Wrp CEnttmw dnrop i^rotmri _____________ ^ br*fy _______________________________ V o I j UMK XXXII AND COTTAGE OROVE LEADER COTTAGE GROVE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1921 MANY ENLIST IN MACHINE GUN COMPANY More Than Half o f Required Member uhtp Already Recruited; Business Men O ffer Cooperation. WINSTOCK COMMENTS ON ARMAMENT CONFERENCE Melvin G, Winstock, Oregonian of long standing, was in Cottage Grove Wednesday oil business and called ou The Sentinel long enough to touch briefly on his great hobby “ The Limitations o f Arina neat Conference.“ Mr. Winstock, since October 1, has delivered addresses on this subjeet in Portland, Heat tie, Tacoma, Bellingham, Eugene, Corvallis ami many other cities, and he regretted that time did not permit mi hires» at Cottage Grove. “ A ft said, “ that cost in I*. . 1 ween 35 and 40 iiu ', .. wounded and missing r i , n gold; that incredibly .ah i ■ »t national debt o f every i. ' t.n- world; that has placed uii I h , i ruiUi hardens on the backs of plain p , ic everywhere, nations for 1921 2: have appropriated still further billions for armies and navies. “ Our country seeks to make a be ginning toward tin* promotion o f pear»* and the reductions o f these back breaking taxes and ]»eiialties. Germany is requested to pay for her sins but $900,000,000 a year for 50 years as her indemnity. We, who have com milted no international crime, this year sptuid twice that sum for military mid naval expense. Continuance of this procedure is a crime against the people. “ And yet we have men in the land, who for partisan political purposes an­ nounce violent opposition to the rntifi cation o f the four nation agreement. “ The good citizen of Cottage Grove can perform no higher act of patriot isin or human service than not only to approve Am erica’s course but to frown down on every effort to divide our country’s sentiment on this stupendous w ork.“ nUncle Burne” Veatch, Resident of Cottage Grove Country 6 8 Years, Passes Beyond in Ninety-fourth Year A machine gun unit o f mux ini um “ Uncle Hume “ Veatch, one of the Htrcuglh is i he goal set by K. C. H|»rny, best known and most highly esteemed enlisting ol I iccr, ami those HMmx'iHlni citizens o f the community and a res with in in in tin' organisation o f a iflent o f the Cottage Grove country fn military company for Collage drove, more than 68 years, passed away at to attain which they must secure tin* the home o f his daughter, Mrs. K. S. ujqdiuul ions o f 80 men. Minty eight Ilfddermaa, at 3:30 o ’clock Sunday af ix ail liiut ix reginreai lor tlie niiuimiiin teriux n, following a partial stroke o f Htrength, liut Mr. Spray duos not in paralysis which he suffered some ten teud to »top at that number. More flays 1 m * fore. Surrounded by his chil­ than half the required number have dren and grandchildren he went peueo already been recruited. fully it tit I painfully out upon the long Sergeant Frank «1. .Iirak, o f the ad long trail at the rip«* old age o f 93 jiitunt general’» office in Salem, wax years, 1 month, H days. in the city Tuesday to assist the local Harvey Clnyburne Veatch was born recruiting stuff in its work and in a November 10, 1828, at Enfield, Whitt* half hour informal meeting at Ainerl county, 111., and crossed tin* plains in can Legion hall met with about thirty 1853 in the train o f Samuel Marion representative Cottage Grove business Knox, whose daughter, Margaret Jane men, who endorsed the movement and Knox, he married on Christmas eve, pledged their cooperation. 1854, and they made their home on Discussing the benefits to member» Mr. W a tc h ’s homestead a mile and a of the organization and to the coin half from Collage Grove*. Eight chil mututy Sergeant .Iirak dwelt iifmii its drew were born to them, seven v»f social and athletic activities nijd said whom survive. They are Samuel P., that it would bring in $8000 to $10,000 o f Portland; Oliver ()., o f this city- a year, the pay for a half hours drill Mrs. Rosetta Miller, o f Walla Walia, being: for private, $1; first class Wash.; Mrs. W. V. McGee, o f Albany; private, $1.17; corj»oral, $1.27; sergeant, “ UNCLE B E R N E ” VEATCH Mrs. R. 11. Mosby and Mrs. E. S. $1.50; first sergeant, $1.75; second Holderman, o f this eity, and Klhanen, land of prosperous and happy people. lieutenant, .75; first lieutenant, of Portland. There are many grand $5.25; captain, $0.66, and $20 a month “ Uncle Burnt*“ had been a member children and several great-grandchil of tin* Presbyterian church for 6(5 for commanding the company, in ad dren. Mrs.Veatch died November 27, years, and a member o f the Masonic dition to this members would also be 1!*!'.