The Grantonian (Portland, Ore.) 19??-????, September 16, 1966, Page 3, Image 3

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THc grantonian
September io, »
constitutional lacL
Big letture sodai studies class
provides good college training
Something went wrong last year. Legislation concerning a progressive
honor roll passed both the General and the Executive councils. The legis­
lation should have been officially presented to the administration for ap­
proval. It was not.
Nothing was done last year to secure placement of the board, no steps
were taken to carry out the motion passed by the councils. If the student
body still wants the progressive honor roll it will have to be brought up
once more and passed through both councils.
The progressive honor roll board would be next to the present honor
roll and would have had posted on it the names of students who showed
improvement in three subject grades, had no F’s and had at least all S’s in
habits and attitudes.
Last year this proposal stumbled and halted at the official door of the
administration. The constitution said it must be presented, yet it showed
neither an opening nor the procedure with which to do so.
At one end of the constitution stood the administration, at the other
was student government. There was no ground to meet on, no steps to fol­
low. The constitution proved to be worthless.
A constitution providing for communication between the administra­
tion and the student body seems to be needed. One which includes faculty
participation would help to explain a previously unrecognized relationship
and involvement.
In the case of a progressive honor roll the faculty should be involved
in the decision. Someone has got to set up the board, and keep a record of
the students eligible for the honor roll. That person has to be a member of
the faculty.
Improved communication between student government and the admin­
istration and faculty would be a helpful ingredient for the coming term.
“These students are proving, as was
expected, that they don’t know how to
handle a large lecture clas.s,” commented
Parimaz Marsubian on the large group
social studies class begun this year.
“We hope they will make the mis­
takes and learn from them this year,
instead of their freshman year in
college, where the pressure of pass
or fail is so much greater,” stated
Mr. Marsubian.
The large group social studies class
will cover the same material as does
American problems, only using a differ­
ent method. The class of 140 students is
lectured to by team teachers Parimaz
Marsubian and David Brattirt. The last
ten minutes of the period is reserved as
a question-answer period.
“There is a good interplay between
teachers and students during the
question period. The students feel
less inhibited about talking in such
a large group,” told Mr. Brattin.
The class is held fifth period in the
auditorium. Seventh period in the cafe­
teria, both teachers hold conferences with
any of their students who aren’t sure of
the material covered that day in class.
“We are pleased that so many of the stu­
dents have made use of this time,” said.
Mr. Brattin.
The real test of how a class is doing is
in the reaction of the students. “I think
the large class of American problems
will be a wonderful help when I go to
college. It will help to clear up some of
the problems that will occur in college,”
commented Cathy Burruss, senior.
“I feel that the large class of American
problems is a class of thought and under­
standing. I also now realize 3 tha
that note
bqft writing
taking is not just writing, bi
and understanding, and knowl!
senior Betsi Collins, who is als\ taking
the course.
“For a college-bound student I feel the
large group social studies is ideal. The
atmosphere is one in which the individ-
Robinson tells of Mexican changes
by Cynthia Barrett
Wayne Robinson, counselor, visited
Mexico this summer for the seventh time,
concentrating on the Yucatan and Baja
California peninsulas. He and his wife
drove in their deluxe camper down the
j east coast of Mexico to Yucatan, across
the country to the west coast city of Maz-
atlan, and north from there to the border
city of Nagales.
Hiring a jeep and a guide, they visited
13 Mayan ruins in Yucatan. They saw
temples in all stages of reconstruction,
some overrun with jungle growth, and
others beautifully restored by archeolo­
A trip to two offshore islands high­
lighted the Yucatan stay. Mr. and Mrs.
Robinson left the camper ashore and took
a boat to Cozumel and Mujeres, where
they stayed the night in small local hotels.
While across the country in Mazatlan,
they also took a boat trip to Baja Califor­
nia. A bus tour from there took them 140
miles into the desert.
Usually when they travel, they cook,
eat and sleep in their comfortable and
well-stocked camper. Electric blankets,
refrigerator,, stove and air-conditioner
are quite convenient. “We can park any­
where and stay overnight. We usually
stay in a small village, it is safer,” noted
Mr. Robinson. There are no developed
campsites on a national scale in Mexico
as there are here,
A camper in a small village causes
much curiosity. “Once there were 50 or
60 people standing around while we ate
Bruce Cairney, 1964 graduate, is at­
tending the University of Amsterdam in
Holland for ten months. One of the eight­
een selected through the exchange pro­
gram, he is enrolled in the Netherlands
Institute of International Business, a
branch of the university.
ual must learn to concentrate. Having the
opportunity to do this now will be bene­
ficial in the coming freshman year of
college,” stated Cynthia Evans, also a
senior member of the class.
