tructor enjoys house husband role 'Roberson g, writing, cooking,and child care | Redman, Clackamas Community new English instructor, on the go. n's experiences and life style have her unique. Before his marriage 12 years ago, he tried a variety of jobs ranging from telephone soliciting to working at a radiation laboratory. However, Redman decided to go back to collage after his marriage. He received his B.A. from Portland State in 1969 and his M.A. (also from Portland State) in 1971. "When our son was born in 1975, my wife continued teaching during the day and I taught night classes at Portland Community College, Mt. Hood Community College, and Clackamas Community College," said Red­ man. "This arrangement made it possible for one of us to always be with our son, Jason," Redman said. Redman believes that his experiences as a house-husband have benefited him as well as his son. "The intimate connection with the in- fant is something most men never experi- ence," Redman said. Because it allows him to be with Jason during the day, Redman prefers his schedule of teaching night classes at CCC. John Redman (science dept uires used |(trophotometer ■ised atomic absorption spectrophoto- 1® been acquired by Clackamas Com­ fr College Science Department for andisin the process of being installed ^Orchard Complex. anced science students may utilize it ■asure element concentrations in solu- K Loren Studer, CCC chemistry instruc- U Jlii! sophisticated piece of laboratory lipimt has been sought by the science pent for several years, according to |w community colleges have this in- jit," he said, "and we feel very lie," Ider explained that the spectrophoto- lisyet another instrument for measur- Inniite concentrations of an element in a 1, Basically," Studer said, "an unknown Jin a small amount is aspirated into ■a of compressed air and acetylene, the I being the low energy source which s an excited electronic state in the Jwn solution." IAsalt left over from the solvent evapora- |i dissociated into free gaseous atoms Ion return to the ground state, emit pns of characteristic wave length. The Jit of radiation absorbed by these J's is measured by the instrument, often jts per million," said Studer. ™ new piece of equipment takes its on a workbench among $20,000 of similar chemistry tools which Fbas been instrumental in acquiring in p years with CCC. lire is more instrumentation now in Jald of chemistry than ever before," ™d, "and unless the student has this pent at his disposal, he is being fed in his education." Hinas Community College centimeters Colors by Munsell Color Services Lab Sue, Redman's wife is a fifth grade teacher at Lynchwood Elementary School. She did not know how to cook when they were first married and did not have time to learn, according to Redman. It was then that the pattern was set. Sue continued teaching school while Redman went to college. During his college years he bought a couple of cook books and mastered the art of cooking. Redman doesn't really consider himself in the gourmet league, but he does admit to being a "good cook." He still does all of the cooking and especially likes to whip up something special for guests. Redman's hobbies include writing poems (although he has never attempted to have them published) and building furniture. "My wife and I enjoy working in our yard," said Redman, "and our main vice away from home is going to the beach." They also enjoy live theatre whenever it's possible to get away for a evening. "However, having an infant in the house calls for lots of planning ahead," Redman said.