N<*w Ownership Mi.-» Charlotte Iti.ufi* Id, of l’uri loud, tor for Hnrly tea (it at ihe IT. of O. limi iloy ol which Mr*. l,o»»wcll wo » Spenal, until Nov. 9, 3 doz. Dr. one of Ih>' hoHle**)*». We are rniiklng room for our bin W a ll'« PilU for 30c. The White n4c I fh ri «timi» »lock. Our Itcd Tag Hole Pharmacy. O F T H E 0 R 0 C E R Y B U S IN E S S will Icll you. M. II. Anduraon, H. W. Tito», K W. j Mr«, W. T. Moore, of Kuxcnii, wo* Miller, II W. lobby and Elbert B* de ! here Krultiy to otlead the (nifty nt nttcmh'd a Heottisb Kite reunion bnn- which lor *i»tcr, Mr*. A M. Moore, ipiet iii Eugene Tuesday availing. A wo* one of the houle»»«*». Hhc remiti nod short talk was made by Mr. Miller. lo »(H'lid Ihe week «‘lid with her »¡»1er. Worth ilnrvey was m Eugene Fri­ Y O U A R E E N T IT L E D TO T H E M A N D Mi». Tho». Heur» nod »on Koy nod day ou business. Mr». A. H I ’owell motored to Eugene I have purchased I hr West Side ( i n .... ry I'nim S. .1 Leonard. Price it right nml I ’ll move it . I f Y O U GET THEM H ER E Mom lay. you wish to buy right, s«.e mi-. City I expect l i t l l l lV l ' iIIIr t ' i ' Hl ¡tig l i l i l i i i l l l i r i i i i c t i l M lo l l l l l k i ' In t i l l ' Ni'vu'Kf »i Ivcrwurc |>attcrn* uf Mad nod country property. J. M. Ourhnin. Store Cloaed AH D ay N ext Friday, Nov. 11— Armixtice Day '», itppr«»|»rnaf«• gift* fur ( ’hri*linn*. Is.ln Godard, daughter of Mr. and 1111 1 1 1 1 < ■ hum time In linn-, In 1 1 fur tlir present I ri'i|iii‘Nt I In* Hbnp nu w. «2f 'H Mrs. H. I,. Godard, is suffering with a 11111 >i i it unity nl ini'll nit.' you in my |>l>ii‘<* nf business. (-our Mr. Anil Mm. Win. Wnllnrc motore*! fnietnred nrin, sustained in play at ufi frutn (-riHWidl Tui*«day and »f»*nt sehool Thursday of Inst week. («‘ iiiim mill efficient Iri'iittni'iil Mill lir accorded all at any ami t 1 m * duy »ho|>|iiug und vi*itiug nt tin* Galloway write» insurance. tf lioinc of Mr. W allace#* brother John. all times. Mrs. il. A. Miller has recovered Frank und Kobcrt Jonc* motored to from her recent illness. Hcotfnburg Htmdny. A. M. Moore was confined to the H»*»* N c J moii for u*cd car*. n4c house Monday by a slight indisposi­ Mrs. Job Elected to Office. A dainty bit of jewelry for a Chris .1. M. Ihirhum ha* Hold the Khclby tion. Frauk B. Wetberboe, o f Eugene, was mas present. Get it at Madsen ’■ Tener* proiicrty ou wiiilh Third Htr the M i s . Htuuley Truunell was a Eugene I foiinni; in fini* n I iii | m * #175; ■ity tren-nry during the past week for I oi«l foiiriiiK $M mi urol #225; I « * rii t»ujg visitor Tuesday. “ Clock, Clock!” A ll Pep. traffic violations. Ouu paid a dollar #1*5; Foni (h livory, | hi uni Iwiily, $-10. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. bpray returned The fastest dancing show ever pre­ for driving with open muffler and the Mr utul M in . K, A. (ih'fiMon re tu ruoti other tin »nine amount for |mrking b«' Wednesday from u visit in WendLmg. sented on the American stage is this Montiliy frolli n vi»i! w«lli tli«*ir »mi Buy of bpray uud yon don’t pay “ Cluck, Cluck I ” which is the 1921 ex­ yoml the limit. have your pmturo taken this travaganza of the Marcus brand. There lii'i ni kiilniuit, V\ ii m li. lad your m it tire Lxs a lamcnster for some oihi-r fellows bad debt. Also year, y««urself “ just ns you oZtttfc are six acts o f premiere dancers and Itny Krrr n i ur ioti Montili y from ■tOx-T(4, tK idfi; (»000 miles