The Grantonian (Portland, Ore.) 19??-????, September 30, 1966, Image 1

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Budget deficit disclosed;
Shoviin cuts spending
“Budget forms are filled out
by each school supported depart­
ment listing their expenses for
the school year,” stated Vice­
principal Hubert Shoviin. “I go
over these forms and cut some
unneeded expenditures without
hindering department activities.”
Debate teams, the Grantonian,
athletics, Gendrills, rally, dra­
ma, assembly committee, thé
band and orchestra, among oth­
ers are all dependent on school
funds. A faculty adviser is the
head of each activity in order to
maintain a budget.
“There are not enough ways
to make money,” commented Mr.
Shoviin. “The student body card
is our main source of income, but
the Grantonian takes $2 or $3
from every card sold. This leaves
$1 for student funds.”
Dads’ club donates $200 for
student funds and the student
body store supplies a minor in­
come. However, these along with
the student body card constitutes
the entire source of school in­
Willard Mohn, John Stuckey,
Miss Janet Jack, Mr. Shoviin,
and four students yet to be chos­
en will make up this year’s bud­
get committee.
“The budget committee is set
up only for students to see how
their money is spent,” said Mr.
Shoviin. With a shifting around
of expenses this year the school
should be able to break even.
“Money was spent last year in
order to give Gendrills and Pep
squad a chance to get started. It
is hoped this year, these groups
will bring some revenue to the
“We are being honest with the
Forums promote
political interest
Weekly meetings in the audi­
torium are being planned by
students to encourage active
voter interest in candidates and
issues in our current general
election campaign.
Parimaz Marsubian and Rob­
ert E. Gerber are faculty ad­
visors for the Grant Political
Forum Series committee, which
is composed of Executive Coun­
cil members,
The series of six meetings will
provide a platform for serious
political statements by candi­
dates for major state offices.
Each candidate will be fea­
tured separately so that he may
fully develop his statements of
policy without rebuttal from an
opposing candidate.
students about this year’s deficit
because we are $1,800 in the
hole,” stated Mr. Shoviin. “With
more support from students at­
tending games, dances, and pur­
chasing student body cards, we
might even come out ahead.”
Good Neighbor drive opens
A calendar of money-making
activities has been devised for
United Good Neighbors week by
the executive council. The week
will officially open with Thurs­
day’s assembly presenting the
purpose of the drive.
Vice-president Jacque
Hidges explained, “UGN do­
nations are given to various
national groups who work
to Improve the health and
welfare of the people in the
United States.”
The 1960 student contribution
of $123.79 was surpassed four
years later by donations totaling
$1,346.82 making Grant the larg­
est donor in the Portland Public
school system. Last year $1025
Vol. 69, No. 4
U.S. Grant High School, Portland, Oregon
Naval reserve
officer training
test scheduled
Test date for the 21st annual
national competitive Naval Re­
serve Officer’s Training Corps
has been set for December 10.
Male high school seniors and
graduates who will have reached
their 17th birthday but not 21st
birthday by July 1, 1967 áre eli­
gible. They are reminded to sub­
mit their applications before No­
vember 19.
Applicants who make a quali­
fying score on the Naval College
Aptitude test will be interviewed
and given a medical examination
early in 1967. Approximately
1,700 men from those remaining
in competition will be selected
to attend college in preparation
for their naval service.
NROTC offers an opportunity
for a young man to gain a regu­
lar commission while studying
at one of the 52 NROTC colleges
and universities.
Tuition, fees, books and uni­
forms, plus an allowance of $50
per month is offered to NROTC
midshipmen. After completion of
his college course and military
requirements, a NROTC mid­
shipman is commissioned as a
regular officer in the United
States Navy or Marine Corps.
NROTC bulletins of informa­
tion and application forms are
available from counselors and
Navy Recruiting Station, or from
the Chief of Naval Personnel,
Department of the Navy, Wash­
ington D.C.20370.
Friday, Sept. 30, 1966
Recently opened Historical society
recalls interest, fund raising drive
An educational drive to create
a feeling of awareness with the
function and purpose of the
Oregon Historical Society was
launched in conjunction with a
fund-raising drive during April
1965 when the society needed
approximately $1,700,000 in pub­
lic subscription to finish con­
struction of its new building.
Work was completed and doors
Applications come
for college boards
opened to the public for the first
time Saturday. The society’s vast
collection of artifacts and re­
search materials were previous­
ly located in the inadequate
south wing of the civic audi­
torium, but how occupy a mod­
ern, spacious three-story struc­
ture at Í230 SW. Park street.
Director Bob Vaughn acknowl-
eged this school as one of the best
contributors with funds received
in the student drive going to­
wards the purchase of the In­
dian collections.
