♦ ----------------------------------------------------------------- • weeks from the date of the first publi­ ♦ — p lain tiff will apply to the Court for relief prayed for in p la in tiff’s com ­ p laint: For n decree dissolving the m arriage contract betw een you and the p lain tiff on the grounds of d eser­ tion for m ore than one year, for the care, custody and control over the m inor child, Klenor F ay H artzell, for the support of the said child in the am ount of $ 15.00 per m onth and for alim ony in the am ount of $25.00 per m onth and for costs and disbursem ents o f this suit. This sum m ons is served by publica- tion by order o f the Hon. G. F. Hkip- w orth, Jud ge of the above nam ed C ourt, dated th e 13th day of Decern ber, 1021, and tin* date o f the first publication of th is sum m ons is the 10th day of Decem ber, 1021, and the date of the last publication will be on the 27th day of Jan u a ry , A. D. 1021. IT J S H IN N , A ttorney fu r P la in tiff. Residence and P ostoffico address: C o t­ tage Grove, L ane C ounty, Ore. dlflj27 of th is summons, and if you fail I Neighborhood News I cation to so answ er for w ant thereof the A Ford. Deserves Dillard You may think that a genuine Willard Battery for your Ford car would cost too m uch. We’d like to see the look of surpri#e that comes on your face when we quote you our price! Quick service. Henry Bennett at Woodson Brothers Garage PEARL OIL KEROSENE With Pearl Oil as fuel your oil heater literally radiates comfort wher­ ever you use it—in living- room, bathroom, or bed­ room. Pearl Oil brings the best out of any good oil heater—supplying a con­ stant healthful tempera­ ture that everyone ap­ preciates these chilly evenings. It is refined and re- refined by our special process — which makes It clean-burning — no smoke — no odor — no waste. Sold in bulk by dealers everywhere. Order by name — Pearl Oil. S T A N D A R D O IL C O M P A N Y • California) HEAT AND LIGHT - ■■ ■ ROW R IV E R (Special to The Sentinel.) Dee. 14. Mr. and Mrs. J . 11. Hills, of O nkridge, visited Sunday and Mon day at the home of th e ir daughter, Mrs. La Sells S tew art. Frank Pleim rd and d aughters, Klaie and G race atten d ed church in the Grove Sunday. Miss N ettie O rr and Mrs. Sara W orthington and son T heorore, of Eugene, spent the week end w ith Mrs. W o rth in g to n ’s m other, Mrs. P atience lie M aster. The H enry Sanders fam ily spent Sunday at th e Joe P lenard home at W ildwood. Mr. an d Mrs. II. P. G aroutte, of the Grove, are visitin g th e Karl and Wm. G aroutte fam ilies. Phloe W hiteley and G ladys Parpen ter, of S ta r, were Row R iver visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J . S. M agin dry mo­ tored up from Eugene Sunday and are spending a few days here. Mrs. Tom M eM aster w as q uite ill Tuesday b ut is reported recovering. Miss Helen W illiam s is visiting friends at C urtin this week. Mrs. P ete Chnlifoue and grandson, Billy L ynn, of S tar, visited at the John M artin and Joe H eflin homes S aturday and Sunday. Mrs. A. Tonole retu rn ed to h er home in the G rove S aturday, a f te r a w eek ’s visit w ith her daughters, M rs. Angelo Perini and Mrs. Louis Preinnsxi. Mr. and Mrs. O ral Sallee and John W icks, of S ta r, visited relativ es here Sunday. Q uite a num ber from here attend ed the basket ball gam e an d dance .it Dorena S aturday night. M OUNT V IEW . (Special to The Sentinel.) Dec. 20.— M r. and Mrs. J . R. Cooley and E lizabeth Cooley visited Sunday of last w eek w ith Mr. and Mrs. J . E. D unnivan in C ottage Grove. Mrs. K ate Sears, of th e Grove, spent several days of last week w ith Mrs. C. W. Sears. W illiam H eath returned T uesday of last w eek from eastern O regon, where he had been em ployed on a ranch since last A ugust. Mr. and Mrs. J . B. L inebaugh, of C ottage G rove, have been out to the Claude A rne home for several days earing fo r Mrs. A rn e ’s d au gh ter, who has been q uite ill. M rs. Joe Schneider an d Mr. and Mrs. E. C. I» ck w oo d m otored to Eu gene M onday. M r. and M rs. George L ayng w ere at the Mrs. C hrism an home at Dorenn one day last week. W illiam H eath accom panied Mrs. L. R. Icong to E ugene W ednesday of last week. O tto V aughn moved o ut from the G rove to th e J . A. W right place last week. Jam es M cCorm ack, accom panied by his m other an d nephew , F o ster I^ewis, left this week for th eir form er home in M innesota. They have sold th eir place here to a Mr. K ing, from C anada, who expects to tak e possession next week. J . W. Ishm aol, of E ugene, spent M onday night at the Jo e Schneider home. M rs. C laude A rne w as tak en to E u ­ gene this week for m edical treatm en t. Mr. and Mrs. F ran k C reason, Mr. and M rs. J . It Cooley and W illiam and A ddison H eath were guests S un­ day at the C W. Sears home. Two new pupils started to school last w eek, being Leslie V aughn and Robert Lew is, both o f whom recently moved here. Mr. and M rs. W . D. H eath and fam ­ ily spent T uesday evening o f last week w ith Mr. an d Mrs. F red F rost at Blue M ountain. Miss N aom i Mooney, of Blue Mown tain , is spending a few days w ith her au n t, Mrs. George Layng. Mr. and M rs. H arry C astle visited Sunday w ith Mrs. C astle 's sister, Mrs. Claude Arne. J . W. F isher, of C urtin, spent the week end it th e W. I). H eath home. Mr. and M rs. J . R. Cooley, C larence Sears an d W illiam and A ddison H eath were in th e G rove T uesday from here. STAR Knowes & Gräber Hardware and Furniture Oregon Eugene Cottage Grove STAGE Leaves Eugene Daily........................... 