30 p.m. The play will run through Dec. 11 on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. The Storefront Theatre at Portland State University will be performing the play "Review-Revue" Nov. 18 at 8:30 p.m. Pianist Roger Williams will be play­ ing his piano in concert at the Port­ land Civic Auditorium Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. og? Why can’t people be like the sea, Who has a definite rhythm, Not like me, who’s always up and down. The sea knows where it’s been And where it’s going. When times are troubled, Why can’t I be like the sea, Going calmly to and fro. - Marlene Clark Photo by Lorraine Stratton Page 7 Fits Community College SN: OL0055