*, a 1 tile age <»t ss yeayg, AH Of bulge for more than 48 years. paid an additional sum ranging from the children were here for the funeral 50 cents to one dollar a day during the The funeral was held tit 11 o ’clock except S. P., of Portland, who is in Wednesday morning from the Presby a u u iiu 1 e lira in pme u t. Texas on a visit and could not arrive terian church, Rev. A. R. Spenrow, pas Sergeant .Iirak said that no prospec­ in time. tive mem be 1 need be deterred from tor o f the church, officiating, and in COUNTY GETS SLIGHT enlisting because o f the- impression “ Uncle Burnt*“ and “ Aunt Jane,’ ’ torment was in the A. F. & A. M.-I. O. CUT IN HIGHWAY BILL as they were familiarly known, were O. F. cemetery beside the body o f the that it would interfere with his freedom to remove to none other prominently identified with the de­ wife with whom he lived for nearly Although the »lute highway enmmis velopment locality; that an application for dix of the Cottage Grove 65 years. Members o f the Masonic charge, acorn pa nied by an uiiiduvit of tion at ii conference with members o f country, which they helped to develop lodge attended the service in a body, permanent removal, would be promptly the I.nno eounty court in Portland 1 : 1*1 from a wilderness inhabited by Indians anti there were many beautiful floral week agreed to lop o f f between $1*00 and wild animals to a rich and fertile offerings. honored. and *1900 from the county'* bill of approximately $03,000 alleged due the state for highway work, where the money i* coining from and when it will be paid is *till a vexing problem. County Judge Barnard say* that he does not know whether or not under the law the county could pay the bill Head*, of Families Arc Given An Ad and that at the present time there is Administers Toe Hold to Doughty Mrs. 0. W. Hays, W ife o f Superin­ dition&l Exemption; Single no place where the money can come tendent, and Two Pupils Are Spokane Grappler for Two Persons Get No Relief. from. Straight Falls. 111 With Diphtheria. The commission agreed to lop o ff $1500 from the cost o f the overhead For the information and assistance crossing at Divide und the item of Tin* Cottage Grove schools have been Ralph Hand, popular Cottage Grove o f taxpayers in preparing their income ♦040 for a watchman at the crossing wrestler, added to his laurels and took closed until January 2. The action was lax returns for the year 11121, Clyde was divided 50 50. A number o f other another step toward the middleweight taken Sunday afternoon when it was G. Huntley, collector o f internal items under dispute were taken under championship o f the world Saturday learned that Mrs. O. W. Hays, wife of leveiruf, ha« issued a statement in advisement and a decision will soon night when he defeated Young Harken inC -superintendent, had contracted whieh he briefly discuss«»» the ma be made by the state commission. Judge Barnard states that the higl schmidt, o f Spokane, in two straight diphtheria and that the house had tenal provision» of the new revenue falls, the first in 32 minutes and the been quarantined. Two other mem net and points out wherein those pro way commission announced a policy second in 14, using his favorite toe hers o f the faculty, Miss Dorothy visions differ ! roui the act under during the session o f demanding from hold for both. From the call o f time Hays and Miss Katherine Mendenhall, which last y e a r ’s return» were made. all other counties the amounts due the the bout was fast and furious, neither are quarantined with Mr. and Mrs state on liighwny work before enter­ 'I’lie statement follows: man abatiag for an instant the ter Hays. In view o f the fact that it was * * '1 lie exemption allowed for a de ing into further coo|s‘ mtive construe rific pace begun at the outset. impossible for the remaining members p«ndent is increased from $-00 to t ion agreements. llaekensehmidt has speed, strength, of the faculty to perform the extra $400. Married person«» living with hu> cleverness and endurance, is clean and work and the fenr that other cases band or wife and heads o f families COTTAGE GROVE SHOOTERS aggressive, and put up a beautiful might develop resulted in the decision are allowed a personal exemption of WIN MANY TURKEYS battle, but at no time did he succeed to close tin* schools until after the $2,500 (instead of $2,000; unless the net IN SHOOT in getting a dangerous hold on his holidays. income is in excess ol $5,000, in winch Children under eighteen yours of age resourceful antagonist. Hand, always ease the pvrsonal exemption is only H. S. Lus»well. Pet«? Nelson and Alta fast and clever, showed brilliant bursts have been forbidden to attend public $2,000. The act provides