briefs OAN president Included in the collection are books containing historical data which would be virtually impossible to locate, said Studer. A Clackamas Community College horti­ culture teacher was installed as the newly- elected president of the Oregon Association of Nurserymen (OAN) at the convention this past week in Eugene. Edward Schultz, owner of Calorwash Nursery at Aurora, is a graduate of Oregon State University in nursery management and received his master degree at Texas A & M in fruit production. Schultz, who served this past year as first vice president of the OAN has also served as president of OAN's Clackamas Chapter and the former Rose City Chapter. He is also active in the International Plant Propagators and an avid mountain climber. He was one of a party which climbed Mexico's Mt. Popocatelptl this year. Mt. Popocatelptl is 17,887 feet high, the fourth highest peak in North America. Other officers installed include first vice president Irene Burden, co-owner of Hazel Dell Gardens, Canby; second vice president Fred Jeibmann, owner of Jeibmann Green­ houses and Nursery, Portland, and treasurer William J. Curtis, owner of Wil-Chris Acres in Sherwood. Foundation grants Blood drawing The Bloodmobile will return to the Com­ munity Center mall on Oct. 26. Blood draw­ ings will be received from IO a.m. to 2 p.m. The donated blood goes to the Pacific Northwest Red Cross Blood Program in Portland. It is then supplied to the various medical facilities to be used for blood needs including car accident victims and open heart surgery — a major priority that often takes eight to 16 units of blood per person. "The commitment is to have three blood drives a year during fall, winter and spring terms. Our goal is to go over the 100 mark for units each time. Our record so far is 113 units of blood," said Bonnie Hartley, CCC's nurse. Anyone 18 to 62 years old can give blood if they meet the health regulations. People are excluded if they have had hepatitis, or have a fever, cold or hay fever. Also excluded are people who have taken immunization shots in the last 24 hours, pregnant women, and surgical patients who received blood in the previous six months. The class, which will be taught)byS Herrmann, director of the JohnB Environmental Learning Center at’CQl include such things as the basisw wildlife and how to provide them insul and rural situation, plan development! and layout procedures for home and] properties, propagation and nurturini wildlife through nest boxes, bird hoe] other features, plant studies and ide! tion of Oregon natives and relevant orn tai plants, and field trips to areas of el mental interest. The class will meet from 9 a.m, tom on Saturdays starting Oct. 15 atthe) Center at CCC. For more informa™ 656-2631, ext. 352 or Marcia Bail ext. 311. No school There will be no classes held at ClacH Community College for students tom! Oct. 14. The CCC faculty will beeng! a faculty development in-service day.iM will resume again Monday, Oct. 17, I Audio system The John Inskeep Environments ifl There are hundreds of foundations with millions of dollars in funds to aid students in meeting the costs of higher education that go untouched each year, according to the direc­ tor of the American College and University Service Bureau. The Bureau has started a service to aid students, both undergraduates and graduates, in obtaining funds from these foundations. The Bureau will supply deserving students with the names of foundations and guidance as to how to go about obtaining funds from them. For more information write: American College and University Service Bureau, Dept. S, 1728-5050 Poplar Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 38157. Science library Defense seminar Personal defense and home security will be the subject of Clackamas Community Col­ lege's Community Services workshop on Nov. 15 at 2 p.m. in CC 117. CCC's Community Services is offering a seminar to help people learn how to pro­ tect themselves and their families against rapist, vandals and burglars. Roi Hakinson, a rape victim advocate, will be conducting the personal safety part of the seminar. Clackamas County Sheriff officer Jerry Greene will instruct people on how to make' houses burglar proof and discuss residental burglary. Greene will be using two slide presentations to help illustrate his talk. One will be about residental home awareness and the second will concern farms. The film "Vulnerable to Attack" will also be shown. Pre-registration is required, call Commun­ ity Services for more information at 656-2631, ext. 232. A chemistry library consisting of over 300 texts, some of which have been termed "priceless" by chemistry instructor Loren Studer, were recently donated to Clackamas Community College Science Center by Dr. James Fergeson, retired organic chemistry instructor from Portland State University. Fergeson is a resident of Milwaukie and said he feels an affinity for CCC, which was formed when he attended open houses here in the past and became a close friend of Studer. Studer said the gifts will be available in the Orchard complex for daily use, according to the wishes of Fergeson. The Community Education Department at Clackamas Community College is sponsoring an eight-week class to help those who vyish to landscape their property with an eye toward attracting wildlife. TELEPHONE SALES AT HOME. Appealing work selling consumer newsletter. Pre-tested. 50% comm, full/part time, no experience necessary. Sweetest deal in townl Phone 222-1538,9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Riders in the Holcomb Rd. area, that need rides, call 655-0462. I'm at school from 8 a.m. to 4-5 p.m. Marlene Clark 655-0462 Landscape design ing Center at Clackamas Community Cellfl is putting a Station Instructional System« the one-mile of trail throughoutthecomfl The S.I.S. provides 19audioinforiflfl units at key locations around the centfl The system will have taped ecology mefl which will run from 1 to 3 minifl "KYXI radio station has donatnfl tape cartridges that will be used intra system," said Jerry Herrmann, project«! tor. "These tapes will be changed seasofl and plans are being made to have‘tail recorded by the video technician studefl at CCC. There are two stages to the contfl The first three steps of stage one fl site planning, landscaping, and mtn! tion of minor buildings and bridges, fl pletion of the S.I.S., the fourth step,|i make the center complete and functional! In the future, the fifth and sixths» which make up the second stage, will be| completed. These are not necessary tothei function of the center, but will add to th] potential enjoyment. They include a solfl heating pavilion, a recycling center which! has already been started, and a fish researfl station. The American Revolutionary Commissi! of Oregon granted the project $2,100» June of 1976. One-half of this amounW’ raised on one month's notice by Herrmann to secure the awarded grant. The S.I.S. will be completed this fall The wiring and building is finished. | ADVERTISING SALESPERSONS neededforStu-( dent Publications. Good opportunity for businj majors. Commissions and credit available. Seefl Byers, Student Publications Business Managefl Trailer B after 2 p.m. Thursday, October 13, fl Page 12 D50 Illuminant, 2 degree observer Density