The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 06, 1977, Page 8, Image 8

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    Volleyball coach optimistic
By Randy Frank
Of The Print
arts in education, and an emphasis in physi­
cal education.
1973 was a big year for other reasons.
It was in 1973 that Rubright competed in
tryouts for USA's Women's National Volley­
ball team; was a member of USA Junior
National Team Roster and was also a All-
Star Region II USVBA Volleyball player
while serving as player-coach of the Spokane
Volleyball team under Bill Neville, currently
the Canadian Men's National Coach.
In 1974, Rubright received her Master of
Arts in Education, from the University of
Idaho, with an emphasis in physical educa­
tion and administration.
"Despite strong competition, I feel we
have a real good chance to have a winning
season," said Clackamas Community Col­
lege's new volleyball coach, Mary Rubright,
as she tried to recreate some of the optimism
that has already marked her young life.
Rubright, who has been an instructor at
Oregon College of Education for the past
three years, replaces Connie Wilson, who re­
signed to devote more time to her business.
The winning tradition that is so much
a part of the women's volleyball team, comes
She then attended Oregon College of
naturally to the 25-year-old Rubright.
Education where she began her first real
Born August 19, 1951 in a town where
coaching job as coaching both volleyball,
athletes flourish,
Rubright's sports days
and basketball for the next three years.
started early in Spokane, Wash.
Hoping to take a year off, she moved to
Her older brother, who played both foot­
Portland last summer.
ball and basketball, helped to get her started
However, it wasn't long before Gladys
in sports.
Her father also encouraged her
Michael, women's sports director at CCC,
interest in sports by taking her on fishing
called her about the women's volleyball
coaching job, and the rest is history.
However, she really became interested
And so far she likes what she sees.
in sports while attending John R. Rogers
"Although there has been a problem with
High School in Spokane and it was there that
getting enough bodies, the kids are easy to
she first became interested in volleyball and
work with and the college has helped to give
tried it on a competitive level.
me a very comfortable situation in which to
"I guess I took an instant liking to volley­
work," said Rubright.
ball," said Rubright.
As for the season it should be a good one.
After graduating from high school, she
"We should have no problem in keeping
attended Eastern Washington State College,
with the winning tradition that marks this
where, after four years of volleyball, she
program and for the first time the women's
decided that she wanted to coach and teach
volleyball team will have post-season tourna­
it on a cniioo° level.
ments to look forward to," says Rubright
She graduated from Eastern Washington
What she is referring to is the fact that
State College in 1973 with a bachelor of
Mary Rubright... new Women1!
Volleyball Coach I
the CCC Volleyball team is now a mem!
Northwest Junior College Volleyball
sociation. They will be competing«
other community colleges in the Norm
for the right to compete in the state toe
ment to be held at CCC Nov. 4 ano
The first and second place teams will go«
the national championships heldatCari
ville, Maryland, Nov. 23, 24 and 25.1
"I'm hopeful this season becausei
continue to progress the way we have ba
could be a real good season," said Rubffi
Cougars claim first victory of season
The Clackamas Community College foot­
ball team put it together Sat. hight and
they rolled by Olympic Community College
21-12 to claim their first victory of the
The Cougars made their presence felt at
outset as wide receiver Stu Gaussoin returned
the opening kickoff 75 yards for a touch­
down and the Cougars led 7-0.
The Cougars scored again before the end
of the half when they received the ball on
the Olympic 49-yard line with about six
minutes left in the first quarter.
After a series of plays, the Cougars had
the bail on the 30-yard line in a three and
five situation, when Brad Roberts looked to
Kevin Scheehean in the end zone for the
However, an Olympic defender was called
for pass interference and the Cougars had
the ball on the one-yard line where Roberts
took it in for the touchdown and the Cougars
led, 12-0.
The Cougars added two more points as Ed
McCallister took it in for the two-point con­
Shortly before the end of the first half,
Olympic made it 14-6 as Reggie Grant hit
Mike Games with a four-yard scoring pass,
which capped a 68-yard drive starting from
the Olympic 32-yard line.
Olympic drew first blood in the second
half as they mounted a drive of 71 yards in
just nine plays ending on a one-yard Tracy
Bolhalman run to pull within two at 14-12.
However, the key drive of the game began
when following a punt, the Cougars had the
ball on their own 31-yard line from which
they went 69 yards in 14 plays for the clinch­
ing touchdown.
Although the scoring was finished,!
game was far from over as the Cora
fense constantly came through in the®
to stave off possible scoring opportuni®
Leading the Cougar defense were III
Leroy, who picked off his third intercel
in three games, and Marty Pinz whose K
interceptions in the waning moments!
fourth quarter preserved the Cougar vii
The defense front line, keyed by I
Perkins, also contributed heavily to the|
tory. Perkins was credited with 12 taci
and three big quarterback sacks.
Although the defense was strong, as W
the kickoff return team, the offense wasj
marked by inconsistency.
Roberts, although completing several
passes, could only manage a threejo|]
afternoon with 48 yards.
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Page 8
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Trailer B after 2 p.m.
Thursday, October 6, 19