that in no Groves, of the Cottage Grove Bod nml of speed which brought roars o f up gatherings, and a number o f entertain­ case shall the reduction of the js rsonnl Gun club, went to Yonculla Sunday plause from the audience, and at the ments and other unnecessary meetings exemption ou $5,000 incomes ojH’rate und participated in n turkey »boot close o f the match was apparently as have been postponed. to increase the tux which would be with satisfactory results. Nelson ac fresh as when he started. It was a Mrs. H ays’ condition has not been payable if the exemption were $2,500 cumulated nine turkeys, r^i:^w**ll three clean and thrilling battle and was de serious at any time and she is now by more than the amount o f the net and Groves one. There was no shoot clnred by many to have been the best thought to bo well on the road to re income in excess >f $5,000. *1 his is to on tin* local field Sunday. ever put on here. Hand weighed in co very. overcome tL a «* disparity in the case of Two other cases have been reported at 163 and Hackenschmidt at 165. two taxpayers, one ol whom is just Aged Couples Wed “ T e x “ Knight, o f Springfield, refereed to the health officer. They are Dora, within the lower $2,000 exemption and Saturday was a goo«! day for mar the bout. the little daughter o f Mr. and Mrs. the other just within the higher $2,500 riage licenses to aged couples. The Hand’s next match is at Gold Hill Horace Conner, and Glen, the little exempt ion. county clerk issued a license to Wil on December 23, when he is slated to son o f Mr. and Mrs. Charles McKih “ Single |M»r**ouH and married persons limn Lam*. HO, and Mrs. Emily J. I-am­ meet Professor Kinthc. ben, and both ure reported to be get not living with husbands or wife ure mo n, (13, both o f Cottage Grove. They In a preliminary bout refereed by ting along very satisfactorily. allowed au exemption of $1,000. Per were married at the court house by Ellsworth Da me wood, Harry ('runic, of «ons having gross iusouies lor 1921 ol County Judge C. P. Barnard. This was Cottage Grove, defeated “ T e x ” COLD 8NAP GOOD FOR $5,000 or over are required to make a the groom ’s fourth marriage and the TREES. SAYS STEWART Knight, o f Springfield, getting a fall return, regardless o f the amount ol third for the bride. with a body scissors and arm lock in uet income». Harry M. Newell. 71, and Sarah E. 27 minutes. That the present, cold snap is tin* “ The excess profits tax is nqtenled Ihilbert, 5H, both o f Eugene, were also best thing that could happen from the as o f Juuuury 1, 1922. The rules for granted license to wed, this being his fruit growers’ standpoint is the asser ROW RIVER 1021 are unchanged. third trial and her second at mat lion o f ( ’. E. Htewnrt, county fruit “ The surtax rates for the calendar rimony. inspector. Mr. »Stewart says the (Special to The Sentinel.) year 1021 ure unchanged, and range Other licenses were issued to the fo l­ present cold wentlier will “ harden the Dec. 21.— Miss Elsie M cCollum re sap” in the trees and vines so that from 1 per cent ou the amount of net lowing: William A flams 35, and Mamie income between $5,000 and $0,000 to Skoog, 32, both o f Eugene and both turned Sunday evening from a two they will stand the eolder weather •05 jw-r cent o f the amount o f net in married once before; Charles E. Wil weeks' visit with relatives and friends later in the winter. To have had a •come hi excoas o f $1,000,000. Fur the liams 53, ami Lola Heed, 46, both of in Roscburg. warm early winter would have kept calendar year 1922 the surtax rates Eugene, and each having been married Mrs. Faneho Stubblefield and little the sap up in the trees so that the daughter, o f Pilot R ock, Ore., visited first real hard freezing weather would range from 1 js*r cent oil the amount once. •of net iucome Indweeu $0,000 and Thursday o f last week with Mrs. Earl have done damage, declares the in­ $ 10,000 to 50 per cent on the amount Gnroutte. Royal Neighbors Elect. spector. by whieh the net income exceeds Mr. and Mrs. Oscar McCalister are Royal Neighbors o f America have $ 200 , 1 . 00 . lected the following officers: Eliza visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Phillips Brumfield Appeal Filed. “ Provisions is made for the repeal beth McFarland, oracle; Anna Elledge, at Wildwood this week. Roscburg, Ore., Dee. 17.