guarantee«] you dou 'l pay tor delivery. then of rourse the Murcus Peaches can Olili* k, W iim I i . ar«*,” speakiii|f from tit«* por- W. A. Uuroutte has bought a Htude and we do Ihe adjusting. Nehton’a ail shake a mean hoof—or pair rather. baker special six from bpray, Long A Hervire Mtation, oHHi: O i r truck* cover thè «»urti». Figure trail. What heiter trill T What » Speed is one o f “ Cluck, Cluck’s ! ” with uh ou long ilintuiir«* lumi*. ('ity «»leu \ irk suataiiied a fractured 11 OS«' Crusou, trading in his used btudebaker uiuiuest attributes. She sbo ’ do move. heller tiin«*T Your photograph ou the deaL Tmimfer. t f« in fiHil ball praetic«* yesterday. The speedy entertainment will exhibit will solve the prohlciil “ what Christian Church, the “ hom elike” its celerity at the Eugene theatre Fri­ M in . Kutlieriu«' Kroll nini diiu|{liter The Arcade theatre is having ita shall I (five this ChristmasT” KulIterine inni Mr* ( ’«Iburini* linder front dr-'.ed up with new plaster aod church- Bible school at 9:45; classes day matinee and night, November 11. for all ages. Commiiniou and sermon viHited hi Fuseli«« Kitlurdny. paint. at 11, topic, “ The Christina Heri­ Aliati*! 1 ji I»*('I i in inovin^ hi* filimi) W atch the W hite Pharmacy for ta g e ;“ junior Christina endeavor at luto ii hoii*e ou I he N. W. While bargains. n4c at 3; senior Christian endeavor at |du«e, A 10 |H111 h of sented claims, should also see the land and are visiting Mr. Alleman’s lu-al Evidence o f Halvatiou.” Murk Oiiroutli« wm in l'orlhind llu* squad. Ix>cal ex service men should not pun nt», Mr. nml Mrs. John Allemaa. eyestrain ant noticed maki* vvn'k un titilli no**. # J. V. Stewart has bought a new fail to take advantage o f this oppor­ J. I. Jones and family went to Eu Dodge touring ear from N. J. Nelson. Hill*' Ilf till' W H Y (¡lllHMI'N ('. hi. Jone* lui* tieeu m ilo* city frolli tunity to get action upon their claims, gen«' yesterday and visited at the home ItMtM'liur^ Ihi* wpt k ou bt!*ifM *JUi. usi-*I m I ii 'I i these defects first Special, until Nov. 9, 3 doz. Dr. both old and new. of Mrs. Jones’ brother, <»«*org<* Hob (iood deiili *tock Nlilt ut Hprny *», a|i|i*iir nlli'ii maki' glasses GEO. A. PBOCTOB, JK., W a ll a Pilla for 30c. The W hite erts. 50 II», »iti k 50c, 100 II*, »itrk 0*c. «»2Mtfe n4c Commander Unnecessary hi later years. Phannacy. n4c Watches, jewelry, hand painted Mr». Hiiruh Kcrr nini ihm(*hter, Mr*. ■ hiua and many novelties nt Madsen’s W. L. Hubbell visited numerous 414 Main Street lini Fitcher, reIilrned Nnturdny fumi ItF.TTKK V IS IO N Jowi'lry. l>o your Christmas shopping western Oregon [xiints during the past Washington, h he re Ihey vi»iled reta 5% off on ail purchases of H OW . ozac week looking over sites for the pro­ ItKTTKIi HKKVIt 'K I I v e*. $1.00 or more. Mrs. Is-ster Brant returned Wednes­ posed locations for stations for the Sei» N e| noii for lire*. »ite day from liornbnxik, «.'alif., where she Htiindurd Oil company. New autl us«'ay j| Hi ill selling fe«*d at ton prices by mistico Day. ii 4<* The ('ari King furnily i» moving iato the single suck. Hpniy’s. oZStfc Fugene K«-gi*tcr: The ra»i' filed a thè city for Ibi* winter. B. U. Crow«*, o f Hnlcm, has been iu f«*w day* ago by Fauni«* Hice ugnili»! uoranc the jiast few days attending to Special, until Nov. 9, 3 doz. Dr. ('hurle* Harlow for lodging wii* u«l biisiiu-ss. Mrs. Crowe is visiting here. jii»!et| oui of