8 a. m. Ex. Sunday........................2 p. m Sunday........................... 4 p. m. Leaves Cottage Orove Daily.........................„..9:30 a. m. Ex. Sunday................. 3:30 p. m. Sunday............................... 5 p. m The H eatinel want* the new*. Grove Transfer Furniture Moving and General Jobbing (Special to The S entinel.) Dec. 14.— S everal from here intended the basket ball gam e betw een Dorena and D rain a t D orena S atu rd ay eve­ ning, in w hich D rain w as victorious. C harlie W hite and H arry Crum e, of C ottage G rove, spent from F riday u n ­ til M onday evening v isitin g at the Sallee home*. Dale O w en, of R ujada, spent the week end at home. Mrs. La Sc 11s S tew art, of Row River, visited in S ta r T hursday of last week. Mrs. M yrtle P itch er visited w ith Mrs. O. C. Sallee T hursday. Miles P itc h er Sr., of D orena, spent W ednesday v isitin g at th e home of Milos P itc h er J r. and M rs. J . H. Spa hr. Mrs. J . E. W oodson and children, of the Grove, visited from F rid ay until Sunday at the home of Mrs. W oodson’s m other, Mrs. Ida M. W icks. Mr. and Mrs. O ral Sallee and little d aughter visited in Row R iver Sunday afternoon. W alter W ood, who is em ployed at R ujada, spent the week end at the Mrs. Ida W icks home. N O TICE OF F IN A L SE T T LE M E N T. N otice is hereby given th a t th e un­ dersigned E xecutrix of the esta te of Fanny 8. deceased, has filed her account for the final settlem ent of the said estate in the C ounty C ourt of th e 8 tate of O regon, fo r L ane C ounty, an d th at Tuesday, the 24th day of Jan u a ry A. 1). 1022 at the court room o f the said court in E ugene, Lane C ounty, Oregon, at 11 o 'clock, A. M. of said day has been by said court fixed as the tim e am i place fo r h ea r­ ing objections th ereto and for fin a l settlem ent of said estate by order m ade and entered of record on the 27th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1021. ID A ROGERS, E xecutrix of th e esta te of F annie S. H arris, deceased. II. J. S H IN N , A ttorney for E xecutrix. dec23*jan20 N O TIC E OF F IN A L SE T T LE M E N T. N otice is hereby given th at th e un- dcrsigned E xecutor of the esta te of D avid C. H ubbard, deceased, has filed his account for th e fin al settlem ent of th e said estate in the C ounty Court o f the S ta te of Oregon, fo r Lane C ounty and th at Tuesday, the 24th day of Jan u a ry , A. D. *1022 at the court room of the said court in E u­ gene, Lane County, O regon, a t 11 o 'clock, A. M. of said day has been by said court fixed as the tim e and place for hearing objections th ereto an d for fin a l settlem ent of said estate by order made an d entered of record on the 17th day of Decem ber. A. I). 1921. PER R Y W. H U BBA RD , E xecutor of th e esta te of D avid C. H ubbard, deceased. H. J. S H IN N , A ttorney for E xecutor. d23-jan20 N O TICE FOR PU BLIC A T IO N . D epartm ent of the In te rio r, U. S. L and O ffice a t Roseburg, Oregon, Decem ber 6, 1921. N otice is hereby given th a t Thom as E. Alice no, of C ottage Grove, Oregon, who, on J a n u a ry 3, 1921, m ade hom e­ stead en try serial, No. 013588, for S\V Vi N EVi, section 7, tow nship 22 S., Range 3 W., W illam ette M eridian, has filed notice of in tentio n to m ake fin al three y ear proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before E. O. Immol, U. S. Com m issioner, a t his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on th e 12th day o f Ja n u a ry , 1922. C laim ant nam es as w itnesses: E v erett Sm all, o f C ottage Grove, O regon: George Sm all, of C ottage Grove, O re­ gon; A rchie G illam , of C ottage Grove, On*.; John M urry, of C ottage Grove, Oregon. ‘ W. H . CANON, dec9 -janfi Register. N O TICE. N otice is hereby given th a t the sem i­ annual sta te exam ination fo r te a c h e rs' certificates w ill be held in the circuit court room in Eugene com m encing W ednesday, D ecem ber 21, a t 9 a. m. and closing S aturday, D ecem ber 24. All teachers whose certificates expire are required to la* on ha ml prom ptly at 9 a. m. on W ednesday. A schedule of the days on w hich subjects w ill be given can be