The print. (Oregon City, Oregon) 1977-1989, October 06, 1977, Page 4, Image 4

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Boycott ?
The question of whether or not students should
support the faculty in their current contract nego­
tiations is a tricky one.
On one hand, if the faculty doesn't get what
they want the students will suffer. A strike will
mean loss of class time for all and could mean a
loss of money for those relying on VA benefits.
Also, a low instructor morale could cause the
quality of instruction to be lowered.
According to Dick Andrews, student-faculty
liaison, strong student support in the form of a
boycott would force the board to give into faculty
demands, and thus avoid the proposed strike.
On the other hand, there has been a decided
lack of interest on the part of the faculty for what
students want.
Last year, when students went to the board and
asked for a position on the negotiating teams that
decide policies ultimately affecting students, the
faculty voted not to support the students demands.
The reasons given at the time were that they
felt that students were not sufficiently responsible,
dedicated or qualified enough to sit in on the neg­
As Mike McCarty, Associated Student Govern­
ment president, so aptly put it, "Students are
like a tennis ball. We get hit from both sides but
have little say in how the game is played."
Maybe it's time we had some say in the game.
Maybe we need some strong commitments from
the faculty before we agree to support them in
their wage negotiations.
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Mr. Lonely
To the Editor:
Hello, girls. I'm writing from McNeil Island Federal Prison,]
me a couple years to do and am getting real lonely. I'm 30yea(sl
was born in Oklahoma City, and my blood line is Norwegian,111
here for quite a while so if any of you can dig making a loneffl
happy, please drop me a line.
Jim Hutchison
P.O. Box 1000
Steilacoous, Wash. 98388
19600 S. Molalla Avenue, Oregon City, Oregon 97045
Offices: Trailer B -- Telephone: 656-2631, ext. 259 and 278
editor Happie Tacker * news editor Cyndi Bacon * arts editor Mar­
lene Clark * copy editor Lynda Roberson * assistant copy editor Joy
Williams * photo editor Brian Snook * staff writers Hallie Brown,
Dian Coleman, Randy Frank, Scott Starnes, Jean Richards * produc­
tion manager Sharon Flavel * photographers John Schrader, Pedro
Padron, Joan Spring * business manager Paul Byers * classified ad man­
ager Jeanean Hunger * printer Jack Tucker * professional advisor
Randy Clark.
Opinions expressed in The Print do not necessarily reflect those of the
CCC administration, faculty or the Associated Student Government.
Editorials, columns and signed letters reflect only the opinions of the
editors and the persons signing them. Correspondence should be add­
ressed to the above address.
The Print, a member of the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Assoc,
iation, aims to be a fair and impartial journalistic medium covering the
campus community as thoroughly as possible. We encourage partici­
pation through letters, freelance articles and story ideas and suggestions.
Deadlines are the Friday of the week prior to the Thursday publica­
tion date.
Page 4
Letters policy
The Print welcomes all letters to the editor in its newFeed-]
back column.In fact, we encourage them. Consider thisa place!
not only for feedback on the newspaper, but also to air vieil
on school policy, instructors, classes, the administrationoranyl
other topic pertaining to Clackamas Community College. I
We ask only that letters be typewritten, double-spaced«!
carefully printed in ink, and signed by the person submittfl
the letter. The editorial board requires that at the bottom«
the letter the person or persons writing the letter attachM
or her full name, address and phone number where thatpersol
can be reached for verification. Names will be witheld onrei
Thursday, October 6,191