8 • June 2021 BUSINESS NEWS Coast River Business Journal LUKE WHITTAKER Waikiki Beach at Cape Disappointment State Park is a popular destination all year whether it’s winter storm season or a serene spring day. Pacifi c County tourism industry expects growth Story by Emily Lindblom Coast River Business Journal elindblom@crbizjournal.com Though the coronavirus pandemic slightly dampened visitor spending on the coast, Pacifi c County still saw signifi cant crowds throughout 2020. The county’s total number of visitors was up 14.6% over the year, while Wash- ington state overall had a drop in visita- tion by 27.3%. Andi Day, the executive director of the Long Beach Peninsula Visitors Bureau, presented these numbers during a virtual State of the Industry 2021 meeting at the end of May. She said Pacifi c County’s vis- itor spending declined by 4.5%, but com- pared to the overall state visitor spending declining by 40%, it doesn’t seem so bad. Only four other counties in Washington experienced declines as small as Pacifi c County’s. “If you take the exceptional growth we LUKE WHITTAKER Visitors fi lled downtown Long Beach during Memorial Day Weekend. PACIFIC COUNTY TOURISM BUREAU Visitor spending in Pacifi c County dipped in 2020, but it was still above the years before 2019.