STAY HOME. SAVE LIVES. Let’s keep our community safe. For current COVID-19 information, visit – ENDORSED BY – Voters Like You, Including Law Officers, Deputy DAs and Support Staff, and Local Attorneys See our full list of endorsements at – PAID FOR BY JONATHAN CABLE FOR LINCOLN COUNTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY – oregon coast Patrick Alexander editor & publisher Patrick Alexander editor & publisher 541-921-0413 541-921-0413 TODAY Founded by Niki & Dave Price • May 2005 Copyright 2020 EO Media Group Founded by Niki & Coast Dave TODAY Price • May 2005 dba Oregon Copyright 2017 EO Media Group dba Oregon Coast TODAY News deadline 5 pm Fridays palexander News deadline 5 pm Fridays Larayne Yaeger advertising Larayne Higgins advertising 541-992-1920 541-992-1920 Advertising deadline 10 am Mondays Mailing: PO Box 962, Lincoln City, OR 97367 Mailing: PO Box 962, Lincoln City, OR 97367 Billing or business questions? 800-882-6789 Billing or business questions? 877-737-3690 lyaeger Ad deadline 10 am Mondays from the editor Politics and print W e’re gripped with election fever here at the TODAY Towers remote annex. Th is will be the fi rst time that I get to vote since moving to the US in 2007 and I have been perusing my ballot with all the excitement of a sophomore in Civics 101. (Civics 101 is widely viewed as the most thrilling of all classes in this country, right?). Since becoming a US citizen last summer, I have been eagerly awaiting this opportunity to fl ex my democratic muscle, one shaded oval at a time. You will notice several election-related ads in this week’s edition and we are extremely grateful to the various advertisers involved and fl attered that they are interested in getting their messages in front of you, our readers. I hope that, regardless of your voting intentions, details of these various endorsements will be of use as you make decisions on which candidates to support. And we are also thankful to everyone who has endorsed us by joining Team TODAY. Your support has helped pay for the newsprint, ink, bandwidth and time that went into this week’s print and online editions. We look forward to delivering your TODAY merchandise and to welcoming new members over the coming weeks. For more information, or to sign up, go to oregon-coast-today/contribute. 2 • • • May 8, 2020 Assistant editor Quinn