Voyage with Scottie of the Enterprise .:iw. , J HU IBB James Doohan Star Trek's "Mr. Scott" Chief Engineer Scott will materialize on Oct. 15, 1977, at 8 p.m. in Clackamas Com­ munity Randall Gym. James Doohan plays the character Lieu­ tenant Montgomery Scott in the series "Star Trek." "Scottie", as he is more commonly known, is the chief engineering officer of the star ship, "Enterprise." His job is to run the engineering department. As third in com­ mand, "Scottie" is in charge when Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are absent, or off the ship. Pioneering in live television,Doohan has acted in over 4,000 radio shows, 100 stage plays and 400 live and taped television shows. "Star Trekking with Scottie"willil Doohan's own ideas on the origffloa show, a complete Star Trek episode J reel of bloopers from the filming of] Trek. A reception will follow the Assoq Student Government sponsored event! Tickets for "Star Trekking withSca are available at the Student Activities Admission is $3.50 general, $2.91 dents with their CCC student body! and $1.50 for children under 12 w companied by an adult. Tickets are also! able at mance. the door the night of then Schizoid Plus I sets performal Schizoid Plus, Clackamas Com« College's student improvisational groin be performing in the Community Cl Community Services at Clackamas Community College will hold a work­ shop called the "Psychology of Sleep" Oct. 5 at 7 p.m. in the Community Center mall. Social security is a subject people are wondering about all the time. The free Brown Bag Movie,"Social Security: How Secure?" will be presented Thur­ sday, Oct. 6, at noon in CC 117. Bill Maurmann, a field representative of the Social Security Administration, will be there to answer questions. Loss and grief will be the topic of the Focus on Women seminar Oct. 6, 7 to 10 p.m. in CC 117. The session will be led by Carolyn Taylor. Upepo will be playing their Latin- jazz music for this first school dance in the CC Mall Oct. 7, 8 to 12 p.m. Ad­ mission is $1 student with I.D. and $2 general public. Community Services will be spon­ soring a "CPR Saturday" Oct. 8 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Those passing the ses­ sion will receive a cardio-pulmonary resuscitation card from the Oregon Heart Association. "Sex Role Development" is the title of the Focus on Women's Reel Life pro­ gram. The movie will be in CC 117 at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 11. Focus on Women is sponsoring a seminar entitled "How We Express Our­ selves Without Words." The discussion will be led by Jane Rickenbach. The program will be Oct. 11 and 13 in CC 117, 7 to 10 p.m. The Christian folk/rock group "Be­ thlehem" will be performing for free at CCC. The concert will be Oct. 12 at noon in the CC Mall. The School of Arts and Crafts will present Ray Atkeson Oct. 5 to Oct. 30. His photographs will be on display in the Hoffman Gallery, 616 NW 18th in Portland. For more information call Vince Redman, 228-4741. Lou Rawls will be singing Oct. 14 at 8 p.m. in Portland Civic Auditorium at 8 p.m. Rawls is a singer of what he calls the "jet-age blues." Comedian Ron Douglas will be Rawls'special guest. Neil Sedaka will be performing at Paramount Theatre oh Oct. 18. The performance will be at 9 p.m. and tickets will be $7.50, $8 and $8.50 for reserved seating. mall Oct. 21 at noon. The group doesn't have set naiun their comedy plays and skits. "Well together and improvise," said DougOnj kirk, actor in Schizoid Plus. i "We practice every Tuesday and TH day and then decide what we are going] do. People volunteer ideas and we til present the humorous side of life,"said Ol erkirk. In the past, the group has performed! children's hospitals, grade schools, Ch™ mas, and Spring shows for the old foi homes. They have also performed at Dai masch State Hospital. Schizoid Plus plans to perform atM Ians, located at the intersection of McLol lin Boulevard and River Road, and they« also available for future bookings. ■ "We need new people," said Ouderlffl "Those interested are welcome to calW 2631, ext. 310." Trout displays photo Ruth Trout, Clackamas Community!! lege's artist, is now displaying some of™ photographs she took in Tahiti in thera library. Trout and her husband spent the sprini! Duck's Breath in review A unique art show was part of the performance given by Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre on Thursday, Sept. 29, in the Community Center mall at Clackamas Community College. While one man explained each fa­ mous piece of art, the other four men became these famous pieces of art. The sisters of the Sacred Buffalo had a les­ son on how to carry chairs. The mathematics lesson had Lester Maddox, Jr., six months old, calculating the square root of two. Music was provided by Randee of the Redwoods. Randee is a folk singer who sings the blues about "Roy Rog- gers on my bed. Trigger in the bath­ room, and Dale Evans on the floor dead." Duck's Breath will be appearing on KGW-TV, Channel 8, on Oct. 22. 1976 in Tahiti, viewing the home ofherM orite artist Paul Gauguin, who lived andpaiii ed there. "We watched the Tamaaraa dances am went to Moorea, an island where the mount] ain called Bali Hai is located. Thename® invented by James Michener, the author, II the natives hate it. It doesn't mean anythM so they call it Shark Mountain," TroutsaM The photographs on display, mounteM framed by Mary Parr, student assistant!! brarian, and Anne Barager, reference Ln an, are located in the area just pastthepapel backs and records in the library. Page 6 Thursday, October 6, 1977 1