— Tin* appeal as o f January 1, 1922, o f tin* tax on vice orach*; Mildred Baker, chancellor; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lnnaii and little in the Brumfield murder ease has been stockholders o f a personal serv ice cor Nellie Black more, recorder; Myrtle daughter, Leona, and “ Dutch” Liman completed ami District Attorney George po rat ion as such. After that date such M nnrlnnd, receiver; Anna Swanson, spent Tuesday in the Grove. •corporations ure to be taxed in the marshal; Eden Jones, inner sentinel; Mrs. C. l i Jennings and daughter N(*uiu*r is in possession o f a copy of the bill o f exceptions and transcript. same manner as other corporal ions. Esther Hohl, outer sentinel; Mary Faye, o f Dorena, visited Sunday with The bill contains 102 pages and the “ The income tax on corporation» lor Baker, malinger for thr«*e yearn; Min the B. F. McCollum family. the «alcndttr year 1022 and thereafter nie Miller, musician. Ernest Sloan and W. W. Jackson, of transcript 509 pages. A date will be is increased from 10 to 12‘/j per cent. Green Forest, Ark., are visiting with set soon for the filing o f the appeal. The defense takes exception to tin* The $2,000 exempt ion heretofore ill FREE METHODISTS W ILL Mr. Sloan’s parents, M.r and Mrs. (1. order o f Judge Bingham overruling the lowed corporations is to be granted HOLD R E VIVA L MEETING H. Sloan. •only to those corporations whose net Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Premazzi and motion for change of venue. It is also claimed that the court erred in orerrul- u a come is not over $25,000. A seri«'« of revival meetings will be Mr. and Mrs. Tunis VnnProoyen at ing the motion o f tin* defense to quash “ Many persons are under the im begun at the Free Methodist church tended the show in the Grove Hatur the indictment, alleging that the grand preasion that the tax»*s on ice cream on Tenth avenue on New' Year’s day lay night. jury was not properly empaneled. It is soft drinks, «*te., monthly returns ol and will continue for three weeks. Chloe Whiteley and Virgie and whi eh lire required, have been repealed Rev. Huskabee, a well known Cnl Gladys Carjienter, of Star, spent Wed also claimed that Joseph Hammersley, with the enaetment of the new a d . ¡forma orator, will have charge o f the nesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Joe deputy district attorney o f Multnomah county, appointed to assist in prosecut­ They remain in force until lieeember meetings. Premazzi. ing the case, had no right inside the 11, 1921. Fred Me Master, Johnny Thru» and grand jury room. »Several objections “ No change is made in the tax on Arthur Tanner motored to Eugene to testimony and technicalities are con­ tdiuissioiiH, except that after January WINTER FRUIT CROP IS Tuesday. 1, 1922, there will be no tax where ud Among Grove visitors from here Sat­ tained in the appeal. GIVEN SET BACK BY mission is JO cents or less. Effective urday were Mrs. Frank Pleunrd and COLD SNAP Jnn. 1, 1922, the taxes are abolished daughter Grace, B. F. McCollum and LOCAL MOTORCYCLISTS an musics I instrument», sporting goods, daughter Pearl, Mrs. Ellen Owen#, IN ENDURANCE RUN «•hewing gum, portable electric fans, Ralph Pleunrd and Nellie Pleunrd. It is fenred that the cold snap thermos bottles, fur articles, pleasure There will I m * ii Christmas tree, pro Harry Rentle and George Foster, o f the past few- days has seriously rniKH», toilet artieles, medicine» and gram and dance at the cook house to local motorcyclists, will participate in interfered with the winter small (Dimerous articles o f apparel. night under the auspices o f the B> an endurance run to be staged by the fruit crop. Strawberry plants have hernia I «umber company. Eugene Motorcycle club New Year’s been well loaded with berries. Our day. The run will be from Eugene to rant bushes have been budding and A newspaper without an editorial Read the editorials. You may not Medford find return, starting at 12 p. ago is like a »hip without a rudder- j small fruit generally has b«*en ex­ hibiting intentions o f producing a agree with them but they arc likely to m. New Y ear’s eve, the riders to leave nd you are not willing to take make you think, and that'a worth five minut«*» apart. It is thought likely imncr» on a »hip with a flimsy st«*er I crop. that others from here will also enter. w h ik. — *g gear. ### I INCOME TAXES FOR 1921 ARE REDUCED HAND TOO FAST FOR HUSKY CITY SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED HACKENSCHMIDT UNTIL JANUARY 2 J / NUMMER 14 KIDDIES ENJOY SNOW; OLDER FOLK SHIVER The kiddies are having a grand and glorious time this week. With the temperature hovering about the free/ iug point every night, and not rising near far enough in daytime to meet the approval o f Webfooters, and with almost enough snow on the ground for coasting, the youngster», most o f whom have only a bowing acquaintance with this variety o f weather, have been having the time o f their young lives while older folk, muffled in many clothes and shivering, pray for the warm drizzle and the balmy spring atmosphere that belong» to Oregon. Small fruits and vegetables, which had been continuing blithely upon their way to Cottage Grove tables, and flowers and plant» which had flour ¡shed throughout the fall and winter, have succumbed to the frost king, and, should the present temperature con­ tinue much longer, the strident, voice o f the ice skater and the thwack of the hockey stick will be heard in the land. There has been very little snow-. The temperature for the past week has been as follows; Min. Max. Friday....................... ................... 