opinion I'M PEVELOPÍA) SWOCC applauds student efforts IN ie I 5PKTAI q J A SUPPEN IN Editor's Note: The following editorial is reprinted from the Sept. 22 issue of the Southwester, Southwestern Oregon Community Col­ lege's newspaper. Early in August, Clackamas Community College got voter ap­ proval of their operational tax levy on the third try. Before the successful election, John Hakanson, Clackamas' pres­ ident, had indicated that if the levy was not approved in that election or the following one scheduled in September he would 'ecommend that the school be closed for fall term. Guest editorial feedbac The weekend before the election I was in Portland attending a meeting of the Community Colleges of Oregon Student Association and Commission (CCOSAC) with other members of SWOCC's student government. One of the things on the CCOSAC agenda for the week­ To the Editor: end was to meet at Clackamas to help in a canvassing effort. No rate increase As you probably know, a petition is being circulated tfl When we arrived at the college, members of their student govern­ ment had prepared literature, organized transportation, and selected people the issue of whether or not utility companies caiM the areas where we would go door-to-door urging people to vote. In ratepayers for building being done that will not provide sen? a short time we were divided into groups and began knocking on til sometime later. doors. Called "Construction Work in Progress," there are elderlyp who are paying for service they may never receive. For this! The following Tuesday, voters approved the tax levy by a wide both the Gray Panthers and Senior Coalition have endow margin. referral which will be on the November, 1978 ballot if 46,OOM Upon reading the election results it was rather apparent to me that tures are obtained. the success of the vote was due largely to the concentrated effort of Oregon is the only State in the west that permits this Clackamas's student government. practice. Thirty-four states forbid this financial maneuvering,! What impressed me as much as anything was the fact that all of ing Missouri which recently passed a similar measure by 63perde Anyone interested in getting involved in this effort writstoj the people working on the effort to get the budget passed were doing it only because they wanted to, not because they had to. Most of the (Oregonians for Utility Reform), Box 12763, Salem,Or.M people I talked to were finding time around jobs and other summer Jane Netboy activities. I think that experience fully opened my eyes to the fact that the 1609 Morrison community college is a very important part of many people's lives. Portland, Or. By that I mean that for many people the community college is not only a place to take a few classes, or to wait out two years and then transfer to a four-year school. It is, for many, a place to get serious about education and the community college as an educational process. That is what I feel many people who come to SWOCC miss out on. They don't get into the educational process. Decisions are made, committees meet and many other things take place that have a dir­ ect impact on the community college student. But, students are often content to let those processes go on without the benefit of their voice being heard. I think all of us can really be proud of the community college we attend when we know that students attending a school not unlike ours care enough to make sure their school will stay open. Let us all care enough this year, and the year can't be anything but fantastic. ¿print PUBLICATIONS STAFF 19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045 1 Offices: Trailer B -- Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259 and 278 Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those of® CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student Goverama Editorials, columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of® editors and the persons signing them. Correspondence should be ado ressed to the above address. Thursday, November 3,1 Page 4 inches D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer Density