As an educational institution
the society is an irreplacable,
free research center. Rare manu­
scripts, books, maps, letters and
pamphlets are housed in the
third floor library where they
may be used in the study rooms
Museum exhibits covering the
discovery and exploration, im­
migration and settlement, and
social and political development
of the Pacific Northwest occupy
the second floor. On the first
floor there is a large museum
gallery and conference area for
Teacher-student memberships
may be purchased from the non­
profit organization for $5 per
year and include the society’s
Quarterly and Newsletter, dis­
counts on other publications and
participation in all programs,
touring and lecture series at
Application deadline for the
College Entrance Examination
Board tests have been announced.
Application and fee payment
deadline for the College En­
trance Examination Board tests
is November 5.
Arrival of the applications and
the three test booklets will be
published in the announcements.
They will be available in the
counselor’s office.
CEEB consists of the Scholas­
tic Aptitude test and the
Achievement test given in aca­
demic subjects only. Mrs. New­
comer reveals, “It is best to di­
vide up the college boards, tak­
ing the SAT in December and
the Achievement test in Janu­
ary or March.”
Fees include $5 for the SAT
and $7.50 for the Achievement
test. Testing dates are Decem­
ber 3, January 14, March 4, May
The historical society adds
6, and July 8 at Cleveland, Jef­
ferson, Lincoln, Madison and both to tourism and to cultural
Wilson high schools.
'Man in Bowler Hat’ to be presented in drama assembly
Kathy Reese and Nancy Grubbe, committee
chairman, are mixing “dope” which is used
to make paint in the stage arts class. Kristi
McKean and Martha Cannette are painting
a door which will be used in a scene from
“The Man in the Bowler Hat.”
“The Man in the Bowler Hat”
will be presented by members
of the advance drama class at an
assembly October 15. The play is
a farce written by H. H. Milne
and is under the direction of
Mrs. Betty Foster.
Assistant directors are Donna
Wall, Signe Hanson, Kanta Mir-
chandoani and Casey Coughlin.
All parts are double-cast. John
will be played by Dan O’Donnel
and Mike Stefik and Mary by
Chris Curry and Marilyn Best.
Terry Cunningham and Pete
Borho are cast in the role of
Hero with Heroine played by
Rita Rusen and Joan Steinfeld.
Chief villain will be Alex
Newton and Jeff Perel and Bad-
man will be Jeff Coulter and
Mark Smith. Bob Fast and Dave
Barnett will play the Man in the
Bowler Hat.
The play is a “terribly excit­
ing affair” which takes place in
the living room of John and
Mary. Bizarre stage setting is
was collected.
Each member of the execu­
tive council has been as­
signed a specific activity to
plan. Expected to be a main
donating attraction, junior
girls will again challenge
senior girls in the Powder
Puff football game in the
bowl next Friday after
after school.
Holding car washes Saturday,
October 8, freshmen and juniors
will give all proceeds to the
UGN. Sophomore and senior
class car washes will take place
the following Saturday.
Reg. rooms will compete in
the drive on October 10 and 11.
Class competition will be an­
other of the activities. School
clubs will donate money to the
Planning a ‘cake and ice cream*
sale on October 12, are Boys’ and
Girls’ league presidents Paul
Farnham and Turdy Swenson.
Finale of the week will be a
dance sponsored by the execu-
tiv council in the new gym Oc­
tober 14.
Activities director John Stuck­
ey stated, “The drive gives stu­
dents the opportunity to donate
to an exceedingly worthy cause
and practice civic responsibility.”
National Merit test
semi-finalist honor
distinguishes seven
Seven sènior students have
been named semifinalists in the
1966-67 National Merit Scholar­
ship competition as a result of
their scores on the qualifying
test administered last spring.
Semifinalists are Cynthia Bar­
rett, Candace Beach, i Roger
Franssen and Steve Hiebert. Also
selected were Michael Jordan,
Robert McCrae and Paul Pferd-
To become finalists, they must
have the endorsement of their
schools, substantiate their quali­
fying test performance on a sec­
ond examination and submit in­
formation about their achieve­
ments and interests.
In past programs at least 97
per cent of the semifinalists have
become finalists. Each finalist re­
ceives a Certificate of Merit and
is eligible for the scholarships
sponsored by NMSC and some
340 corporations, foundations,
colleges, unions, trusts, profes­
sional associations, other organi­
zations and individuals.
Names of the Merit Scholars
chosen from the finalists will be
announced about May 3, 1967.
Each scholarship is a 4 year
award covering the undergrad-
uate years of college. The sti­
pend is individually determined
after the winner’s need is as­
sessed. It may be as little as $400
for 4 years or as much as $6000.
They may choose their own col­
leges and courses of study.
Letters of commendation, also
awarded on the basis of the test
score, were sent to the first and
second college choices of Katfe-,..
ryn Bailey, Jeri Cohen, Barbara
Earnest, Vance Hodnett and Cin­
dy Lowery. Completing the list
are Donald Peterson, Douglas
Sharp, Dale Small and Susan
JfampuA. JfafULHA,
Friday, September 30—
Football, Cleveland, there.
Monday, Tuesday, Oct. 3-4—
Scat tests.
Thursday, October 6—
United Good Neighbors
Friday, October 7—
Powder Puff football