The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 13, 1977, Image 1

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Clackamas Community College
Thursday, October 13, 1977
Faculty rejects board offer
amasCommunity College Board
noffered the CCC faculty nego-
a total salary and benefit in-
■3per cent, according to Allan
negotiator and Oregon Educa­
tion (OEA) representative.
rcame last Tuesday during me-
the board decided to meet with
team to discuss their recent no-
ht to strike because of wage dif-
"They want to change the structure of
the salary scale," Hein said. "And the fa­
culty team is not willing to do that.
"The board offered a flat number of dol­
lars increase at each step," Hein said. "That
means that the higher you go on the salary
scale, the lower the per cent is in the incre­
ment. The board raised their total proposal
to a 9.3 per cent increase. But it is still
roughly two per cent below the fact finder's
recommendation," Hein said.
"We're sticking by the fact finder's re­
commendation to keep the same salary
schedule we have," Hein said.
"Neither the total amount is acceptable
nor the method in which they (the board)
want to apply it is acceptable to the fa­
culty negotiating team," Hein said.
"The real problem with it is, in effect,
it destroys the current salary scale," Hein
said. "The total is still well below what the
faculty said they would accept."
The mediator, Alton Smedstead, assigned
by the State Conciliation Service, suggested
possible steps to take for both sides, Hein
"We will be getting back together Sunday
for more mediation," Hein said.
may cost
A benefits
ornately 650 veterans enrolled at
Community College may not re-
money from the Veteran's Admin-
due to the proposed faculty strike
B, said Mike Umbras, CCC's VA
| strike is enacted," Umbras said,
s issued to each veteran each term
pjectto termination."
■time instructors are acquired or
I instructors return to classes after
tike period, the VA will ignore the
Missed by the veterans and back
»issued to them if and only if their
grades are obtained, Umbras said,
major factor concerning the veter-
bras said, "is that if the strike ex­
fl an indefinite period of time and
[(not given, the VA will not grant
»their monthly funds which many
depend on for tuition as well as
Mhousing necessities.
flisaVAregulation and they will not
Jttothe possible crisis involved here
rase of the strike," Umbras said.
he strike occurs on Oct. 28, due to
k the veterans pay will terminate
■27 and pay will not be granted until
»receive their grades for fall term,"
stives for the veterans in terms of
fill be slim if the strike takes place.
JKt that the veterans try to trans­
por Mt. Hood CC if at all possible
'theirfall term grades, Umbras said,
it now the outlook for the veterans
pint of time looks dismal unless a
,nt of the strike occurs in the near
In said.
Photo by Brian Snook
Admirers check out the macramed owls, plant and mirror hangers and various other hand­
crafted items on sale during the Crafts Fair held in the Community Center Wednesday, Oct
5. For those who missed it either as buyers or sellers, another fair is slated for Wednesday,
Nov. 9.
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