24 39 Saturday.......... ........ 36 2*i »Sunday..................... 37 32 M outlay__ __ _______ Z ..Z .1 Z .... 25 27 Tuesday...... ............. ................... 20 25 Wednesday.... ——__ ..... ..............19 Must Have the Best. J. S. Benson writes from his W olf Creek ranch that he thinks the price o f The Sentinel is too high but that he has learned that all good things come high. As he must have the best, he sends his check, with the wish that it may receive as warm a welcome as tin* live wire newspaper does each week. GRANGE DESERVES PART OF CREDIT FOR CANNERY In the report o f the open forum of the chamber of commerce, published December lti, there was ur inadvertent omission which made it appear that the chamber o f commerce was entirely responsible for tho establishment of the cannery. The speaker who referred to the establishment of the cannery was tho president o f tho commercial club at the time the final drive for subscriptions for the cannery was made and well remembers that the grange took a part equally as active as that o f the chamber, which fact was mentioned at tho open forum meeting. As a matter of fact, tho can­ nery was first proposed by the grange, which solicited the cooperation o f the commercial club. While the larger part of the funds was raised inside, the city, yet the committee which visited the producers put in tho greater amount of effort due to the fact that those to be seen were greatly scattered and to the fact that subscriptions came in smaller amounts. The Sentinel corrects the error so that all may get tho credit due them. Higher Gas Tax Is Proposed. County Judge C. 1*. Barnard is re sponsible for the introduction und passage o f a resolution at the annual convention of county judges and com­ missioners in Portland favoring the in­ crease ill the tax on gasoline from 2 to 5 cents u gallon, the proceeds to bo devoted to road uiaiuteneiiee and ap­ portioned as follows: Two cents to the state highway fund and 3 cents to the county of its origin. When presented by Judge Barnard the resolution provided (bat 3 cents should go to the state highway fund and 2 cents to the counties, blit the association reversed the proportions in favor o f tho counties. LYCEUM COURSE NUMBER CANCELLED The second number o f the high school lyeeuin course, N'- Pomoceno's Filipino qunrtet, will not be presented, as advertised, at the liigli school and itorium Monday evening, December 20, owing to the ban of the health otfiee on attendance at public gatherings of those under IS years o f ago. This company, or one substituted for it, will appear here at u later date, according to Principal Hargreaves, of the high school, who was ill eoniiimni -lition with tho Kllison White l.yccuni bureau Tuesday. A number o f other meetings and en tertninmeiits have also been jiostpoiied. Grange Elects Officers. Cottage (trove grange lias elected the following officers: M. M. Wheeler, master; 0. W. McFarland, overseer; W. K. Dorward, stewivrd; Mis. Julia Ashby, secretary; J. K Cooley, treas­ urer; A. J. Stevens, chiiplin; T. C. Shaw, gatekeeper; Mrs. M. M. Wheeler, lores; Mrs. J. Hardy Crow, Pomona; Mrs. C. W. Sears, Flora; Mrs. G. W. McFarland, Indy assistant steward. In stallation will ho held at the January meeting. A wnntnd will sell it. ** SNEEZINO IS VIOLENT FORM OF EXERCISE FOR HELLIWELL Sneezing is not ordinarily eon- sidored violent exercise or dan­ gerous amusement, although some­ times considered discourteous. How ever, A. W. Helliwcli, o f Helliwell, things and Markshury, has found it at least dangerous. l’ urtici|>ntiiig in that kind of exercise resulted for him in tearing loose some o f tho ligaments near the heart. The doctor ordered him to spend several days at home, and that right during the holiday rush. He was able to get back on the job Tuesday. NEW ELECTRIC RATES MAY NOT BE USED Local Light and Power Company May Voluntarily Inaugurate Lower Schedule. Tlio Sentinel hud intended this week to publish a comprehensive statement of the new electric light and power rates ordered by the public service compassion. Upon