il t Just One More Day in Which to Shop for Christmas When it Cowes To Watches — It will !»e a busy hustling strenuous day, lull a day that has a goal; to make some one else happy at Christmas time, ami heeause this store installs tin* true Christmas spirit, an appreciation of the real meaning of the flay it makes an effort to help every one in every way. This store wants to give the hest possible Christmas service. Cor your eonvrnirnee we present a simplified shopping list of practical gifts for each member of the family: .-r-- :■*- —you will rind ua fully equipiHsi to render you immediate and satisfac­ tory service. A complete line of the finest trad e clocks and watches, including th e b e a u t ifu l and s e r % i c e a b 1 e K l e i n models. If y o u r w a t c h o r i „ is out ,.f order, y, ti will rind our repair d o p a rtn t c u t w ith o u t an e<|un! f o r q u i c k , reasonable, and e x p ea work. D rop in and see us. | th anil Willamette Street* Eugene, Oregon W A N T A D S 11)22 baby chick*.— Order your chick* now if you wunt curly butchers. H eavy layers o f largo white eggs that tup the market. Wm. Uunds A Son, box 614, Cottage Grove, Ore. jly 2 9 tfc W anted— To hear from owner o f good ranch for sale. State cash price, full particulars. D. F. Bush, M inneap­ olis, Minn. oct7 deeJUp Taken U p— One red yearling heifer. one dark reddish black mixed and tw o reil ami white spotted. Owner TO AUTUMN Even the lant dead autumn leaf Dropped to earth and trampled here beneath; Eying in silent, slumber at our feet, Speak of a year complete It shame* despair and failures to reffret And teaches us the way, should we forget. can have same by paying expenses o f personal property. T o the firHt mar keep, advertising, 1 * 11 *. Mrs. Kiln I who will gì \ e me $2000 1 will givf Thompson. dee23c m y interest in t liis place, hick, stock i nuil barrel. I f you are lookin g fo r 1 For Bale A ll grades dimension, rustic, j •imp, y o u ’ll better act. li. R. Robison shiplap and finish, rough or surfaced, Saginaw, Ore., phone .'15 F 21. dlOJOj at reasonable prices. Lammors Bros., phone 13 F3. »• 1 )tt Wanted 1400 1b. home Lummers Bros W ood fo r Sale. -Old growth body fir, idd grow th fir limbs ami ample, 16 inch lengths. E. J. Scofield , corner W ashington ami south Eighth, n l l t f c City T r a n s fe r For Bale Small sale, in first class condition. West Hide Grocery. dlG tf For Rent Two nicely Innushed sleep iug rooms in modern home at 351 Sixth street. dlOHOpd W ill you let me give you $2500. I have $1500 equity in 177 acres, two miles east o f Saginaw in Delight val lev. This include- $1500 worth o f Hauling and Graying P IA N O M O VIN G A S P E C IA L T Y WOOD BOLD A N D D E L IV E R E D O ffice In Spray Brick Near 8 P Dopot PH O N E »C It Always Pays to Trade at Gray’s TW O R E A SO N S GR O BK R S BAI L IN EJ’ S IN L S S : No. 1— High expense of doing business. No. 2 - Too much money tied up in accounts good and bad. G R A Y ’S H AS A LO W E X P E N S E AN D DOES A CASH BU SIN ESS Be& Wishes for a Merry, Merry Christmas FLO U R AN D FEED B ILK C R E E K Ostrander & McQueen Eads Grocery and DesLarzes Bros. E. LEBOW Residence, 24 North Seventh 8t. from here were Mr. anti Mrs. J. R. Cooely and daughter Klixaheth, Mr. and Mrs. C. . . . Sears, Clarence Sears, ( \\. D. Heath ami sons William and ¡A d d ison , Homer Chamberlain ami Mrs. Joe Behnieder. Lew is Sears and daughter Pearl were in the G rove Tuestla.y Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Hears spent Sun ilay with Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Jones. Mr. King, o f W isconsin, has moved . 'o n to the McCormack place which he ! recently purchased. Miss Mary Hiuiuer, who teaches the Mount View school, has arranged a I Christmas program which will be held at the school house Friday night. is made to make the best bread — Buy it of— D E N T I8 T STEEN S PRIVATE DANCING ACADEMY com pleted, the women lifting the elean ing tin* first o f the week. Mrs. J. D. Grimes is earing fo r h**r mother, Mrs. Uniter, who is still sick. M O U N T VIEW ’ . W ALDEN. ilA P D B i' D D NTDJTJiy Aludern equipment. Pirat a \ aliun ai Bank Biug. O f lic e hour» b a. m. lo ili in., i to 0 p. m. G ve muga or Buildup a ny uppoiiitnient. Bugi ne Loan und 6a v inga Hunk Building Buge lie________ Oregon her father, “ Unele B u rile” \fateli. D. II. Brumbaugh was a Grove \ is itor Monday. CAN D Y A N D N UTS $2 00 $170 $1.35 $2.35 $2 40 95c Kerr V Best l''loiii\ suck Kerr’a Imperial Blend, sack McKenzie Best, sack Kerr’s Eg if Producer sack Kerr’s Scratch, sack Mill K iiii sack 35c 35c 28c 35c 45c 27c Broken Mix, 2 lbs I'l'iiinit Brittle, 2 lbs Cream Mix, lb. (•regoli Walnuts III Mixed Xuls, 2 lbs i )i egon Kill ieri s, lb. O L IV E S IN BU LK , F A N C Y AN D GOOD, PT. R A IS IN S B ilik , seed less, B u lk , clu ster, B u lk cu rran ts. III. III. III. 25c SO AP 22c 25c li l i a r s W h ile 5 lia rs W h ite W onder 20c 5 bars C rystal W h ile T O IL E T SO AP 25c 25c 25c 1 .u u n 25c 25c 5c ( Iri'iiif* nil liars l ’alm ( llivf* R liars 1 l o c k 2 bill's * F A N C Y C O R V A L L IS C R E A M E R Y B U TTE R , LB. SYRU P Karo Blue, 5s Karo Blue, 10s Wedding Breakfast, 5s M APLE SYRU P 37c 70c 39c Maple Karo, 5s Maple Karo, Ills Molasses 59c $1.06 20c FANCY HEAVY BACON, LB 30c 47c CEREALS