on the cover LoG oN tO tHe WoOd WiDe WeB Story & photos by MICHAEL EDWARDS For the TODAY Seven miles northeast of Waldport, tucked into the steep hills above the tea- colored Alsea River stands one of the last remaining old growth forests on the Oregon Coast. Th e seldom-visited, 5,798-acre Drift Creek Wilderness is home to 500-year-old Douglas fi r, endangered northern spotted owls and during the rainy days of autumn, spawning Coho salmon. In this forest of giant conifers, a careful observer hears a wren fl itting about in the salal and then glimpses a Douglas squirrel scrambling up the trunk of a hemlock blanketed in atomic green moss. Carved into a ghost gray snag are the rectangular excavations of a pileated woodpecker. Within earshot of the creek, a water-saturated cedar log provides spruce seedlings with an elevated foothold above the densely vegetated forest fl oor. From the stone slab of Drift Creek’s bank, visitors spy a red-tailed hawk orbiting above the gnarled crowns of the ancients. Drift Creek Wilderness is a small fragment of what was once common in the Pacifi c Northwest, yet despite its diminished size, this wilderness and places like it will play an outsized role in revitalizing our planet. A decommissioned logging road paralleled by second-growth forest leads hikers to a narrow dirt path that descends into the wilderness. According to the National Forest Service, some of the 50-foot-high, 30-ton fi rs near the creek bottom were seedlings when Christopher Columbus negotiated with Queen Isabella about the specifi cs of his journey to India. Growing at a glacial pace in the miserly light provided by those ancient giants, a hemlock waits for the summer night when a lightning bolt will split the crown of a nearby fi r and send the tree crashing to the forest fl oor. Th e fi r’s demise will open a gap in the canopy that will be fi lled by sunlight for the hungry hemlock’s droopy needles to photosynthesize and transform into wood. Th at same fallen fi r 12 • oregoncoastTODAY.com • facebook.com/oregoncoasttoday • May 8, 2020 Directions will provide food and shelter for numerous insects, mammals and amphibians, which will in turn provide nourishment for bears, owls and woodpeckers. Below ground, the forest’s fungal networks will creep into the giant’s heartwood and begin a centuries- long process of decomposition. Every step that you take on this trail will compact thousands of invertebrates and miles of fungi that envelope the roots of the trees. Fungi enhance the trees’ ability to extract vital nutrients from the soil. Th e interlinkage of roots and fungi creates a complex mycorrhizal network. Th rough this network that some forest scientists call the “wood wide web” healthy trees provide nutrients to sick trees and a tree under attack from insects will send out subterranean distress signals to its neighbors, warning them to boost their defenses against the invaders. In our high school biology classes, we all learned about the concept of survival of the fi ttest and of the continuous competition between organisms for survival. But here in the old forest, it is not only competition but also cooperation that plays a signifi cant role in ensuring that the self-generating forest ecosystem endures. About two miles into your walk a remarkable example of this mutual dependence is represented by two giants, a western red cedar and a Douglas fi r, wrapped at their bases in a lifelong embrace. Th rough drought, hundred-mile-an-hour gales and insect infestations, the fate of the I was able to fi nd the trail by using the GPS on my phone but for safety’s sake I would bring a map as backup just in case your cell signal cuts out. I also use the website AllTrails.com to fi nd out about new hikes and how to get to them. Drive east from Waldport on Highway 34. Turn left on Risley Creek road Forest Road 3446. After 4.2 miles, fork left onto Forest Road 346 continuing for a third of a mile to the dirt parking lot. If you have a high clearance, four-wheel drive vehicle, this would be the place to bring it. Drive slowly and avoid the more fl ooded and craterous looking of potholes and you should be fi ne. cedar is tied to that of the fi r and vice versa. Forest scientists are not only increasing their knowledge of the bonds that link forest ecosystems together, they are also learning how the forest’s infl uence travels far beyond the boundaries of Oregon’s misty coastal hills. A recent study published by Oregon State University‘s College of Forestry explains how the forests of the Pacifi c Northwest, specifi cally the wet forests that thrive west of the Cascade crest, are some of the planet’s most eff ective carbon storing forests. According to these scientists, preserving ancient forests like the one protected in the Drift Creek Wilderness could provide one third of the carbon sequestration capacity needed to mitigate the worst eff ects of climate change. Th ese scientifi c fi ndings broaden the oft-repeated lumberman’s phrase “this is a working forest.”