Oregon Coast today. (Lincoln City, OR) 2005-current, May 01, 2020, Page 12, Image 12

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    Lincoln County District Attorney
Jonathan Cable
is asking for your vote
on May 19th
The following is a list of supporters of Jonathan Cable
Susan Elizabeth Reese Painter
(Newport Attorney)
Bill Barton (Newport Attorney)
Jeff Pridgeon (Newport Attorney)
Mike Hart (Retired Lincoln County
Juvenile Department Director)
Lisa Mathies (Deputy, Lincoln
County Sheriff ’s Department)
Dan Taylor (Newport Attorney)
Dick Murry
Ed Wiles
Alan Reynoldson (Newport
Carol James
Gary Hamilton (Newport Attorney)
Carrie Rasmussen (Hood River
Attorney, from Toledo, OR)
Monica Arellano-Ziegler 
Greg Dunn
Christine Herrman (Former Lincoln
County Deputy District Attorney)
Kevin Ziegler 
Patty Benson
Ron Benson  (Lincoln County DA
Offi ce Investigator)
Debbie Simmons Howard (Lincoln
County DA Legal Assistant)
Christopher Miller (Retired Lincoln
County Deputy Sheriff )
Doug Chadwick
Tracy Chadwick 
Scott Graf
Katrina Graf
Vanessa Clausing
Tyson Clausing 
Braulio Escobar (Newport
Willie Worman (City of Siletz
Jeff Clark (City of Siletz City
Patty Skauge (City of Siletz
Council, Siletz Valley Fire Board)
Glenn Fluhr (Siletz Valley Fire
Rick Olson (Siletz Valley Fire Board
Leah Olson (Siletz Valley Fire Board
Budget Committee)
Larry Parker
Mary Parker
Thomas Coates 
Daniel Beck
Nairne Dickey
Thomas Rivkin
Steve Etter
Vonda Etter 
Belinda Goody (Former Employee
Lincoln County District Attorney’s
Offi ce)
Sue Fowler 
Jack Gardner  
Brian Gardner (Lincoln County DA
Offi ce Chief Deputy)
Courtney Kelly (Lincoln County DA
Offi ce Legal Assistant)
Gretchen Havner (Newport
Mike Leake (Newport Police
Department Sergeant) 
Mitch France (Newport Police
Department Sergeant)
Mike Pace, Toledo
Aaron Pitcher, Toledo
Michael Henderson
Monaca Henderson
Donnie Harvey 
Casey Foss
Travis Howard
Amy Howard
Asia Richardson
Sharon Lihou
Sharon Hasting
Tom Hasting
Heather Phillips (former Lincoln
County Juvenile Probation
Offi cer)
Jason Lewis (Lincoln County
Juvenile Probation Offi cer)
Nathan Green
Sandi Thompson
Bob Thompson
Aimee Thompson
Rob Thompson
Dorinda Howden
David Howden
Robert Huff man
Andrea Huff man 
Cody Hyslop
Lisa Marie Hyslop
Kimberly-Marie Babcock Chenault
Helyn Layton 
Angela Lehrman
Katie Locke 
Sarah McCay
Mitchell Martin (Newport
Linda Mollino
Laura Hamilton
Joe Danna
Doug Morrison
Christina Morrison
David Beal (Newport Attorney)
Harold Nash (Investigator)
Monteen Nash (Investigator)
Joyce Rivers
Tony Rivers (Lincoln County DA
Offi ce Manager)
Heidi Rivers
Aimee Selfridge
Trista Selfridge 
Chelsea Spradley
Nancy Steinberg 
Diana Russo Teem
Dave Teem (Retired Lieutenant
Newport Police Department)
Michael Thornicroft (Lincoln
County Deputy District Attorney)
Max Alatriste 
Joaquin Varo (Former Legal
Cecily Wechter
Janae Wieboldt
Maggie White 
Dave White
Esaii Taylor
Steve Lovejoy (Retired Attorney)
Jacob James Anthoy Accurso
Kenneth Park (Lincoln County
Deputy District Attorney/Former
DA Candidate who withdrew
from race in support of DA
Jonathan Cable)
Cindy Park
Aracellly Guevara (Former Legal
Translator for My Sisters’ Place)
Mike Dixon
Nicole Rariden
Scott Evans
Holly Blakely (Former Lincoln City
Police Offi cer)
Cathy Piazza
Kelly Barker
Chelsea Spradley
Charles Jesse
Greg Plummer (Oregon State
Janet Barber
Gari Lovejoy (Newport Attorney)
Michelle Alatriste 
Nelson Jackson
Irene Lightle (Former Lincoln
County DA Offi ce Legal
Assistant/Currently with Lincoln
County Parole and Probation
Julie Gamache
Zak Mullins
Talya Weldon
Susie O’Toole (Lincoln County
Parole and Probation Offi cer)
Sean Martin
Linda Thompson
Amy Bendel (Former Lincoln
County Circuit Court Clerk)
Joshua Hunking (Corvallis
Herb Lupton
Bridget Stenroos
James Fruth (Tiffi n, Ohio Attorney)
Sharon Howell Lowry (Former
Legal Assistant)
14 • oregoncoastTODAY.com • facebook.com/oregoncoasttoday • May 1, 2020
John St. Clair
Tommy Imholt
Natalie Craft
Glenda Freeman
Shelly Thornicroft
Jenna Rose
Sharon Beardsley
Jeff Arellano
Diane Neldon
Kayln Neldon
Thomas “Mac” Maclaren
Diane Goff
Barbara Bush
Ehren Biggar
Janet Wickland
Abigail DeYoung
Sophia Tasker
Lucinda Chapman
Judith Hees
Mindy Baxter
Jennifer Allbright
Richard Robitaille
Shane Bendel
Colleen Caubin
Kristi Kind
Ty Rae Risewick
David Specht
Maureen Little
John Arnold, LCSW
Denis Bosque (Retired Lincoln
County Sheriff s Offi ce Detective)
Steven Linder
George Nagel, LCSW
Doug Gill
Jestine “Jessie” Johnson
Carole Coats
Robin Wright
Jeff Wright
Lindsay Ramberg Clark
Joe Howry
Shonna Howry
Mary Kay Fitzmorris
Peggy Blaser
Jeff Ouderkirk (Newport Attorney)
Paid for by Cable for
Lincoln County DA