preparing such a statement, however, it found that, in some instances the rates were not only not lower than former rates but had been, iu some instances, actually raised, notably in the rates for power and for commercial cooking ou a metered basis. The situation was premmted to the officials of the electric company, who stated that they were dissatisfied with the situation and really wished for a reduction in rate». The Hentinei sug­ gested that if a reduction were the desire it was within the power o f the company itself to initiate such reduc­ tion, the rates set by the commission being maximum rates only. Manager ►Shinn seemed to be o f the opinion that such a reduction could not be initiated without giving notice of 30 days to the commission and immediately ar­ ranged with Mayor Knowles to make a trip with him to ttulem to have a session with the public service com mission, which trip was made Wednes­ day but too late for The »Sentinel to give a report o f the results. Libert Bede, editor of The »Sentinel, is in Salem and expects to be present at tho meeting. He already has in­ terviewed the members of the commis­ sion and finds that the rates shown in the commission’s order were such as were thought to be fair and equitable without particular regard as to whether or not they were a reduction. He also has learned that it is within the power o f the electric company to put into immediate effect any reductions in rate which it may desire, being only prohibited from going above the rates set by the commission. In view o f the fact that Manager Shinn has indicated that he wishes to put into effect rates whieh will be satisfactory to patrons o f his company and to the fact that it is possible for him to do so, The Sentinel anticipates that the schedule o f rates fixed by the commission never will become effe c­ tive. For this reason it would be wasted effort to publish a table com­ paring these rates with past rates. All the rates shown in the new schedule fixed by the commission in elude a charge o f 50 cents for service or overhead before a charge for service is made. This fact results in no re duction to the patron using on lf a small amount o f power. FAIR MAY BE FINANCED BY TAX ON GASOLINE Resolution to Levy Additional One Cent a Gallon lor Purpose Is Passed by House. Salem, Ore., Dec. 21.—The house of representative* of the special sessiou of th- Oregon legislature late tonight passed a resolution levying an addi tional tax of one coat a gallon on gas oliue to produce funds to support the proposed world exposition in Portland in 1925. The vote was 45 to 11 with one member absent, and was taken after a lengthy debate. The resolution now goes to the senate. The eity o f Portland has voted to levy a tax o f $2,000,000. An additional million will be raised by popular sub­ scription and the resolution passed to night is designed to raise $3,000,000 from tlio state at large. An easy pas sago through the senate is indicated. Tho resolution is a proposed consti­ tutional amendment which will lie re­ ferred to the people. The proposition of a direct tax to finance the fair ran up against a legal snag and had to be abandoned and tho gasoline lax measure is a compromise bill. The new bill is a copy o f tho first except that the funds to finance tho exposition are to come from the gasoline tax, botli having been pre seated by Representative Kubli. At the 0 o ’clock adjournment the house seemed about ready to vote ou this, with the assurance that it would pass by u good majority, and that a bill by Representative Fletcher to raise the gasoline tax from two to three cents would be given immediate considera­ tion and it, too, go through on greased ways. A losing fight was waged by the op­ ponents o f any state tax for the pro­ motion of an exposition and also by those who wished to make some vital amendments. While the gasoline tax is not exactly satisfactory, either to proponents or oppoueuts, yet it seems tho only f i ­ nancing measure possible to get liy tho session aud tho most likely to get by tho people, t<> whom it will bo re­ ferred. Miss Marjorie and Miss Muriel Shay are expected home tomorrow for tho holidays. Miss Marjorie has been vis iting at Kelkig, Idaho, for the past three months, aud Miss Muriel is teach­ ing iu tho public schools at Nyssa, iu eastern Oregon. Little girls sure would be delighted to havo the nifty now play house at tho Silver Star Exchange. Also, play table and chairs. d2.!e. Miss Martha iluey Johnson is homo from tho U. o f O. for tho holidays. Miss Alice Garetson is also a guest at the Johnson heme. The Sentinel wants all the news all the time. I f you know an item, phone it in. Our number is 15P-J.