WE NEED Champions Who Will STAND UP for Working Families! That’s why Timber Unity PAC is proud to endorse candidates for the Oregon Legislature and County Commissions who are committed to working to get Oregon back on track. Now more than ever, we need elected leaders who will bring solutions to create jobs and who will solidly represent their constituents against special interests seeking to shutter our natural resource economy. By 8:00pm on May 19th, your ballot must be RECEIVED in order to make your voice heard Vote Like Your Job Depends On It Join TIMBER UNITY in STANDING UP for Working Families On the Coast! 14 • oregoncoastTODAY.com • facebook.com/oregoncoasttoday • May 8, 2020 Dick Anderson Senate District 5 Suzanne Weber House District 32 Max Sherman House District 10 Betty Kamikawa Lincoln County Commissioner David Yamamoto Tillamook County Commissioner