Bursheim displays new art form ¿Vi Wo Photo by John Schrader ¡Department Director Norm Bursheim shows off his unique and newly created lith- itartform now on display in his office at the Sumckers Center. To make one print in- ilongand expensive process, according to Bursheim. biinity Services offers workshops ckamas Community College's Com- Services department is offering many lops for fall term. e Psychology of Sleep: workshop Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. in the CC 117. Pre- ation is required. The workshop is de- Itotell people about their dreams. Why "occur, what they are and how often fccurwill be explored. ct.8 is "CPR Saturday" from 8 a.m.to Jin Randall Hall, room 11, and the gym. "Security," will be presented Nov. 15 at 2 p.m. in CC 117. Participants will learn to protect themselves and their homes and fami­ lies from burglars, vandals and rapists. This workshop is held in cooperation with the Rape Victim Advocate Program. Pre-regis- tration is required. For more information and to register for these workshops, call 656-2631, ext. 232. workshop informs people about cardio- |nary resuscitation. Participants will STUCK FOR BUCKS? Bow and when to administer CPR' The ¡$13 ($1 for Gold Card holders). Pre- If you can work any day of the week and you’re 16 or older ration is required and successful parti- ts will receive CPR cards from the Ore- Jleart Association. POOR RICHARD'S RESTAURANTS can solve your problem. pome weatherization series will be held ft. 12,19 and 26 at 7 p.m. These ses- Wl teach home insulation, weather­ ing and equipment maintenance. Pre­ Won is required. Halloween Treat" on Oct. 29 is a special for children. Admission is a can of (for FISH. For more information call 132. Structural design continuity, a contemp­ orary and unique lithographic form, has been introduced at Smucker Art Center by Norm Bursheim, head of Clackamas Community College's art department. Samples of Bursheim's lithographic art form are currently on display at his office in the CCC art complex. Printed on paper and aluminum sheets, structural design continuity may resemble magnified snowflake patterns to the un­ trained eye. Bursheim has studied art history and de­ sign extensively, and became interested in structural similarities in the great works of art. He is now involved in the process of cre­ ating prints which express these similarities in a visual "give and take" resulting from ex­ pansion, compression, push and pull, and polarities and similarities. Actually, according to Bursheim, the phil­ osophy behind these prints is not a contemp­ orary idea. Although it is his own. concept, he commented, the art form is a combination for his structural design continuity which will help it achieve a financially sound base. Currently, Bursheim said, to produce one negative print requires an involved and ex­ pensive process, which includes the use of in­ dustrial machines and the technicians who run them. Various area artists have expressed definite interest in Bursheim's prints, and are donating their time and expertise to help Bursheim keep the costs to a minimum. Still paper prints cost approximately $125 each, and one on an aluminum surface runs about $500. Two well-publicized critics, Arnold Gruder and Robert Nelson, also respected artists, ap­ prove of Bursheim's new concept of design, and feel that there is a positive place for them in today's art field, said Bursheim. Bursheim said that he has positive feelings that his prints will succeed in both the art col­ lector's market and possibly will be accepted on a commercial basis at a future date. He is planning a one-man show in the near future, and will accompany his art works with a lec­ ture, slides and visual demonstrations. NOW HIRING part-time, full-time day and night bus help and cook trainees OVER 21? Sewing machines also hiring waiters and waitresses pe consumer workshop, "Sewing Ma- f ■ Which One is Right for You?", will piducted by Margo Potampa from the |End Store, Wednesday, Oct. 12, 7 to 9 ln the Community Center, room 101. APPLY IN PERSON AT EITHER LOCATION 16321 S. E. Stark or N.E.39th& Broadway EVERY TUESDAY from 2 to 4p.m. Page 7 femas Community College “min ' l|6lI 23 72.46 -24.45 55.93 centimeters 24 72.95 16.83 68.80 Colors by Muriseli Color Services Lab