FREE Published 2nd Wednesday of the month June 2021 Inside: Chronicling the Joy of Business in the Columbia-Pacifi c Region Volume 16 • Issue 6 Industry Spotlight: Business awards Page 6 Clatsop Economic Development Resources honored business owners Labor shortage Short-staff ed hospitality industry prepares for summer Page 4 Tourism in Pacifi c County Industry leaders expect visitor spending to grow Page 8 Healing herbs New apothecary opens in Astoria Page 14 Departments Business Briefs ..................................................................14 CEDR Report ......................................................................12 Small Business Report ...................................................... 13 Real Estate, Construction & More .....................................15 CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT: Slurpalicious, Providence Seaside Hospital, Purple Cow Toys, Papa Murphy’s in Seaside, Hampton Lumber and Good to Go were a few of the businesses that received recognition at the Clatsop Economic Development Resources awards presentation in May.