New library materials
to build up collection
for student body needs
Would you believe that a visit to the
library could enable you to go 20,000
leagues under the sea, have an interview
with Al Capp and Margaret Meade, learn
the election songs of the United States,
read Lena Horn’s autobiography and sit
in a new, comfortable stack chair next to
a trapezoid-shaped table?
Figuratively speaking all this can be
yours. First, you must take advantage of
the library’s new materials.
Through a federal grant the li­
brary was able to obtain these. “We
want to build up and make a bal­
anced book collection to meet the
needs in school,” said Miss Dorothy
Johnson, head librarian.
American ballads ranging from coun­
try music to “Love Songs for Friends
and Foes,” are now available at the li­
brary. A recording of Shakespeare’s
Othello starring Sir Lawrence Olivier
has also been ordered.
New vocational records arfe now in
stock as well as those keyed as supple­
mentary literature for the new classes of
interior decoration and cooking in addi­
tion to economics, speech, history and
The fiction shelves are being well
stocked with some of the new best
sellers such as The Source by James
a Michner and Sarkhan by William
J. Lederer and Eugene Burdick, the
co-authors of the Ugly American.
Additional audio-visual materials will
also be available. Instructional filmstrips
have been obtained to help in the indus­
trial arts classes as well as in English
and history.
An extended selection of language
books and records will be in a new area
with a record player near by to make it
more convenient for students to study.
More small individual book cases have
been ordered to house the new books.
These book cases will be sectioned off to
make islands of materials according to
their subject matter.
New stack chairs and trapezoid-shaped
tables are now in the conference room.
The new tables can be rearranged into
many different shapes for a flexible seat­
ing arrangement.
The library should be open to students
during their study hall within another
Letters to the Editor
Grant High School
Sept. 9, 1966
The Grantonian
To the Editor:
Mark Twain is credited with the state­
ment that, when compliments are in
order, newspapers and politicians have
an advantage over the rest of us. They
^Jke Grantonian
give compliments to and for themselves!
The Grantonian, however, does not fit
this pattern. Worthy though it may be
Published weekly by the advanced jour­
(and its record of national honors is im­
nalism class of Ulysses S. Grant high
pressive proof of its high standards and
school, room 203, 2245 N.E. 36th Avenue,
Portland, Oregon 97212. Phone 288-5975.
achievements), we hardly expect a self-
Printed by Modern Typesetting company
laudatory report to appear in any issue
with a circulation of 3000. Second-class
of the Grantonian.
postage paid at Portland, Oregon. Sub­
scription cost $2.00 per year.
Nevertheless, the Grantonian staff de­
serves our most sincere appreciation for
Vol. 69, No. 2 — September 16, 1966
their service to the school including, most
Editor ............................. Barbara Earnest
recently, their work in publishing the
1st Page Editor............................... Gayle Fleming
2nd Page Editor .......... . . . .Elaine Wolfe
new Grant Handbook issued to all fresh­
3rd Page Editor .............. Cecile O’Rourke
4th Page Editor................................ Mike Hoffman
I would urge any student who has not
Reporters........... ..
Cindy Barrett
seen this handbook to borrow one and
Bonnie Brown, Mike Cochrane. Cynthia
Evans, Cynthia Froom, Mary Jane
find out about Grant, It isn't “camp,” but
Hulett, Marilyn Leonard, Loma Viken
you can't really be “in” unless you get
Business Mgr.................... . .Marilyn Best
the word from this excellent source.
................ Chris Larson
Sincerely yours,
Photographer ................... .Blake Risco®
.. ................
.Willard Mohn
Robert E. Gerber
Instructor, English
READY TO LEAVE on their camping trip to the Yucatan Peninsula, Baja
California and Mexico City are Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Robinson in their camper
pick-up truck.
supper,” Mr. Robinson laughed. The
camper helped the Robinsons get ac­
quainted. “We held open house,” said
Mr. Robinson. “They were quite, inter­
ested in the different appliances.”
When asked about the attitude of the
Mexican people toward United States
citizens, he said, “If an American ap­
proaches the individual with an accept­
ance of their culture, there will be no
trouble. We have gotten along quite well.
When .they talked to us, they were very
cordial. The people are usually very hos­
Concentrating on the ehanges which
he had noticed in Mexico since his first
visit in 1951, Mr. Robinson stated,
“Things are becoming modernized. The
government has put in water purifiers
for the villages, and markets are not
quite as colorful as they once were. The
market is now more like a refined coun­
terpart of the old Portland Farmers*
Market,” he noted.