FEATURE STORY Coast River Business Journal February 2021 • 7 PREPARED BY CLATSOP ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS, MLS There were 73 active listings for single family homes in January 2021, compared to the 209 active listings in January 2020. PHOTOS BY CAROLYN HOARD Osburn/Olson works to develop a property between Warrenton and Gearhart. Housing development is underway between Warrenton and Gearhart. population growth, as population is expected to decline over the next 20 years as people move into cities. But a 2019 report wouldn’t account for the infl ux of new residents moving into the county due to the ability to work remotely that came from the coronavirus pandemic. “It didn’t plan for COVID,” Henrikson said. Osburn worked with a group to buy and develop the 185 acres near the Surf Pines area called The Dunes, before selling it to fellow developer Harry Henke. Osburn said between zoning and wetlands issues, he was able to get 37 buildable sites over that 185 acres. He was able to buy density credits to bring the amount of lots up to 87. The county does permit smaller lot sizes in some cases on the Clatsop Plains, allowing developers to go down to one acre lots while leaving 30% of the property undeveloped. But that’s still not small enough for Osburn. “Between Gearhart and Warrenton, we need to take zoning from one acre as the smallest lot to a half acre at least so it would double our inventory,” Osburn said. There is some land in the county that allow for lots to be 750 square feet because they are served by water and sewer. But Henrikson said at this time, there are no plans to install a new sewer system in the Clatsop Plains unincorporated part of the county. However, Henrikson said while Oregon’s land use planning laws direct growth toward cities, the county board of commissioners is looking for ways to address affordable housing in unincorporated areas. The board of commissioners outlined afford- able housing as one of the fi ve focus areas in their strategic plan for fi scal year 2021 to 2022, which they adopted Jan. 27. Additionally, several bills pro- posed for the 2021 legislative session would allow counties to permit accessory dwelling units on rural lands. These include HB 2705, HB 2735, HB 2778, SB 385 and SB 391. CARE FOR YOUR TREES Tree removals • Pruning • Stump Grinding • Plant Health Care LUKE COLVIN JON FAGERLAND AUSTIN WIENECKE 503-791-0853 ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST PN#6331A ISA CERTIFIED ARBORIST PN#7059A ISA CERTIFIED MASTER ARBORIST PN-5890B TCIA Accredited • ISA Tree Risk Assessment Qualified • Insured and Bonded • CCB#171855 · WA#ARBORCI909RW www.arborcarenw.com