court. .Mr. Ilarlow wu* W a ll s Pilla for 30c. The W hite railed away on bu*iiic»» atol win tin Mrs. Belle Hehimller, o f Koseburg, Q U E E N O L IV E S Pharmacy. n4c who had been visiting her daughter, avoidably «bfaiaed and (hi* fact wa* S T U F F E D O L IV E S Duuran Wright nini fumily, o f New Mrs. W. L Hutch, returned home Tues­ not known to «Mr*. Kiri* at the tun«*. Those who do their Christmas shopping early avoid the rush, I. oh cinti, In., vin11*•• I limi w***'k ut thè day evening. R IP E O L IV E S save wear and tear on their nerves, save money and find just Il««l Tag Hale, 15 day», a! The Fair. home of Mri*. Wright 'i* r<>u»i n, Mm. C. Watches, jewelry, hand p a in 'd the things they want from stocks that have not been reduced W e carry many dainty specials Fug«*in* |{egi*(er: l«c»ln* Farmer ha* 1 V. .lordali. china and many novelties at Madseu a and pawed over. I f you want to give the most pleasure to Uni, Sonili Wliiltiey, of Dollim, ¡ 1 « for th«* table besides our more left for a viali at FI Fa*o, Tex. I!«* Jewelry. Do your Christmas shipping ftuffered I he lo** o f a h*g lu*l March vimini^ ut thè hiuiie o f her roilHin, those to whom you are going to give gifts, come to our store than complete line of ineats. now. o28e alien a* a Hunt hern Fari fie fireman hn John Nuki'i*. Mr». Whilney lum bonghi early and look over our stock. W e are in touch this year W. S. Shearer has just completed the M l bruenti» the wheel* of a train tn ¡■»■»crai lui» un minili S inh »troni unii F R E S II F IS H T H U R S D A Y S installation uf the lath machine for with the biggest jew elry houses in the country, which makes ex|M*c1» tu l.iniil mmiii . Fort land. the Western Lumber * Export com it possible for us to offer you the finest and most up to date Olir truck» cover tho enrth. Figure Ho your Chrintmri* *ho|»|»ing early nt |mny. line of Mu«l»en*n Jewelry. o28c with un 011 Ioni; di»!»noe houli«. City Fairday electric washer, the best tfc M inn Marititi White and Mi»» Furile Trmmfer. eh-etrie washer on the market for the l ’ltone 15 Free Delivery Mr». W. J. Cappi«»», nfler vi»iting Hrnnntetter vnotoml up from Fugete* money. W. I„ Darby A Co. o28c Friday. Mi*» Whit«* *|M*nt the w»*«*k I her »¡»ter, Ixittic Kirkemloll, ot Hug Mrs. Georg«* Boyd and little daugh end with lu*r purent*, Mr. timi Mr*. - iiiow , rptnrneil Sotiinloy lo her hume ter, Mi»» Kuetta B««yd and Irl Groves W. *f White, mid Mi«» Mmn»tettrr ¡in Yiioi'ollo. Mrs. J. A. Wright was in Eugene returned Wednesday from Salem, where Tuesday. they hud been visiting at the home of Mrs. C. M. l*ark«'r w«*«t to Goshen Mrs. Boyd's mother, Mrs. Myrtle Mills. Tuesday to visit her ii iwe, Mrs. U. C. Special, short time only: Six volt Honey, who had just returned from a battery re insula ted $6.Sl), 12 volt A complete line in each pattern— H A W T H O R N E , F A J R O A K S, hospital. battery reiusulated »9.70. Have your W IN D S O R , W H I T T I E R and the beautiful new L O N G ­ li«i piece set o f silverware in leather work «loin' uow and save money. set Isix only «S.J5 nt The Knir. F E L L O W patterna, shown for the first time in the west. Overland Garage. o28c Christine Turk, of Han Francisco, is Mrs. John Ashby and mother, Mrs. