Deputy District Attorneys Unite in Their Support of District Attorney Jonathan Cable MICHAEL THORNICROFT I am a Lincoln County Deputy District Attorney and I have been an Oregon attorney since 1998. This is a difficult letter to write, as I respect both candidates. However, I need to think about the protection of the public for the next four years and the management of the DA’s Office, especially right now with Covid-19 looming over our everyday life. District Attorney Jonathan Cable has been an attorney since 2002. His opponent has been an Oregon attorney since 2016. Mr. Cable has spent most of his entire adult life as a prosecutor, with nearly a decade in the Lincoln County DA’s Office, prosecuting every kind of case from murder to theft. His experience as a trial attorney is among the best in our county. With the Coronavirus, these are difficult times for law enforcement around the state. With budget cuts starting to happen, staff reduction, along with reduced court hours, we need experience to successfully navigate the changes ahead. Right now, Jonathan Cable’s experi- ence matters. He is showing solid leadership in these troubling times and is working 24/7 to maintain law and order while our county weathers this storm. Right now, we need an expe- rienced, ethical, and capable District Attorney. Jonathan Cable has displayed to our office that he has those qualifications. I hope the public will compare the candidates and make the right decision. Experience matters in times like these. Michael Thornicroft Lincoln County Deputy District Attorney CHRISTINE HERRMAN Until January, I was a deputy district attorney in Lincoln County, responsible for child abuse and sexual assault cases. I threw my name in the hat for consideration for appoint- ment as DA when Michelle Branam left. I was not surprised, though, that the decision was made to appoint Jonathan Cable. Mr. Cable’s connections to the area far exceeded those of any applicant, and he has impressive experience that will, and has, served him well as DA. Ms. Danforth would be the wrong choice for DA. The DA must be a leader, an inspiration, and a deft manager of people, budgets, expectations, and messages. Crucial is the transpar- ent, ethical, dedicated focus on the DA’s role in the system, and the importance of indepen- dence, strict adherence to law, and recognizing the awesome power of the position. Being a good trial attorney is good in a deputy DA, but exceptional ethical leadership is what Lincoln County needs in the DA. Lincoln County has a well-qualified DA in Mr. Cable. Christine Herrman Former Lincoln County Deputy District Attorney KENNETH R. PARK In the Summer of 2019, the Lincoln County District Attorney’s Office was unsettled by the resignation of Michelle Branam as District Attorney. During this unsettled time, I submit- ted my name to run for the position of District Attorney in the May Primary Election. In January, Governor Kate Brown appointed Jonathan Cable to the position of District Attor- ney of Lincoln County. Over the past months, I have observed Mr. Cable in this position. He has brought in new management staff, and made several positive changes for the office. Governor Brown made the right choice in her selection, and I am honored to work for him. Jonathan’s appointed Chief Deputy District Attorney, Brian Gardner, is one of the most intelligent attorneys I have ever worked with as a lawyer. The work of his appointed office manager, Anthony Rivers, has improved the morale of the office dramatically. For these reasons, I suspended my campaign for the position of District Attorney and strongly en- dorse Jonathan Cable for the position. I would encourage anyone voting in May to vote for Jonathan. Jonathan’s remaining opponent has little experience in the practice of law, less in prosecution, and no observable management qualities. During this pandemic time we need someone with ability, honesty and integrity in the position of District Attorney. Mr. Cable has high integrity and honesty as he has shown in our office. The position of District Attorney is a vital role in Lincoln County and requires an experienced attorney with proven ability. If you were planning to vote for me on May 19th, please transfer that vote to Jonathan Cable so we can continue the prosecution of criminals in Lincoln County with honesty and integrity. Kenneth R. Park Lincoln County Deputy District Attorney BRIAN GARDNER I am writing this letter out of deep concern for our community and to share some of the things I have learned after 22 years practicing criminal law, with this being my 17th year as a prosecutor. What I want everyone to understand is the seriousness of the choice regarding the election of the District Attorney. The DA is the chief law enforcement position for our county, responsible for decisions that have livelong consequences for everyone involved; and the chief policy administrator for the criminal justice system having to shape and institute programs, such as Drug Court, Hope Court, Mental Health Court and to tailor options to our community’s specific needs. The DA is the chief financial officer for the office and is responsible for the efficient use of public resources to provide for a stable budget, even in unstable times; and is a community leader, responsible for being knowledgeable about our entire community. We rely on experi- ence to dodge pitfalls that we have stepped in before, and to prepare for the changes that al- ways come. There is no substitute or quick fix to make up for the experience that is attained over time. Local knowledge and respect must be earned over years in our community, and are irreplaceable. Jonathan Cable is the 6th DA I have worked for. I strongly encourage you to vote for Jonathan Cable to keep all of the experience and integrity he brings to this incredibly important position. Brian Gardner Chief Deputy District Attorney, Lincoln County Paid for by Michael Thornicroft 4 • • • May 1, 2020