potpourri Natural Organic Wellness For today’s healthy lifestyle Chinook Winds hosts Indian fair Lincoln City will be the site of the 2019 Siletz Indian Fair this Saturday, Nov. 23, featuring regalia, baskets and other art forms created by Native American artisans. Th e fair commemorates the 104th anniversary of the very fi rst Indian Fair that was held in Siletz in 1915. It will be reminiscent of those earlier Indian Fairs as a time for sharing traditions, history and culture. Th e fair, sponsored by Th e Siletz Tribal Arts and Heritage Society in cooperation with the Siletz Tribal Culture Department, will run from 9 am to 3 pm at Chinook Winds Casino Resort. Th e Siletz Tribal Arts and Heritage Society is a non-profi t organization formed in 2011 with the mission to support and promote the practice, conservation and restoration of the tribal cultures of the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians. For more details, go to https:// siletzartsheritage.org or email Angela Ramirez at angeladawnramirez@gmail.com. Master a new skill in 2020 Th ere is still time to make a green start to 2020 by enrolling in OSU Master Gardener training, which runs from January 16 through April 2 in Tillamook. With classes from Oregon State University faculty and local volunteers, the course is designed for people who want to learn more about gardening on the Oregon Coast and then share what they learn with others. Anyone with a sincere interest in gardening and horticulture, including gardeners, farmers and nursery workers are encouraged to participate in the 66-hour training. Th e program was designed to provide in-depth training for local gardeners who will volunteer in the community to help the OSU Extension Service answer home and community horticulture questions for the public. For those who have the time and desire to volunteer in their community, the fee for the training is $120, which includes the Sustainable Gardening text book and all class materials. Master Gardener graduates are required to provide 60 hours of volunteer service during the year after they complete their training, working with other Master Gardeners to answer questions at the OSU Extension offi ce, volunteer at the Master Gardener Learning Garden and educating others in the community about gardening. Th ose who do not have the time or desire to volunteer can take the training for a fee of $240 and receive a certifi cate of horticulture. Classes are held from 9 am to 4:30 pm every Th ursday at the Extension Service offi ce, 4506 Th ird Street, Tillamook. Register online at https://bit.ly/ TillamookOSUMasterGardener. For more information, call 503-842- 3433 or go to http://extension.oregonstate. edu/tillamook. NORTH 2429 NW Hwy 101 541-994-3031 Lincoln City, Oregon Since 1941 kennysiga.com OREGON SALAD SHRIMP 6 $ SOUTH 4845 SW Hwy 101 541-996-2301 YAQUINA BAY OYSTERS 10 OZ JARS 3 $ 99 lb Prices good through 11/26; fresh items subject to availabity 99 ea Shrimp Toast Ingredients 1 baguette, sliced into 3/4- inch thick pieces 4 ounces cream cheese, softened 3/4 cup mayonnaise 1 cup grated Parmesan cheese 6 ounces Salad Shrimp, coarsely chopped 1/2 cup chopped onion 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 Tablespoonchopped fresh dill weed Salt to taste Pepper to taste Directions Preheat oven to 400 degrees Align baguette slices side by side on a large baking sheet and spray with nonstick cooking spray. Turn each baguette over so the sprayed side is facing downward on the baking sheet. In a medium size bowl, stir cream cheese and mayonnaise together until combined. Add Parmesan cheese, shrimp, onion, lemon juice, dill weed, salt and pepper and stir just until blended. Place about one tablespoon of the shrimp mixture on top of each baguette slice. Bake for 15 minutes or until tops are golden brown and cheese is bubbly. oregoncoastTODAY.com • facebook.com/oregoncoasttoday • November 22, 2019 • 3