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Emma Miller, went to Monmouth Wed Turk. In the Community silverware we have a full line of the nesdny to visit Mrs. Ashby’s daugh Homer Chnmbi'rlain has rcnlctl the lers, Mrs. tx'slie Godard and Miss Adams pattern. When iu neeil of groeerms Mrs. Albert Stocks much east «if the Pearl Ashby, who are attending the city. just use the phone call 153. state tiormal sehool. Wauled G« hk I old 30x3 and 30x3(4 In the Rogers 1847 silverware we have the new Governor W e carry only the best casings. Collage Grove Vulcanizing pattern, and in the new W M . R O G E R S the L a France pattern. Works. jl29(f i-3-- untile of eatahles at thè Come in now and select your Christmas presents. W e will Mrs. Bar barn Hohl, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Hess, «if lay them away for you. W e can please not only you, but most reasonable prices. Koseburg, went to Fort land Tuesday to those whom you wish to please. F«***d ‘ ‘ Sterlin g” Dairy Feed, visit nt the home «if another daughter, Mrs. M. A. Ilnrland, whose husband is “ Sterlin g” Hog Feed and seriously ill. “ Sterlin g” Scratch Feed. Guaranteed spark plugs for 4th* at Celery ami lettuce per hunch 10c Cheapest and best feeds on the Nelson's, while Ihey last. o2Nf Cranberries, par lb 25c market. These feeds are man- Kd. Tullar, Finley Whipps and Apples, .Innathails, per Imx ......................................... 75c it fact ured in Cottage Urove George Miller were in Kugenc Tuesday Sausage, fresh, country style, per III. ............................... 25c and in buying these brands ou county business. Dates, new crop, per II» 25c you save all middle men’s A stui was born Monday, October 31, Milk, Carnation, case $5.90 to Mr. ami Mrs. Jtdm Hawkiason. profits. W e also carry a full C a u liflo w e r, per ll> 6c Christian Science church, corner of line of poultry supplies, feeds Jefferson avenue and Second stm*t— Honey, comi», new crop 36c for horses, L illy ’s calf meal, Sunday services nt 11 a. m. Wednes A lfalfa meal, fine quality al­ The prizes we are divini? away nr«* on display at Knowles «lay servicea at 7 p. m. tf falfa hay, grain hay, baled & d ia lle r ’s. J. H. Chambers was in Salem and straw, et«!., etc. “ Sterlin g” Fort In ml this week on nsinesa. b This «tore will be closed all day Armistice Day, November 11 White Lnundry Soap, six full James Ostrander, o f Eugene, visited sized bars for 2f»c. When in relatives nad old frieiuls here during the week. town, call on us, we have a Waverly oil at Nelson’s Service S a nice Harm fire these cold days. Mou and West Side Garage. n-le Sterling Feed Company, for T h e « t o r o T h a t A p p r o n t a t e » Y o u r Trade William Poole, Walter Cochran and sterling values, 826 west Main. Wm. Edward» left Wednesday by mo West Side Grocery The 4 Fundamental Rules Quality— Cleanliness— Price— Service O strander C&* M cQ u een E. E. E A D S Of Course You Will M on roe’s Studio World War Vets! Growing Boys and Girls SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY AT B ILLY ’S CHEAP CASH STORE D . J. Scholl Tales of the Town ^ —just like its name Cottage G ro v e E l e c t r i c Bakery J O L I V E S CHRISTM AS IS O N LY TWO MONTHS AW AY PEOPLE’S MARKET Jewelry, Watches, Clocks, {Silverware, Cut Class, Ivory Novelties, Manicure Sets, Leather Goods, Ladies’ Hand Bags and Hand Painted China. THE ROCKFORD SILVERWARE Groceries COMMUNITY SILVERWARE ROGERS 1847 SILVERWARE Sterling Feeds Saturday Prices Sm ith -Sh ort Grocery v M ADSEN’S JE W E L R Y CORN! CORN! CORN! Just received, one car of No. 2 Eastern corn. Get our prices. Jones & Eaton