had by applying to J J . MOORE, d9 Hi C ounty School S uperintendent. REAPING BENEFIT FROM T H E E X P E R IE N C E O F COT TA GE GROVE PEO PL E. We are fo rtu n ate indeed to be able to profit by the experience of our neighbors. The public u tterances of C ottage G rove residents on the follow ing subjects will interest and b en efit m any of our readers. Road th is s ta te ­ m ent. No b e tte r proof can be had. J. H. B aker, prop, blacksm ith shop, 942 W. M ain »St., C ottage Grove, says: “ I have used D oan's K idney Pills w ith b en efit an d am glad to endorse them . I w as troubled w ith atta c k s of kidney trouble and my back was weak and lame. My kidneys annoyed me, too, by th eir irreg u lar action but D oan ’s K idney Pills alw ays helped me when I used them for these ailm ents, streng th en in g my back and k id n e y s .'' P rice 60c, at all dealers. D on ’t sim ply ask for a kidney rem edy— get Credit Omitted. D oan's K idney Pills— the sam e th at The story appearing in the Decem­ Mr. B aker had. F oster M ilburn Co., ber Id issue of The S entinel headed, M frs., B uffalo, N. Y. dec23 3« “ Brick and M ortar Do N ot M ake a C ity; C haracter of Its C itizens D oes,’ ’ should have been credited U> Fred Lock ley, of tn e Oregon Jo u rn al. All credit was in ad v erten tly om itted ns the story w as printed. SUMMONS. In the C ircuit Court of th e S ta te of F W. JACO BS PB O PB IE T O B Oregon in and for Italic County. Adah H artzell, p lain tiff, vs. Floyd Rea Phone 21 F3 O ffice Phone 4 F. H artzell, defendant. To Floyd F. H artzell, th e above nam ed d efe n d « n t: In the nam e of the S ta te o f O regon: D on ’t have any ulnrkors K eep track You are hereby required to appear and of w hnt each hen doea by lining egg record cards F or sale by The S en ti­ answ er the com plaint filed ag ainst you nel a t $1.75 th e hundred. ••• in the above en titled suit w ithin six STANDARD OIL COMPANY - i C A I I K B X I A HERE ARE THE MOST Startling Tire Prices YOU VE SEEN FOR YEARS double cable base tires Non-Skid Fabric Non-Skid Cord Rugged Traffik Extra ply $12.25 30 X 3........................ $10.25 $17.75 $16.75 30 X 3i/2.................... ...................$12.75 $25.00 ........ $17.75 $19.00 32 X 3 1/ 2 ........................ $27.00 31 X 4 $22.00 ................. $19.00 $31.00 .................... $23.00 $24.00 32 X 4 $32.00 $24.00 $25.00 33 X 4 $33.00 $26.00 34 X 4 ....................$25.00 $39.00 32 X 4 1/2 ........................ $39.50 33 X 4VÏ ........................ Excise tax additional THE SERVICE GARAGE SPRAY, LONG & CRUSON ANNOUNCEMENT Poultrymen—Dairymen THE Successor ECONOMY to J. FEED STORE F. Spray will endeavor to serve you to its best advantage and give you quality feeds at reasonable prices. We are iti a position to serve you better and more efficiently—this your local ex­ clusive feed store—let us serve you. Steel cut cracked corn, per sack............................................ $2.10 Ground corn................................................................................. $2.10 Whole corn.........................................................................................$1.90 Mill run, so lbs................................................................................$1.00 Process barley, 75 lbs................................................................ $1.50 Rolled oats............................................................................ $1.15 Noxall egg producer......................................................................$2.50 Noxall scratch feed..................................... $2.50 Meat meal........................................................ $5.50 Linseed oil meal.............................................................................. $2.50 Eastern hard wheat flour...................................... $1.85 Blended flour.....................................................................................$1.55 High grade valley flour............................................................ $1.35 COME IN AND LET’S GET ACQIALNTED Economy Feed Store Successor to J. F. Spray. California Sunshine and Oranges Appeal to countless thousands each year There you will enjoy the warmth of an unclouded sun, the bathing beaches, outdoor sports and the fragrance of flowers Why not go to California’s Sunny Southland this winter! and oranges. Through Sleeping Cars OBSERVATION AND DINING CARS VIA The Scenic Shasta Route Provide all the comforts of modern travel. The rail journey affords an opportunity of seeing many interesting places along the way. Round Trip Excursion Tickets are on sale to SANTA BARBARA—LOS ANGELES -SAN DIEGO For fares, train schedules, descriptive folders or sleeping ear reservations, ask ticket agents, or write Southern Pacific Lines d23-;k) John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent